Grand Prize Winner Announcement for the Community Engagement ChallengesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #personal7 years ago (edited)

After a full day of being in a Netflix coma to recover from the first Community Engagement Challenge, it's time to announce the Grand Prize winner! This lucky challenger was in a pool of 25 people who had an equal opportunity to win one week of 5,000 delegated Steem Power.

But first, some thoughts...


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About two weeks ago I was scrolling through the NEW tab looking for new-to-me people and decent content. The more I scrolled the more frustrated I became! The copious amount of crap posts and spam was enough to make me want to karate chop someone in the throat.

Back in the 90s I was very active with iVillage, first as a member, then a volunteer Community Leader, which eventually led to a paid Community Moderator position. Note the word community. Here we are in 2017 with an awesome site and untold potential. What the hell is going on in my beloved Steemit? Is the good and decent content being overrun? Where are the people who want to chat?

Where is my tribe?

screenshot I took

"Enough is enough!" I thought to myself.

It should never take HOURS to find decent content. Have our veteran creators given up? Does this new batch of creators know how to build and grow a tribe?

But I don't just bemoan the problems. I want to help fix it. That's when I said...

"I'm going to put my money where my mouth is and show everyone that the 3 C's work!"


Created in photoshop using this photo

Thus began the first Community Engagement Challenge.

Pshaw! I thought.

I've hosted challenges and contests before.

Maybe I'll count myself lucky if five people sign up. That would be amazing. Besides, managing 5 people is nothing! I can coach, interact, have some fun... Easy Peasy.

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And then 42 people signed up!

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I was going to reflect on what I've learned throughout the challenge but @denmarkguy nailed it with his post. I really encourage you all to read it.

Pause for Reflection: What I Learned from Doing the Steemit Community Engagement Challenge


360 SBD Prize Distribution

Below are screenshots of the prize payouts. Thanks to donations, the original prize pool of 150 SBD grew to 360 SBD which was equally distributed to all challenge winners.


Additionally, I awarded our close-call challengers 5 SBD as a consolation prize. They wrote 7 qualifying posts and simply ran out of time before they completed 500 substantive comments. None of them gave up or disappeared. They remained engaged and committed throughout the challenge and I make no apologies for recognizing their accomplishments.


Winner announcement for delegated SP

The Grand Prize for the Community Engagement Challenge was 5,000 SP delegated to one lucky challenger whose name would be randomly selected from the pool of all winning participants. I recorded it for proof that I didn't just pick a favorite or omit anyone. Watch the video for the announcement or scroll down for the reveal.











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Congratulations @creatr!

Between July 23 through 30 you will be delegated 5,000 SP, which is roughly half of my Steem Power.

Have fun, upvote, create! And to borrow a line from @denmarkguy: "Be part of the conversation."


You have a duty as a new Steemian to learn about witnesses and their important role within the community. Read @pfunk's Complete User's Guide to Steem Witnesses. You have 30 votes. Use them wisely.

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Congratulations @creatr ! Have a great time !!! And how awesome of you @merej99 to give 5.00 SD to the close callers !! Way to go !! keep up the great work , I know you will !! And get plenty of rest , its well deserved !! 👍💕💙👏👏👏👏

No rest for me! I've got tons of baking, cleaning, packing, then traveling for my son's graduation in South Carolina. I'm tired just thinking about it! lol

OMG !! I feel for you @merej99 ! Have a great trip and congrats on your sons graduation ! 🎓👍

Hi @merej99 I've written an article about you, Check it out if you can, thanks.

30 Best Steemians Of The Day To Follow 24th July 2017

I congratulate @creatr for the grand prize winning. Also congratulate all the 25 contestants who finished the contest meeting all the requirement.

Finally big THANKS to Meredith for organizing such an excellent contest and challenging the spammers that someone is there who cares about "CCC's".

Being part of this grand contest I learned a lot, I enjoyed it and will be part of future such contests.

I had so much fun doing this even if the volume of work surprised me! It was a challenge in and of itself and I find that I miss the crazy pace. I hope that you will join us for the next one and we're going to get you over that finish line!

Well done to everyone who took part and well done especially to you @merej99 for putting on such inspiring communtiy building awesomeness!

Put on a grand show to "disappear" for nearly a week afterwards. LOL Ah, the things we do for our kids. I don't like vacation much as I often need a vacation to recover from it! :D It was fun and challenging all around. I hope you join in the next one!

I would also love to participate in the next challenge :) Would it be possible to get tagged in so I don't miss it?

Hi @rieki - I don't have a set date for the next one but I think it may be the last week of October - in time for some Halloween fun. :)

Haha sounds good! Then I'll just have to keep an eye out for any updates from you! Thank you :)

I have it in my calendar... in pencil. Also "taking names" of people who have expressed an interest in participating.

I might do!!

I am always like that after vacations too :0)

Hm.. I did something very similar. I've spent recent days in reading inspirational stories though.. and I refuse accepting the fact that I'm not a native English speaker... but reading all these excellent writers with all the amazing metaphors, comparisons and authentic words makes me think that I have better chances on transmitting my thoughts on my native language and then paying a professional to translate it. I think I should read 'On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction'.

Congratulations @creatr! Don't forget that I create the best content on Steemit and to put me on your Steemvoter for the next week @100%! Lol. Totally kidding.

It was awesome to interact with everyone during the 20 Questions post. I would like to see that be a regular post of yours @merej99. That was one of the most fun things I have done on Steemit in a long time.

For everyone who participated. Good job! This was no easy feat to try and accomplish.

20 questions was so much fun! So was GIF WARS but dang, it was a bad week to have all of those bandwidth issues. That made it a lot more interesting, didn't it? LOL

It was a bad week to have those issues. Amazing how many Steemians were able to power through those issues. I wish I could have seen the kitties on Steemd. I wonder if there were really kitties going across the screen or If I'm a complete dumbass and that was sarcasm in the post I read, lol.

BTW there is some truly disturbing content in GIF Land

mmm... dont'cha love a crazy man BBQ?
My brother set himself on fire once. Well probably more than once. He didn't think he needed to put the fire out on a shot of 151 before he tried to drink it. My sister started whacking on him and he was like, "Why you hittin' me?" She was like, "You're on FIRE dumbass!" LOL

The "more than once" line speaks volumes. We men can be super hard headed. I wish I could have seen your sister taking it to him and the crazy look on his face. Would have been priceless. Oh, is your son a Marine now?

My son is officially a Marine now! Oorah! He called his girlfriend/fiancee this afternoon. She said he sounds GREAT! They're finishing up with graduation prep. I'm so excited to see him! So much to do!

Fantastic! I was hoping you would see this and let the world know! I'm so happy for you. Make sure to give him a big hug for me! He's accomplished a magnificent feat!

Congrats @creatr for the SP delegation!

@merej99, I really did not scroll down to find out the winner. I watched the video and felt the excitement as if I were there with you. Again, you did an amazing job keeping all of us on our toes during the challenge. Thank you very much!

I almost didn't record it because I wasn't sure if anyone was going to watch! LOL
I was so nervous! I wanted to give EVERYONE delegated SP while I'm away. Do you think I'll go through withdrawal symptoms if I'm nearly a week away from my computer? I don't know if I can handle that! I may have to cheat and find some wifi while I'm on the road. hahaaa

I can definitely sense some withdrawal symptoms coming up! LOL

We have been so used to this and even a day without internet is torture, so good luck on a week's hiatus. :D

Hello @merej99 , I would like to again thank you so much for organizing such an amazing contest! I really had a great time and discover so many new talented authors on the platform!
Just by seeing ny name up there made my day!
Congrats @creatr, i'm sure you will wisely use the sp delegated!

I haven't been this challenged in so long and honestly, as much work as it took, I had so much fun meeting you and so many other new-to-me people! I'm thankful, and exhausted, and really, really missing the lot of you! LOL

Some well deserved rest for you @merej99! I'm so glad to have known you!
You are just awesome!
Have a great Sunday!

Thank you thank you for all of your hard work on this, and congrats to @creatr! I know you will use your power to its fullest potential!! I learned so much (except how to add that darn badge to the bottom of my posts!) and will continue to try to implement those practices to the best of my ability. Thank you for pushing me to be better!

Hi @thesimplelife - I am missing the whole group and that crazy pace. It was something to look forward it was a beautiful excuse not to clean my house! LOL

So... to add the post on the bottom of your page you just need the image link which is

Right! I was a little behind in some areas so I definitely had to catch up after! Thanks for the image link. Sorry if this is a silly question but you add it in after every post? And can I ask you one more thing? I'm still learning formatting and I think I've come a long way...but how in the world do you center something?!? It's driving me a little crazy

Thank you!!

Hey you! Not a silly question at all! Remember to take out the extra space after the <
< center>add your text here then close the code< /center>

I have my footer saved in a text document so when I create a post, it's so much easier to copy and paste it rather than type everything out again. It's entirely up to you how to set up your footer. If you look at @karenmckersie's posts you'll see she likes to include her badges. I like to switch up my footer on occasion. It depends on mood, message, or season.

Don't worry if you aren't getting a quick response from me. I'm going to have sporadic internet while I'm on the road this week.

Thanks! As always your guidance is greatly appreciated. Have an amazing time on your trip!


I'm trying to get caught up on all the comments! I wish I had enough SP to delegate to everyone for a week. You did such a great job. :) I miss the pace and being held accountable. What incredible fun it was. :)

We all gained so much from it. My post are still short and sweet, but longer in length overall. Challenging me to a 300 word count has helped me expand and clarify my thoughts and writings. So grateful for you and now that we are friends we can continue to engage and learn from each other :)

Yayy @creatr! Congratulations to all of you- I'm so glad to have met so many fine people and awesome content creators through this process. @merej99 I hope you find us to be part of your tribe :)

You are all definitely in my tribe! The beauty of this challenge was that I didn't have to hunt for great Steemians or talent or wonderful people -- you all converged and became precious gems. I hope these practices are carried on. As I get caught up with house cleaning and preparing for travel, I find that I'm really missing you guys! XOXOX

I missed you! I can understand you needed a break! Great job @merej99 and congrats to @creatr! I am sure he will use it wisely 😊

Edit: how do you put pictures or items next to each other? Still trying to figure that out...thanks!

Between the Netflix coma, cleaning house and getting ready for travel, it's been a necessary break from my computer.

I had a bear of a time trying to find the proper code that would place pics on the right with text wrap! This is what I found. (just take the extra space out between < div at the beginning.)

< div class="pull-right">< img src="PUT THE URL OF YOUR IMAGE BETWEEN THE QUOTES" />

I manually enter to create tables which allows my clipart to be side by side but check out

You might have to figure out how to tweak it exactly the way you want it but it's a start! :)

Awesome!!! Thank you so much @merej99!

I hope you enjoy your week off, so well deserved! I will be practicing with my pics 😊

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