You See ~ I See. Original Photography. Three Seagulls.

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Autumn afternoon.
Waxing Moon rising. Appearing.
Disappearing behind the fast moving clouds.

We often have such different ways of seeing the same person, or situation, or an image.

I have a love of looking into an image and 'seeing' with both heart and mind, what's there ~ For me. Often we see things quite differently to how they may have first been seen or intended to be seen by the creator of the image.

Today when I looked at an image by Marilla @marillaanne, I was really enthralled by her concept of 'What you see vs What I see' and she welcomes other Steemians to join her by:

  1. Writing a 'What you see vs What I see' post.
  2. Using the tag #useeisee
  3. Posting a comment on her latest #useeisee with a link to yours.

This is my first 'What you see vs What I see' post. I hope you like it and maybe consider writing one yourself.


His one sorrow was not solitude.
It was that other gulls refused to believe the glory of flight that awaited them.
They refused to open their eyes and see.
~Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull.

Photograph: ©Alison Lee Cousland.

You see.

  • Three seagulls.

I see.

  • Sunday morning. Beautiful autumn day with quite a chill in the air. Shopping at our local Organic Framers' Market. Just a tad later than usual. THE best one-stop place to shop.

  • Driving to Dee Why beach with a friend: Talking and laughing non-stop all the way. Wonderful to catch up.

  • But which direction to go? To the left and the reefs at Long Reef, which are far away in the distance? Or to the right and the swimming pool and rock-pools on the reef there?

    • Scorpio: It looks like the tide's coming in, so maybe we should go to the pool first?
    • Libra: OK. But actually, I'd love to go to Long Reef.
    • Scorpio: OK. We'll go to Long Reef.
  • Strong surf. Surfers in wetsuits. Woman with fishing gear accompanying her partner. Two boys running behind their father, jostling, falling over, laughing. Sail boats in the distance. Golden sand textured with millions of foot prints. Tiny shells and smooth flat stones. Bright blue sky with low drifting clouds. Waxing moon: Disappearing behind the clouds. Still talking.

  • Sitting down. Watching life go by. Still talking.

  • Walking towards the reef again. Watching seagulls gathering on the edges of the lagoon. Out with the cameras.

  • How extraordinary. Seagulls not competing for food and just peacefully swimming in the shallows of the lagoon.

  • Silvery light on the water. Sine waves in the ripples.

  • Two seagulls directly in front of me. A third seagull gliding towards them. Waiting Breathing. Waiting.

  • Three seagulls directly in front of me. NOW.

What do you see?

When you look at the image now you may see something more than just 'Three seagulls.'

If you see anything, even just slightly different to 'Three seagulls' ~ I'll be delighted to see, if I can see, your way of seeing too.


Ally! You've gone and made me get all emotional :-)

First I was awwe Such an awesome introduction to useeisee ... Thank you very much!

BUT then, when I was reading through your list of what you see in your photograph, it took my breath away.

First, because I found myself "right there with you" remembering my own similar moments and delighting in yours.

Second, because what if I had kept my "simple delight" to myself? What if I had not encouraged you to do the same? We would have missed this journey!

I have loved combining stories and poems with my photos for forever. I see you do the same! This listing technique came because I was in a hurry one day.

On a personal basis, as the writer, I found listing the glimpses to be just as impactful as writing out paragraphs. And you have proven to me that it is just as enjoyable to the reader!

Oh wait! Now I see in your photograph a friend of mine that has become obsessed with water ripples. Seriously. Obsessed. Like so obsessed that I immediately sent her a link to your post before I ever started writing.

And ... a visit to Long Island Sound with my husband and being astounded by sea gulls that were content to just bob about on the water. It never occurred to me that they might actually just sit peacefully in the water !!

And Farmer's Markets! This is my favorite time of year! Ok fine. It's my favorite time of year for fresh food and visiting with the community at the markets. (yes. every part of the year is potentially "my favorite.") There is something about being there with a friend that ups the fun factor 1000%.

Thank you for this wonderful wonderful gift!

Such a wonderful compliment Marilla ~ That my 'I see' could draw you into the picture of my world on that particular day. And then rekindle some very special moments in your own life as well. 💗 ✨ 💗

The more I think about it, the more excited I become about the potential of 'What you see vs What I see' posts on Steemit may have, with SO much to offer other photographers and writers, who would appreciate all the nuances of the events happening at the time they captured just that 'one split second in time.' ✨ 🐋 ✨

Destiny would not have allowed your 'simple delight' to be kept to yourself for very long.🌀 ✨ 🌀

Your mention of your own Farmer's Market has given me an idea for another 'What you see vs What I see' post now as well. ✨ 🍎 ✨

So delighted to be on this journey with you now Marilla. So very grateful that you didn't stand in the way of destiny. 🌻 ✨ 🌻

Oh @thereikiforest 💗

I just noticed that you resteemed this post. Thank YOU so very much. 🙏

Your forest images and the magic and healing you instil into them ~ Encourage people to see more than what is there on the surface. So I really hope you may also feel the impulse to write your own 'What you see vs What I see' article/s too. 💗🙏💗

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