CONTEST -- Finish This Sentence... No. 1

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Contest No. 18 -- Finish the Sentence and Win Big!

Hey, everyone! It’s time for our next contest!

Today’s easy contest is a little different. I will provide a sentence and you have to finish it. The answer can be silly or serious, make sense or not. I don’t care!

All you have to do to be eligible to win this one is leave a comment and finish this sentence:

The sherry in the glass decanter looked fine, but it tasted off because _______.

That’s it and upvote this post.

I won’t provide an answer this time. I want to see what everyone comes up with!

The Deadline

This contest will be open for 7 days. When this post pays out in 7 days, the contest closes.

The Prize

The winner will earn half (50%) of the SBD earned from this post!

As the "judge," I have the final say on who wins.

Rules To Play

Be sure to follow these two rules or your comment / entry won't count. Yes, there are only two! It's really simple!

  1. Hit Reply and comment by finishing this sentence: The sherry in the glass decanter looked fine, but it tasted off because _______.
  2. Upvote this post.

The more people who upvote, the more the payout will be. It's simple.

NOTE: Please don’t write anything along the lines of "upvote me!" or "follow me." If you do, you'll be disqualified. That contributes absolutely nothing and is just spammy, so don't do it. Please!

Winner Announcement

After 7 days when the contest ends, the winner will be either randomly chosen or I will choose a winner. I will announce the winner that day (or the next day in case I get busy or it's late in the day and I'm snoozing).

For this contest, I'll use an online random picker so everyone has the same odds of winning!

Spread the Word!

Let your Steemit friends and followers know about this contest so more can play! It's easy and hopefully will be fun.
And the more who play, the bigger the prize will be.

So, feel free to Resteem this post or link it to promotion groups. Thanks for playing!

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Love It/Shove It Challenge -- My Turn
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The sherry in the glass decanter looked fine, but it tasted off because the butler had been trying out urine therapy, and one day he used the wrong container.

Oh boy! And it begins! Wow, that's quite the answer, @kiwideb!!

I know you know the real story behind this ;-) I have to admit to taking some pleasure in making the first one silly. Must go and see what others have come up with.

Yes, if I hadn't read your ten truths and one lie post I would have wondered about you!

The sherry in the glass decanter looked fine, but it tasted off because grandma thought twas an oil container so she put unused oil in there.

Blech! What a great answer!

The sherry in the glass decanter looked fine, but it tasted off because there was a worm at the bottom of it.

Those sneaky worms!

Well they must have got confused thinking it was tequila ; )

The sherry in the glass decanter looked fine, but it tasted off because age and air don't mix well, I had an insatiable thirst because the chillies were burning my throat and it was the closest liquid in site. Little did I know that the bottle was a hundred year old airloom and the crack in the lid had allowed the air to react with the alcohol.

The sherry in the glass decanter looked fine, but it tasted off because...Silly Sam slammed Sally's smelly scented satchel soundly, solidly, so some samples splashed, showering Sally's sherry snifter.

The sherry in the glass decanter looked fine, but it tasted off because my sister dropped her cigarette butt in it.

The sherry in the glass decanter looked fine, but it tasted off because they look so gorgeously golden in a decanter.

Thanks for playing.

The sherry in the glass decanter looked fine, but it tasted off because I just brushed my teeth.

This is a good one. Dreaded toothpaste always ruins the taste of everything!

The sherry in the glass decanter looked fine, but it tasted off because it had been floating in the ocean for so long after the ship had sunk that the salt water had got into it.

There are a lot of great contenders in this contest. Good luck to everyone. I'm glad I'm not the judge; @peggyhazelwood, you have tough choices ahead.

I hope you'll play, @queenvick!

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