Original Photography. You See ~ I See. Color Challenge. Tuesday Orange. Morning Dew on the Banksias at the Roseville Lake.

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Old Man Banksia:
A storehouse of ancient wisdom.
The energy of the flower assists people:
Who may feel disheartened or think that life has been:
One setback after another. It renews enthusiasm for life and living

'What you see vs What I see'

'What you see vs What I see' is a new concept in sharing an image and was recently initiated by @marillaanne

Marilla also welcomes other Steemians to share their own 'What you see vs What I see' images and events/feelings/associations surrounding your story. To participate:

  • Write a 'What you see vs What I see' post.
  • Include the tag #useeisee as one of your 5 tags.
  • Post a comment on her latest #useeisee post with a link to your own post.

You See.

  • Long cylindrical orange spiky flowers.

  • If you already know that I live in Sydney, Australia, you may have guessed that these flowers are just one of our many unique Australian Wildflowers.


Overcome space, and all we have left is Here. ~Richard Bach.
Photograph: ©Alison Lee Cousland.
SONY Mark2 A7: ISO 80: 35 mm: f/3.2: 1/125 sec.


Overcome time, and all we have left is Now. ~Richard Bach.
Photograph: ©Alison Lee Cousland.
SONY Mark2 A7: ISO 200: 35 mm: f/5.6: 1/50 sec.

I See.

  • Waking early, to be greeted by fine mists of our first winter fog. The Roseville Lake beckoned. After a week of solid rain, it was a day for gumboots.

  • 'Thinking' I could visit my favourite Old Man Banksia tree but as soon as I entered the deserted 'manor estate' ~ Through a hole in the barbed wire fence, my heart was telling me, in no uncertain terms: 'Go to the lake Ally.'

  • Photographing the native ducks on the lake, beautifully shrouded in mist: My first photographs of 'tree-lines' disappearing into a haze.

  • In 'Photographer's Heaven' as fog and mist are relatively rare in Sydney.

  • Capturing the crystal like wild grasses: Covered in dew drops. Until the sun burst through the dazzling white sky ~ And within 15 minutes it was as if the fog had never been there. A vanished dream.


  • Then I saw: The Golden Banksias: SPARKLING in the sunlight. A dew drop on the end of every stamen. Flaming red-orange and deep russet brown candles with dark blue-green needle-like foliage with sap green new growth tips.

  • The sky becoming bluer and bluer.

  • A bee: Burrowing deep into the centre of a Banksia. More and more bees.

  • Birds: Rainbow lorikeets drinking nectar from the Banksia. 'Shrilling' together. Flying away to the next tree. And the next.

And now. What do you see when you look at these two images?

  • Can you see the dew drops on the tips of the Banksia stamens?

  • Just looking at the Banksias in these images: Can you tap into the 'ancient wisdom' of this land? Can you feel revitalized? Ready to begin again, knowing that life is filled with opportunity?

'You See ~ I See. Three Seagulls.' was my first 'What you see vs What I see' post and I found it to be such an 'expansive' way of describing a single image.

'You See ~ I See. Green Sphere on the Wing of a Dragonfly.' was my second 'What you see vs What I see' post.

I invite you now to have a look at the other posts at #useeisee and if you resonate with the concept, maybe you'll consider sharing one of your own images there too.


Nice photo! I love banksias. Good to see someone else from Sydney on here :)

Thanks so much Chris. Lovely to meet another Sydneysider as well as a fellow Banksia lover. My favourite Banksia is the 'Old Man Banksia' with the old grey flowers revealing their core and their bare pods. More in line for #MonochromeMonday though.

You are most welcome to share your own 'You See ~ I See' post, if the concept appeals to you. 🙏 😊 🙏

Yes, there were a lot of Old Man banksia's at Bendalong Caravan Park, a place I spent a lot of time as a child. I love how perfectly cylindrical they are.

The ruggedness of some of the south coast is a visual and energetic treat ~ Great for kids of all ages.

I didn't begin to really take notice of the Old Man Banksia until a few years ago. Used to work in the bush around the Terrey Hills area. In the pre-tic days, at lunch time, a friend and I could lay back on a huge rock, under one of the most beautiful Old Man Banksias and totally re-energize. Can't do it anymore unfortunately. ***

Once you become aware of the presence of OMB, they seem to be all around you, where ever you go in the bush.

Yes, love the cylindrical shape of the Banksia Candles ~ Great name 'Candles.' 😊

***Just today, here on Steemit, I read of another tic preventative remedy made from cloves. 😊

A pity you can't do it any more. Hopefully you will be able to sometime in the future!

Ooh I so love the what YOU see story...this gives such an enlightment to the scene, a life that was already in the picture but hidden like a treasure that you reveal us with your sweet words...! Magnificence !merci.png

Thanks SO much for sharing the 'hidden treasures' of the Banksia Barbara. @barbara-orenya 🙏🐝🙏

Thanks so much Barbara. I resonated with Marilla's concept of 'What you see vs What I see' as soon as I saw her first post: ColorChallenge Wednesday Yellow. What you see vs What I see

I had a feeling that many Steemians wouldn't be familiar with Australian Banksias, so they were a good subject to start with.

As I was writing about the Banksia, all the impressions, that were being absorbed into my 'spirit' that morning ~ Both before and after taking the photograph ~ Just flowed.

Marilla is really happy for other Steemians to share their own 'What you see vs What I see' post/s ~ And I would absolutely LOVE to see your wonky stories as part of this new 'adventure' ~ Revealing some of the hidden moments you have with them. 🙏🎊🙏

Oh speaking about hidden moment, I suppose this moment is, yet differently, one I have explained in this post..lol...But now that you are telling me, I will now keep in mind the WyS/WiS and see if I can make it our wonky way... ;-)

catgirl.pngMuch joy through your day my Beautiful friend !

Oh PLEASE do Barbara. Would love to hear about some #youseeisee Wonky 'not to be forgotten' moments. 🙏 🐋 🙏

Ally, thank you so much for continuing to invite people to #useeisee you do a beautiful job of describing the idea.

And i so appreciated the little whale visit you caused.

My husband had been on a bit of vacation and I don't run my pc during thunderstorms which have been quite annoying the last few days. So. Yeah. I'm barely throwing up anything apart from comments. Those are easy on my phone. Mostly.

Which reminds me, I set up the browser on my phone to log into Steemit. It started sending me notifications you mentioned my in a comment but I couldn't find you in my replies. It turns out that the Steemit interface doesn't clue me in when you are writing in your comments but my cell phone browser does. I'm glad for that!

Have fun !

Pleasure Marilla. I think about different people here and how their work could be shared as a 'You See ~ I See' post. The possibilities are endless. 🙏 🐋 🙏

Great shots indeed. Thanks for sharing

These flowers are so unusual. I am sure it's the first time I look at them.
You guys have such a rich wildlife there and flora.
Uped, resteemed and you got a new follower as well!

Bruno, Ally is the most delightful being I have met here, I would have recommend you to follow her and her fantastic artwork ! (I see you already did ;-) )

Good people and good content stand out on their own I guess :))
I saw this post yesterday, but somehow it slipped away.
Too much new "info" bombarding me on these past couple of days (the time I've been here).
I'm still trying to understand this new (to me) platform. I'll eventually find my way :))

you will Bruno...undoubtedly ! ^_^

Wow! They're just beautiful!

Nice photos! love it :) upvoted and followed! You might like my travel blog have a look :) #Introduceyourhometown

Wow, never seen these flowers before - thanks for sharing. They are beautiful.

Pleasure to share the rugged beauty of the Banksia @clintjunior

I love how synchronicity plays out in our lives. Just watched 'There's nothing here for me' ~ That feeling of disenchantment with a situation, being disheartened, feeling 'stuck' ~ Can be remedied with the energy of Banksia.

Flower essences are made from different flowers, from all over the world. You can make them yourself or many are available commercially eg Australian Bush Flower remedies: http://ausflowers.com.au

The ultimate way to receive the energy of the Banksia is to be in it's vicinity. Another way is to take drops of the essence. The final way is to just look at an image of Banksia.

If this resonates with you at all, print out this image and whenever you look at it let it remind you that: 'Life is providing me with everything I need to be strong and flexible ~ As well as the opportunities to follow my passion and shine. 💖

Great photos. I have never seen these before, they look like bottle brushes. Quite beautiful to look at.
Great post too.

Thanks so much @katdvine. Really pleased you like the post. Feel free to write your own 'You See ~ I See' post if it appeals to you. 🐝

Banksia flowers are similar in some ways to the Bottlebrush and even here in Oz, people can confuse them. Banksias vary in height and are often quite large ~ These ones were about 25-30 cms tall. Much larger than the Bottlebrush. 🐝

They are also more 'solid' than the Bottlebrush ~ Lovely to enfold them in your hand and gently press. They're quite resilient and their texture feels wonderful. Bottlebrushes are a lot softer. 🐝

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