Acapulco Sunsets: Night Thoughts on Self Change

in #photography6 years ago

One of the hardest pills to swallow metaphorically speaking for anarchists is the fact that the process of deprograming ourselves never stops. Unlike what many people would have you believe (referring to high powered psychadelics here) there's no magic potion that'll flip a switch in your head and turn off things like anxiety, depression or any other mental illness.

This is something that has become clear to me in the psychadelic experiences I've had recently. I keep getting a resounding and strong "don't treat this as the solution, because it's not". I personally like to use those things as a catalyst to blast me into a different mindstate. Something to break whatever undesirable cycle I have myself stuck in.

It's scary facing inner demons. It's even worse facing them repeatedly. Every day even still I am reminded that I still hold tendancies of the people I've left behind (for good reason) and while it's frustrating I'm finally starting to see it's worth the effort.

When you've got little to no self confidence it can seem like an impossible task. Its easy to convince yourself you are broken or that something is wrong with you. Every time I convince myself of this I make progress in some way I didn't think was possible and prove myself wrong.

Between schooling, the American diet and the general shit state of the world we've all got an uphill battle ahead of us.

I think it's worth the fight though, I really do.

Did you enjoy this post? Check out the links below for more like this one!

Acapulco Sunsets: Not Safe, But Free for Those Who Want to Be Free
Acapulco Sunsets: Early Starts Make For Good Nights
Acapulco Sunsets: End of a Busy Day

In case you missed them, some of my recent posts:

Craft Adventures: My First Dread Hat
Adventures Around Acapulco: Random View Point Shots from a Mountain Walk

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Great photos. Liked the pensive nature of the post.

I can relate. For me, my demons are in the shithouse lately. They teach me important things, no doubt, but they only have power when they(my subconscious) knows something new and important that I don't.

In other words, when depression or anxiety attacks me, I call it a liar and revert back to positive. Depression is your mind lying to you. It calls you names and tears down your self-esteem because, in essence, depression is anger turned against the self.

All that nasty stuff isn't actually true, it's just anger. It seems unbreakable in its logic, but it's just shit-flinging. Why it is there in the first place, I have no idea. Still, I call it a liar. That's my most effective method of shutting depression down. Call your brain a liar when you're depressed and stop listening.

If you haven't tried Holy Basil and St. John's Wort, I would highly recommend it. Basil for anxiety, Wort for the demons.

I find part of why we get angry is there's often a kernel of truth in what is being flinged at us. I think the point is to work on the inner dialogue so that destructive behavior becomes more constructive. Look for kernels of truth and change the way you talk to yourself I think. A lot of times those things are true only because of mindset but mindset can poison us, especially if we are ignorant of possible important things.

Easier said than done though lol.

I think we're arriving at the same place with different tailored methods. That mutual place being to not focus on the heavy negative emotions but to learn from it, to grow with it.

Meditation a healthy diet and my wife abd family, more than anything, keeps my head above water

Beautiful integration of free thought and gorgeous photos...

Finding and maintaining our own sense of worth are constant struggles. Writing about it helps not only yourself, but those around you who most assuredly face the same thoughts. Thank you!

Hey thanks for the comment. We all have our own issues I'm finding lol.

Really good post

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