Pause for Reflection: What I Learned from Doing the Steemit Community Engagement Challenge

in #community7 years ago

For the past ten days or so, I have been a participant in the Steemit Community Engagement Challenge, an initiative creates and organized by @merej99-- who truly must be one of Steemit's hardest working contributors.

What IS This Challenge?

Community Challenge logo by @merej99; used with permission

Well, "Episode I" is over now, but the Challenge will undoubtedly ride again.

In short, the challenge was created as a sort of "antidote" to the recent rash of "copy pasta" posting and "two word comments" we've been seeing in our community. It was an invitation to Steemians to focus on quality, connection and community.

The terms were quite simple: In the course of ten days, create a minimum of seven original "high quality" posts (minimum of 300 words with at least ONE properly sourced image), then engage the greater Steemit community through leaving a minimum of 500 quality comments-- (meaning you actually read and address the content and creator); also meaning you reply (in a similar fashion) to anyone who took the time to comment on your posts... 

Sounds Simple Enough... Right?

I Signed up Because...

... It sounded appealing because community engagement means a lot to me... and the requirements seemed "easy" enough. Most of my posts have 300 words and images anyway... and I post daily. I am also an active curator. How hard could this be?

Desert Cabin

42 ambitious and hopeful Steemians set out to find out. Experience wise, they ranged from newcomers to a few of Steemit's "heavy hitters."

OK, so the "Original Posts" part wasn't that hard. 

It was the "engagement and meaningful comments" part that almost derailed me... made just one notch harder by the recent "bandwidth issues" that have been popping up on Steemit, for many users.

500+ comments is a lot when you're writing more than just one short sentence, every single time.

Because we have had some issues with "randomly lost posts" in the past few weeks, I was already in the habit of copying everything before posting... so I decided to make a single document of all my comments.

And right there was large part of why I almost didn't make it to the finish line-- my 523 comments within the 10-day window amounted to 38,300 words, or 73.2 words per comment, on average. 

So What Did I Learn?

Camellia in bloom

I'm not quite as "active" as I thought I was... this was a lot of work, at times. Far more than just "my daily Steemit activity.

Because I was busy engaging with the 42 other challenge participants, I found it more difficult to also "do my regular rounds." Sorry about that... to anyone who's been wondering if I just stopped posting!

There was tremendous mutual support and encouragement among participants... we were basically all competing with ourselves, not with each other.

The Challenge was a good exercise in "expanding my horizons," and reaching out to Steemians-- often new members-- I hadn't previously had contact with.

I gained 110(!) new followers in just 10 days!

The event confirmed for me something I already "know:" that I am "here for the interaction." Of COURSE "the rewards are nice," but if there weren't as much community and engagement here as there is, I doubt I'd be trying nearly as hard.

Blooming chives in the sun

There are a lot of really excellent content creators here!

I never thought this would happen... but because the focus of the Challenge was on quality and engagement, I actually found myself flagging some of the most blatant copy-pasta comment spam I came across. I won't belabor the point, but I think it's really time for Steemit's finest to step up and let it be known that plagiarism is THEFT and SPAM is not appreciated!

Conversely, I became better and more mindful about upvoting really good interactive comments. Which is something I recommend to everyone... if someone left a really worthy comment somewhere, toss a little something in their tip jar!

Some people must live, eat and breathe Steemit 24/7... if a person can finish a tough 10-day challenge in half that time... that says something!

On a personal level, ten days of pretty hectic activity did help me squeeze into the top 100 Steemit posters, according to Steemwhales. That was kind of cool, although a pretty minor fringe benefit.

Would I do it Again?

Absolutely-- 100%, no hesitation!

Summer sunset

In retrospect, the experience reminds me a bit of a distant past when I used to go to week-long spiritual and self-growth retreats. At the end everyone would have "retreat brain" after so much intense focus and connection around common objectives.

The rest of the world (in this case, the rest of Steemit) seems slightly "different" somehow... not because "it" changed, but because we changed, as a result of the experience.

The Community Engagement Challenge came along at a perfect time for me... right as a little of the "shine" was coming off the Steemit "bloom," for me. I felt myself slowing down a bit in the face of rapidly declining rewards, extensive "copy pasta," follow-for-follow and upvote-for-upvote begging, a proliferation of "purchased upvotes" and a general slowing in the type of authentic community connection that-- for me-- sets Steemit apart from other social platforms.

Yes, the Community Engagement Challenge is Scheduled to become a return event-- possibly quarterly. 

Next one might (tentatively) happen in October... so stay tuned-- I highly recommend it, if you'd like to really experience the best of what Steemit-- and building community-- is about!

What do YOU think? If you were part of the Challenge, feel free to share your thoughts! If you were NOT part of the Challenge, does this sound like something you'd like to participate in? Do you consider yourself an "active" community member? Is "quality and engagement" important to you, as a Steemit member? Leave a comment-- share your experiences and feedback-- be part of the conversation!

(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Published 20170719 15:50 PDT


Great write up @denmarkguy I almost feel like I don't have to write a summary now - you kind of did it for me. LOL Thank you for sharing your experience and letting me know it was on target. It's what I wanted to accomplish and the response was more than I hoped for and expected.

So, I took the afternoon off to do a little recovery. Gonna keep in the habit of writing at least one post a day as long as I'm not traveling -- or maybe I will??? I haven't tried Steepshot yet :P

I like how you ended it: "Be part of the conversation!" It's music to my ears. <3

Yep, a simple re-steem did a good job here :) I also haven't tried Steepshot and for now it seems a bit overwhelming. At the same time I'm passively involved as one of the guys who will advertise it in an unusually way. You'll probably get what I'm talking about over the next few months :)

I'm probably one of the very few people who use a dumb phone for phone calls and I have a used iPhone that a friend gave to me only for apps when I've got wifi available. LOL So I guess I'll try Steepshot when I'm on the road and see how that works...and post when I snag some free wifi. :)

Aha! I was using a dumb phone until very recently (2 years to be exact). Got it! Well, happy Steepshoting then! I should be an exciting journey! :)

I was very impressed with the interaction, and progress in the results of this contest. This post kinda exemplifies that success. Really great of you to engage so many people in this way @merej99 and indeed a great summery @denmarkguy
Love seeing interactive progress!

Give yourself a break... please! You deserve it.

"Be part of the conversation" has become my standard ending to my posts... along with a block of questions for those who aren't sure what to say other than "nice post." Sure, we post in hopes of starting dialogue, but it doesn't hurt to ask outright.

Great feedback on Community Engagement Challenge@denmarkguy. What an organizer, what a challenge and what a response!! I love being part of the challenge. Though I fall short of the commenting challenge, still I seen "huge" comments to my posts some of them having even more word count than my post itself. I learned a lot from this challenge such as how to engage the reader, importance of quality content and then quality comments and how to ask for help.
I will defiantly challenge myself in the next contest and anxiously waiting for it.

@mathworksheets, like I said in a comment on @merej99's post today... simply the fact that you participated and had a go makes you part of the winner's circle!

I'm definitely looking forward to the next one... I expect by then we'll have even more participants.

Absolutely, I miss those two weeks of the contest. Waiting for the next one!!

I'm blown away by what you did: *And right there was large part of why I almost didn't make it to the finish line-- my 523 comments within the 10-day window amounted to 38,300 words, or 73.2 words per comment, on average. * This is amazing @denmarkguy!

As for the challenge itself., I was so pleasantly surprised by that tremendous mutual support we had between each other.

I've gained about 60 new followers. For an ambitious individual like me, the result isn't satisfying enough.. but hey, I have no reason to complain about anything! Period!

What I'm happy to see is the amount of new followers I'm getting even after the end of the challenge and I'm currently barely active due to the fact I'm catching up with family and work obligations. I got about 15-20 follows and all I did is posting few comments in the last 36 hours. A big trace of @steemfluencer has been spread and sprinkled over the whole platform :D and the outcome is obviously new followers.

I was also curious to see what my position in steemwhales as poster is and I found out that I'm in #117. Definitely cool too see I'm a bit behind the top 100. I bet that all participants are in top 200.

Oh..if a new challenge is arriving at October it feels too soon for a pressure like that :D


I remember back in the days of forums and message boards, it was pretty similar for me. I was seldom the most prolific in terms of "number of interactions," but I tended to make up for it in terms of sheer volume of content. Brevity was never my strong suit.

Next go around, I expect there'll be more of a pre-announcement as a result of which it'll likely be a larger group. And given the pretty resounding success of this inaugural event, we'll probably have a larger prize pool (perhaps supplemented with "gifts" from some of the community's whale-sized curators) and some "sponsorship" from the "top" of Steemit. Time will tell.

:) Good predictions. I still couldn't imagine myself crossing the finish line for a 2nd time in a row. At the same time, I'm a guy that likes competing and this time I'll might try my best to finish as the 1st one. What's a bit strange is that these words come out from the mouth of the guy who was among the last to fulfill all the requirements for the first challenge.. :)

We should soon ask Meredith when is she planning to perform the second challenge.

@steemfluencer, she already made vague hints about "a couple of weeks before Halloween" as a possible time slot... but I'm gonna totally leave that one in peace till she's had her break and a chance to just breathe in and breathe out.

Seems, that I've missed that. Thanks! Enjoy the weekend @denmarkguy! I'll have another portion of a rest since I've reached my limits for a second week in a row and I'll have to refresh my head with a new visit of the sea coast.

That sounds great. I would fail miserably.

There is no way I could comment so much and much respect to those that can. I have almost 600 posts, and about 1800 comments. That is 1:3

It is surprising considering how wordy I am :)

I am glad that there are some initiatives like this happening though and I hope that the quality will float and the nonsense sink into obscurity.

Good work.

You're a different kind of quality content creator @tarazkp... in a sense, you contribute the original stories those who comment extensively can discuss and engage with.

Which gives me an idea for future challenges of this nature: "Suggested reading."

Ideally, for every attempt to create a so-called "upvote cartel," we'll be able to counter it with (at least) equal and opposite quality initiatives.

Oh, I like that "suggested reading" idea. Kind of like a daily book club with discussions. Let me know if you do something like this @denmarkguy :)

@merej99, we'll see what comes up... noodling a few ideas around!

If you DO decided to run another edition of the Challenge-- or make it quarterly-- I'll be quite happy to help out (as well as participate) in whatever capacity we can.

If it becomes "a thing," the Community Challenge could even end up having its own account and potentially solicit delegated SP from some of Steemit's "heavy hitters" just while the event runs... to reward/encourage/cheer on hard working contributors with upvotes. And I can think of at least a dozen "Steembassadors" who might be willing to help announce it.

But I'm getting ahead of myself, here... I just find it easiest to brainstorm for events while they are still fresh in my mind.

I hope the community challenge becomes "a thing" - even hoping it's translated for foreign language participants.

I created an account months ago called CollaborNation but didn't have time to build up two accounts. With delegated SP, I'm definitely thinking about resurrecting it for challenges and #payitforward initiatives. It was originally launched with the idea of curating any projects of a collaborative nature and using Power Downs to help sponsor people for Steemfest.

The wheels... they are turning... I'll be sure to tap you on the shoulder for the next one...for help and participation. LOL I actually miss the crazy pace! It was the motivation I needed to jump in again.

Sounds good! I think it could become a really good thing for Steemit, as a "building tool." With a separate account, I like the idea of using powerdowns for SteemFest "scholarships."

Just let me know when the time comes... leave me a comment, or "ping" me with a message on a 0.001SBD transfer if it's urgent.

Thanks @denmarkguy it is good to be useful I think. It is frustrating when people take ideas from me and write them much better than I would :)

It would be nice to be recommended occasionally for such things. It would be interesting if some of the highly invested got behind such a project too. I feel this place is a little bit of a gambling hall at the moment with all the pay for upvote accounts now. Paying to get paid from a public pool seems strange in some way but I am not privy to all the information of course.

Yeah, there are some "issues" on the site at the moment... I'm actually working on a post about the "paid upvote" issue-- which will probably be considered "incendiary" by some of the power players and creators of upvote bots... Hint: it's basically a rip-off... and works mostly like a "tax" on minnows in exchange for the illusion of popularity....

Yes, many other sites offer followers for the same reasons.

@denmakrguy - I did know about this challenge - you would have had a contestant no. 43 if I did. LOL. Just kidding. I am proud to say that I have posted posts with all original content (even the photos) and have tried to engage through meaningful comments. I know that 500 meaningful comments is a lot! Congratulations on completing this community building project. I have seen, in my short one month so far on Steemit that the 'copy-paste' post menace is increasing and so is 'nice post - follow me' menace. It is frustrating to see people copying recipe videos (dime a dozen on youtube) and making 5-8 posts a day and getting way more votes (through cartel voting schemes) and reps. Anyway - I believe that Steemit is a community of intellectuals and such menaces will not be successful in the end. Thanks. Upvoted

Update at my end is that I am doing a 'Photospeak' series with my memories from Africa - with just a photo with minimal words - Letting the picture speak for itself mostly. I would be honored if you can take a look at latest one when you have time and provide your valuable comments. Thanks

Well, we'll definitely keep you "on the list" for the next one @vm2904! I know you create high quality content, so you'd be an excellent candidate for participation.

The "menaces" can only be contained somewhat... through a two-tier approach. (1) We have to stick to our own plans and keep putting out large volumes of quality content with value... and (2) we can try to educate the newcomers to take a more productive approach... and if that fail, we can unite to "bury" their spam by upvoting better comments to always keep their rankings low... and flag blatant plagiarism.

This was a really nice write-up about the experience and pretty much sums it up for all of us who were part of it. An incredibly eye-opening challenge. Efforts like this really show the benefits of the Steemit core - the community.

Meredith did an incredible job and put in an extraordinary amount of time and effort to teach and encourage those who needed it along the way. I look forward to the next round.

Thanks! It was a lot of fun... and I certainly learned how to "organize my Steemit time" a lot better!

Super huge kudos to @merej99-- monumental amount of work, and she was pretty much "The Energizer Bunny on speed," keeping up perfectly with something that would have been a challenge for three normal mortals to keep up with. Wow!

This is a great summary @denmarkguy. I really enjoyed participating and found it great to be more interactive with the community. I will do a post about the challenge as well, not as extensive or well written as yours, but from my experience. @merej99 did an awesome job, and she should feel proud to take the week off knowing she accomplished so much!

Congrats on the stats for steemwhales! :)

Meredith definitely get a prize for not just keeping everything straight, but for being possibly the most encouraging and involved "curator" of any Steemit event I have ever taken part in. And I think that's a large part of what made this such a great experience for everyone.

And yes, she totally deserves the week off!

I only took a day off. Went into a Netflix coma and came out the other side refreshed and ready go knuckle down again. LOL

I gained so much from participating! Being very new here, it pushed me to step out more into the community and really focus on interacting with others while thinking about how and what to comment on. I agree with the spam comments as well. I interacted with someone new and made a comment on their post. Their response was "it would be nice if you gave me an upvote". Well now I won't! Maybe I was trying to see what kind of conversation you'd engage in first?!

"At least get to know me a little before you ask for upvotes and a follow!" is pretty much my mantra.

The funny thing about "upvote begging" is that almost NEVER is there anything at the end of such a request worth upvoting. It's one of those subtle warning signs in life... like you just know that if it's called "Honest Ed's Used Cars" Ed is probably anything BUT "honest" since he feels the need to state it in the name...

Yeah...I almost said something and hen I was like...nah...I'm too classy. My silence and non-upvote should be enough of a response. Crazy! I'd never ask for that.

I find myself commenting quite a bit. And I always tried to comment on my favorite phrases or my overall thoughts of the writing style of writing or the flow it. I try to say something to do with the writing if I don't necessarily connect with the story written. I tried to engage with authors to build long lasting friendships so commenting for me wasn't difficult. What I found challenging was writing posts that were 300 words long. I like to say things short and sweet and to the point. So expanding my thought process was really challenging. However on top of Writing every day and commenting to keep up was really really challenging. However I really enjoyed the challenge mostly because I love to be challenged but also because I love what it made me do.

I've come to realize that I spent a lot of time on discord. And not enough time reading posted material. Did you have a favorite article that someone wrote that you would recommend me reading?

Commenting, for me-- and now we're not just talking Steemit, but going all the way back to 1990s forums and newsgroups-- has always been about connection; about building "bridges." As such, I find comments fairly easy and intuitive... I've always found writing much easier than talking; my posts (and comments) easily become very "wordy."

The Challenge was great to participate in because it made me more focused and more aware of spending my "Steemit time" more effectively.

I must confess I hardly ever spend time on Discord. The few times I have spent a little time there I found it a bit confusing-- maybe I just need to spend a little more time.

If I had more time in the day I would probably be in Discord and Steem chat more often but it's a time suck and I know my limitations.

Back in the 90s I was very active in iVillage, message boards and chatrooms and there seemed to be a lot more interaction and conversation - probably because we were the first generation when there was so such thing as a 140 character maximum. lol

iVillage, eGroups, the "Netgirl" forums on AOL... things were surprisingly simple back then... but there were also only about a million of us, on the entire WWW!

No memes, few images, no animated gifs (gasp!)... because basically anything bigger than 200x300px took about 4 1/2 minutes to load on the page. So we WROTE.

Good times, good times...

I'm betting you probably had at least one website on Geocities too. LOL
Sounds like we were definitely stomping around the same ground back then! I used to squeal with delight when I got a 15500 dial up connection.

Ewwwww.... Geocities!

14400 was a good connection for me, for a long time. When AOL suddenly said "Connecting at 28800" it really seemed like we'd entered modern times for the Internet....

Well, we would love to have you there. I am sure you have tons to share. It is a funny bunch that gets a little rowdy sometimes. Click Here to join the Pal discord. Go to the #channel and you will see people chatting away. Just above it you can register and post links on upvotes. I love it there and have made a few friends. Let me know if you need help. Just type @and my name. My name on there is Kubbythegreeter :) i'll say hello and help get you started. :-D

Thanks! I'll try to find the time to explore further this weekend!

Look forward to seeing you there!

I would have a hard time with this challenge. I struggle a lot just getting a few posts out a week and my comment writing is also not that frequent. It is much easier for me to just read and vote on things that I like. I've been investing too as my way of supporting and building up community.

Well, just manual curation and voting is a big part of community building, as well. We all have our way of being active participants... nothing wrong with that!

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