Late Night Thoughts: Making money on Steemit is "Hard Work" whined the huffer

in #payitforward6 years ago


"It's Hard Work" someone complained to me recently on discord. The day they said this to me I had spent 12 hours in the sun clearing a house of someone who had passed away for a family that couldn't afford to pay a proper wage for the work, plus 2+ hours driving there and back. While we "got paid" it pretty much covered my gas and food for the time I was there.

I can tell you about hard work. Swinging a sledge hammer to crush furniture that was covered in mold and had mice nests in it all day was "Hard Work". See this family could afford 1 dumpster and that was it. We had to fit everything in there and it was easily 2 dumpsters worth of trash. After spending the day hauling furniture from the basement along with tons of other trash I was exhausted. My clothes were soaked head to toe and even after my 75 minute drive home I was still soaked.

This day I cut myself multiple times as flying shards of glass and wood caught me. Downside of needing to try and cram into 1 dumpster is I was breaking everything. I managed to crack my shin on the hinge to the dumpster...that hurt like hell and was bruised for nearly 2 weeks. Nothing was major in my eyes, but 3 pretty good cuts and a bruise that was the size of a baseball all were just part of my day. This was hard work.

So when I came home and read some of my discord messages and someone was begging me to vote for their post which was just a link to a video that they didn't create I almost lost my shit. They were lucky that my long day meant I was really behind on verifying Pay It Forward Curation Entries so I decided to focus my efforts there. By the time I was almost caught up it was time to pass out as I had to be up in 4 hours so my vote begging friend never heard my thoughts that day.

The next day they decided that since I hadn't replied that a second message was a good idea....then a third....and then a forth....and yup even a fifth message. Across these messages this person whined and huffed about how hard steemit is for new members to get paid enough for their hard work. About how doing this is hard work and everyone should be earning more. About how I was lucky to have gotten in to steemit early to build up so much power (mind you I've only been here 9 months and currently most of the steem I've bought is at a loss). Then the last one, that due to their hard work people owed them upvotes and why wasn't I doing what they said to do.

Ok, so I've now had 4 hours of sleep after a very physical day which was followed by another 12 hour work day for me. Mind you I never was even online between these messages due to working and you could feel the added anger and entitlement with each message. My day didn't allow for much computer time and the little bit I had was spent working on Contest Entries, not worrying about discord. My mindset was probably not the best, but they got this reply from me.

You don't have a clue what hard work is if you feel that writing a blog post is hard work. When you spend a day sweating, bleeding, and do it all for nothing lets compare notes about hard work. Until then stop whining about what you aren't getting and instead focus on the great opportunity you have in front of you to earn money for simply sharing your thoughts.

Now they came back with more "you don't understand" and "oh poor me" type replies. I ignored them until they made a couple rude comments today telling me that I must not actually care about minnows since I wouldn't help them. That since steemit is such hard work they are just going to quit and make sure to tell their friends about how it's impossible to make money here.

....and here we are talking about this self absorbed little millennial shit (sorry millennial's but this person is the one that your stereotype is built around). In total I responded 6 times to this person and they messaged me 58 times over the last couple weeks with most either asking for or straight up demanding a vote on different complete and total crap posts.

In 58 messages not once did the person show anything other then the expectation that I somehow owed them a vote. Not once was there a "please" or any sort of consideration to my time that it takes to look at someones post.

This has been a hard week for me personally and to deal with this person was just not on my list of things to give a shit about. While I hate the high turn over rate of steemit, I really won't mind in the least if this person leaves the platform.

Yet I'm still choosing steemit over sleep tonight

Tonight I really should be asleep by now, but not only did I need to vent a little tonight but I also needed to say my mood was very quickly changed. See as I looked at the Week 8 Entries I read the comments and saw many people who showed genuine gratitude towards those who featured their blog posts. This really lifted my spirits when I needed it. It gave me a much needed reminder that there are many great people on Steemit.

Then as I was looking at GINAbot I noticed that @briancourteau's post My time is coming and I am forever grateful mentioned me as someone who Brian is grateful for. His kind words for so many people while he is dealing with cancer and the pain that come with this reminded me of how the steemit community has rallied behind him and @lynncoyle1. People have given more then just upvotes, they sent donations directly to Brian, @davemccoy helped to raise a bunch of money for some medicine that was desperately needed, then how @donkeypong has come along to help Brian with some nice upvotes showing there are whales who still care.

You see this is the part of steemit that keeps me going day in and day out. Why even while dealing with a family member at near death I figured out how to read the curation posts for my contest and while I was little behind it still got done because the minnows featured deserved the chance to be seen (now go read some of the featured posts!!!). Plus when someone takes time out of their day to curate a couple bloggers they really enjoy reading those curators deserve to be rewarded too.

So next time you are debating saying saying something nice to someone, just do it! Your words just might be the ones that person needed to hear in that moment.

Photo was taken by me this winter. Know it doesn't really fit into the post, but needed an image and it's way to late to go digging around pixabay.

Last week I added a little free writing to my post with some random thoughts. This is yet more of my thoughts raw in a free write style where I didn't go back and make it pretty. Just hope that the thoughts are cohesive enough that it makes sense to you. Thank you for your time and continued support!

In case you missed the link the other 2 times, here is Week 8 Entries for the Pay It Forward Curation Contest. These entries can use your support. Read them and follow to the minnows they featured and give them support.


Sorry you had to deal with that. Reminds me of the saying no good deed goes unpunished. People with expectations of others must feel sick to their stomach as life continually disappoints them. The sad part is that they take for granted the upvotes they are receiving, basically shitting on the people who are making a gesture to them.

I can understand how this upset you. But you touch so many people here, putting your effort and focus into giving others a hand up. If the person in question had any brains at all they would analyze what you are doing and duplicate as best they could what you are doing.

Entitlement. You spend all day doing for someone else, get home and get on Discord and get ambushed by someone accusing you of not doing enough for others, and that is all I ever see you doing on here.

I laughed when you said

I really won't mind in the least if this person leaves the platform.

I have to imagine the site will fare okay with those who are in this persons circle of confidantes being persuaded not to join as well. Try to sleep well tonight, and push this person from your thoughts.

You know you will always have the bad with the good so this type of behavior I guess must be expected at some point. But some people just push and push and push until they have to get yelled at. Makes me think of my middle school Girl

The site will be better off if they leave as behavior like this towards the wrong person will leave a negative impression about steemit that might make a quality content creator to leave here.

As for a good night sleep, I slept like a baby. It's amazing how therapeutic steemit can be for me. Starting to understand why people journal. Once it's written and I have to think it over there is a release of stress for me about the issue.

I have actually written other posts and let them sit for days on end only to delete them as I decided my issues were mine. Each day I would look at them and debate is this something to post or not. Spending a late night after a few beverages seems to be a good time to free write and let some thought come out, the good and bad. Just hope my rambling doesn't ever take away from what we are trying to do with the competition.

I don't want to bother you now but when you get up you think I could get an upvote ......

Sometimes it hits you when your guard is down and it's that one person that just pulls your patient card . but like you said there are so many worthy , good people that outweigh the boneheads 20 to 1 or more . This is hard work and it's even harder trying to do it right . Taking the time away from family and other things that also matter .
Tomorrow is another day . sun will come up and here we will be . get some rest my friend you had a long week .

You made me smile. Thank you for your hard work.

That sounds like a pretty horrible day's work. I'm sure that family appreciated it!

That person probably has mental health issues..... which are unlikely to be solved by hanging out in chat rooms.

I just wonder what the most sensitive way to point it out them is!

The day sucked, but it was rewarding. I'm all about helping people Wife says sometimes to our loss but that is fine.

I'm not the sensitive person, more the guy you bring along to smash someone's self delusions with a sledge hammer. Never been a fan of sugar coating the truth and if people can't handle the truth then they need to grow up. BUT with mental health issues it's kind of a different story and treading lighter is probably important. Which is why I've been trying to learn to be more kind in my approach when dealing people that are bothering me in some way.

I agree, it's just easier being nice, or at least respectful, then you've got less comeback.

I've learnt the hard way to save 'ranty' work emails, been a few years now since I've sent one!

Okay, so I've read two posts now about whining on discord, and after reading things about it last week, I'm still not using it for anything other than GINAbot.

I've also been reading about how the redfish and minnows are complaining that no one upvotes their posts. Must have seen three or four of those just today.

Dave Mccoy wrote a post about that, too, so maybe he's referring to the same thing. At any rate, that's been this week's theme for sure.

Joining Asher's leagues has helped me to see that I wasn't doing nearly as much as I thought I was. And it's helped me to look at what I can do to hopefully add value to someone else's post by commenting and upvoting. Turning my focus from me, and at times, oh woe is me, has helped tremendously.

It's awesome that you were able to get some cheering up going after a hard work day and the whiner. I probably would have ignored them, muted them whatever after the first exchange, so you're better than me for even trying to reason with them.

Yes it's going around for sure. The problem is IMO that many in some parts of the world are being brought here in ways that make them think there is easy money to be made. Someone sent me a link to a Instagram post that was promoting steemit in nigeria (I think) as an easy way to print money. Showing someone holding cash. Anyone that came here from that has the wrong idea of what steemit is. There have been a few other examples sent to me too showing the same bad behaviors trying to get more users to sign up. WHY? We don't need users who are here to try and make a quick buck. They add zero to the community and will withdraw all earnings. Feel another post coming

Anyways thanks for pointing out how the leagues can show your real efforts. Going to need to start using that as a suggestion for helping people realize if they are actually engaging or not. Wish the post had a link showing more of the standing so more people could see how they actually stacked up.

The marketing, if there really is any, has not been the best. I will agree. Putting the emphasis on getting paid for posting as opposed to maybe earning STEEM or considering it a way to invest without needing to buy in. I suppose they wouldn't have people potentially showing up in droves, but at least it would be truer to what Steemit is than the out and out lie of it being a glorified ATM and having people think that the proper thing to do is immediately cash out, and always cash out.

I've heard there are plenty of users who are behind these kinds of false advertisements, so It's not necessarily Steemit Inc's fault in this case, but still, there really should be a better way to get the word out and then on the other end, people should realize that when something is too good to be true, it usually is.

Kind of ironic that Nigeria might be a target for this when it's the Nigerian prince that frequently shows up as the sender of the email wanting bank account information so he can wire his money to you so it can be saved from some imminent danger, then pay you a generous fee for doing all this for him. :)

I don't blame steemit for the bad advertising practices. What I don't get about those doing this is why? If you were gaining a referral fee or some sort of a multi level deal where you earned from the rewards of others then I would get it. But to bring people here under false expectations means you are setting them up to fail and then they will tell others of their negative experience.

You mean the Price didn't only send that email to me...crap how much money does he have to give away?

It doesn't make sense to me, I know that. But that's just it. My wife is originally from Mexico. She has relatives who also live in the U.S., and they're constantly telling they're family members back home that they're doing this and that and they've done all these things and how wonderful it all is, as if all you had to do is show up and it's all just laid out for you. The streets paved with gold thing.

Well, in great measure, all of that is a lie, or if not, a pretty big exaggeration of their actual situations. So, maybe it's similar to that? Or maybe the folk selling the illusion are hoping that people will come in and follow them? I don't know. If there's nothing to be gained by false advertising, then why not tell the truth. Definitely a head scratcher. :)

Interesting about how they promote the US to relative back home. Now for most this is a land of much more opportunity. So while they do need to work to get all the things they want when they arrive at least there are more options for making that happen. For how much lower income people like to complain about how little they earn and it's not enough to support a family on they don't even have a clue what being a low income earning in most countries looks like.

If you tell me who that is, I will upvote that person with my 0 value SP 😎

Funny shit! Thank Went to your blog and double the payout for your most recent post...thanks for the laugh!

haha, thanks for dropping by on my latest post @thedarkhorse, thanks for doubling my post earning. Tnteraction worked!😎

I'm so sorry that you have to deal with this nonsense, but if anyone knows how to give someone the "what for", it's you ;) Thank you for the shout out as well; I appreciate that. I guess it's a sign that you're moving up in the steemit world if random people are starting to hound you :)

You are doing a lot of good here, and you're dealing with a lot of personal stuff as well. This is a safe place to vent...I've got your back buddy :) Tomorrow is another day!

Hope the shout out helped draw a little extra attention to Brian's post. You guys still need support and sometimes people have short memories around here.

Baby steps in growth is all I have right now, but hoping that can change as I'm about to start a crazy busy time with my business. That should allow some free cash to buy more steem and power up.

Thanks, it did :) And truthfully, donkeypong is a big continual supporter of us both!

One of those days huh....nevermind. But very well said and I couldnt have said it any better....I am looking forward to growing on steemit but some of us dont realise that these high reputations and fat wallets come with quite a bit of responsibility, annoyance and stress from persons who are just all for themselves to the point where they are pestering people to give their underdeveloped content, upvotes. I can only hope that my work/content will speak for itself. Blessings @thedarkhorse. Keep up the good work. Your effort and time, like I have always said, is greatly appreciately.

I looking forward to a fat wallet While I might have grown up a little I'm still a very small fish in the sea with the massive whales swimming around. My numbers will only get better and hope to one day be able to grow to a point that my single vote can change someones day like some I have received. But even when that day comes crap content is not being rewarded no matter what.

lol I agree with you my dear...i agree :-D

58 Messages of just begging for a vote. I got the point, that's like $.24 but is it worth it, the time , the work writing does messages.
Instead of writing something useful, attracting attention an other way?

This is the first time i'm reading a post from you, seems like you really involved in steem. Keep up your work, even though it is my first read here, i'll just say thank you for your time and work. Hope your family member gets up again!

Wasn't worth the time IMO, but who knows for this person. They haven't messaged in a while so maybe they got the hint.

Take a look at the Pay It Forward contest if you have a few minutes.

can you maybe just some the contest up for me?

you curate 2 blogger with a rep score under 50. write a little overview of the blog post and link to each of them. then u submit that to the contest page.

big thing is you are helping others while gaining exposure for yourself.

thank you, i will check in 2 guys in the next run

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