Making a new pant from an old one / ジーンズから新しいズボンができましたsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #needleworkmonday6 years ago


I'm not sure I can call this an upcycling project but I couldn't help participating the Needlework Monday's upcycling challenge ;)

今週の NeedleworkMonday は upcycling チャレンジ(upcycling: アップサイクリング、古くなったものや使わなくなったものを作り変えてもとのものより価値のあるものにすること)で、私のは upcycling と言えるかちょっと微妙ですが、参加せずにはいられない〜ということで投稿します。

I made a master pattern from my favorite skinny jeans and made another one from the pattern. I reused a zipper from the old one ...


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Zipper was the part I guessed most tricky but I could make it without any trouble seeing other pants how the part was done.




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Though I still have to attach a button on the waist and make a button hole for it (excuse me ... the challenge calls for finished project), I'm happy to see it fits as well as the old one.


It was also nice to know that I can make a pair of pant by myself. I have tried few times since my teenager time but I wasn't satisfied with the result. Now quality of home use sewing machine has been improved, I have a super pattern and my sewing technique may be also improved.


Even it's not perfectly like a commercial jeans that have chain stitches done by a special sewing machine, I think I will make my basic pants by myself in the future. It's not for saving money (fabric cost $45, I worked 2-3 days for sewing ...) more like I'm too lazy to find one fits well without exploitation and big damage to the environment.


Same as the time I reupholstered an IKEA sofa, I wondered how $10-20 jeans were made. I know fashion companies designed the pattern, process etc to produce them effectively. Even though it's too cheap ...

この夏IKEA のソファーを張り替えた時にも思ったのですが、どうやって1000円、2000円のジーンズってできているんだと考えると暗い気持ちになります、、、もちろん企業も効率的に生産できる型紙、プロセスなどなど工夫はしているのだろうけれど。

Recently I found a Nudie Jeans shop in Berlin. Nudie Jeans is a Swedish jeans brand. A note on the shop window made me smile. They offer free repair, 20% discount for those who bring their old pair and they sell old ones in their second hand shop.

とはいえちょっとうれしいものも見かけました。先日ベルリンに出張した時にスウェーデン発の Nudie Jeans のお店のショーウィンドウに「無料修理、古いジーンズを持ち込んだ人は20%割引、古いジーンズは Nudie Jeans の中古のお店で売ります」という張り紙があって、いいなあと。


From them I can imagine buying one in the future :)

NY で今回型紙にしたジーンズを買った時にも実は Nudie Jeans のお店も見に行っていて、ご縁を感じてしまいました。いつかジーンズを買うことがあったらこのお店から買いたいな。

That's my upcycling or to say "reverse engineering" project according to @cryptocariad's comment.

そんなこんなの upcycling というか、ジーンズのリバースエンジニアリングのプロジェクトでした。

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#NeedleWorkMonday is initiated by @crosheille and @crystalize. Now it has its own account @needleworkmonday. Thank you for hosting a wonderful & fun weekly tag!

針仕事の月曜日こと #NeedleWorkMonday@crosheille さんと @crystalize さんがホストしているタグで、@needleworkmonday のアカウントもできました。毎週月曜日に和気あいあい洋裁、和裁、編み物、ビーズワークなどなど針仕事にまつわる投稿を読んだり書いたりするコミュニティーです。 #japanese からも一緒に参加しましょう!英語のテキストがあるとよいようです。わからないことなどあったらお手伝いします :)


I really love this project. I am a tall woman and I cannot buy pants easily off the rack. I have to buy tall sizes and I am only a size 6. I used to sew many of my clothes out of necessity and because my mother made my clothes when I was younger. I have purchased and been able to pick up additional sewing machines from garage sales over the years.

I have a serger and an embroidery machine as well. I have been going from project to project as I get inspired by other’s hard work. You are an excellent seamstress @akipponn.

My mother was tall for her generation and my grandma made a lot for her. Luckily I could buy from stores but still I like to make or to say "challenge" to make as good as a commercial one.

Annnd! I envy you have so many sewing machines. I have to take a look garage sales more seriously :D

Sewing jeans is not a small or easy task - kudos to you!

I'm considering buying a sewing machine and taking up sewing again. I have several garments I laid aside to "someday make something like that" ;)

I think we all know how companies manage to be so cheap, but it's hard to resist a bargain - and I, personally, would find it hard to afford the full 'fair' price... We tend to eat organic food and that's expensive if we can't grow it ourselves.

If every time I reminded myself that big companies just don't pay enough to all those extremely skilled people who actually make the garments I wear, then perhaps I would make many more things myself, @akipponn - also those essential and in many places 'dying skills' would be revived again...

You've done a marvellous job with your jeans ... My machine wouldn't be able to cope with the thickness of the material actually, but, like you, I totally appreciate 'hand-made'... Long live 'reverse engineering' and 'steem on' :D

I try to eat organic food, too - at least as far as my money let's me do it. Milk and egg always,, vegetables and fruit if they look good and I can afford it. Organic meat is quite expensive but I don't really eat meat besides cold cuts etc. so I manage that.

In Germany I learned to go for at least Freiland (free range) for milk and eggs. Talking about meat I also eat not much. Mostly I buy them for my daughters growth (and her papa's appetite) ;)

It's difficult. Local+bio can be the best but not always available and affordable. So usually I pick local+OK instead of bio from far away.

I agree with you about the temptation of bargains. I have limited budget and I'm on my way finding out a good balance. Fair but 200-300 Euro jeans aren't affordable for me. Second hand can be an option but still there is a size problem ... so I decided to invest my time to make one, luckily I can enjoy the time :)

Talking about organic food there was an interesting experiment by an Austrian bio magazine.

The title Armeleuteessen (poor people eat) was controversial but I liked their experiment to manage meals with bio products with limited budget. Back then I followed them and could make it quite well thanks to affordable bio products in Germany.

But now I'm not 100% sure about mass produced bio products and happy to buy from people I see every week at market even they are not bio producers. I feel also responsible to use my money locally.

I don't know how but I wish this kind of problems are solved in the future with the power of blockchain/crypto. I notice some kind of potential of them :)

So many things to juggle, @akipponn. I agree about the potential of crypto but we're a long way from that ... still better to try than to give up :D
Thank you for the link to read about the experiment. I see there are still recipes around As an outsider it seems to be all part of the 'back to basics' type of campaign - "Zurück zu den Wurzeln“.
It would be really good to help make healthy choices that don't break the bank balance!

Nice. I didn't know that there are recipes. And haha "crypto" cariad says "long way"! I agree with you but I believe in the potential of the technology. We'll see. Until then let's keep on Steemit :D




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Wow @akipponn this is totally amazing that you have made a new pair of jeans using your old jeans as a pattern. Do you have a special heavy duty needle? My mom was telling me that if I tried to sew on jean material with a regular needle it would literally break it. I need to get one so I can experiment with jean material.

They turned out nice! I see you wrote some measurements on top of the pattern pieces. Was that to help guide you on making the hem around the edges? (asks the sewer in training lol)

Thanks so much for entering the Upcycle Challenge and sharing with us this week!!

I didn't have any idea to change the needle ... that's right I had to change it ;) Luckily my sewing machine is doing good. It's probably because the denim wasn't the thickest or hardest one. A bit soft with few % of elastic material. Haha ... my grandma would be shouting if she saw me not changing the needle.

The pattern includes hem, mostly 1cm. Talking about the notes on the pattern they are something like "hem 0.8cm" "over lock" "Tri-fold" "here comes belt loop" etc to guide me :)

Thank you from my side too to host the upcycle challenge. It's a good chance to think about mass production/consumption and how can I stay away from them in a fun way with Needlework Monday friends :)

Now I am sure you are a voodoo priestess or a wicca witch... YOU MADE A JEANS WOWWWWW and it actually fits you perfectly 😍 Making form-fitting trousers is so hard, I cannot imagine doing this. I am currently making this dress I bought the fabric for and this is already hard for me 😆
And with the bargain clothes, Bio products etc.... Sometimes this can all be overwhelming (for me) If you do one thing right, then the next problem arises. I try to take small steps in my daily life and spare the bigger ones for changing the structure (meaning being politically active).
And to escape the shame and remorse trap I try to incorporate practises which not only are good for nature but also are fun. Like you said sewing one’s clothes is neither cheaper nor perfectly ecological, but it shows how much work goes into clothes and prohibits to consume mindless and it is fun to do it oneself. For me it was the fruit gathering in summer and all the jam, cakes and compote we made... perhaps not organic food, but super local and fun :-D

Thanks to Levis, origin of Jeans, I could make it fitty ;)

I want to be a kind of witch-ish Oma who does everything by herself growing veggies, cooking stock food (yes jam too!), making clothes, repairing a bike, house etc. Making my own pant is one of the steps ...? :) It's someone like the mama of the heroin of Kiki's Delivery Service (a popular Japanese animation film).

Kiki's Delivery Service - Wikipedia

And as you wrote "FUN" is really important. Or to say being "playfull". It's the best incentive for me.

I followed your link and I have to watch it!!! And I think you are on a good way to a multimedium-cooksew-artist <3

Properly fitting clothes are one of the huge benefits of making things yourself - these are perfect, a good fit and they look so stylish 😊. I agree with you about the environmental and economic challenges.

Totally. Not only size wise but also style wise I can choose material I like :)

Congratulations @akipponn! Your post has been placed in the spotlight for this weeks @NeedleWorkMonday Featured Post!
Thank you for your quality post and for being apart of the needlework community!

#NeedleWorkMonday is an initiative that supports and rewards the needlework community while inspiring the Steemit blockchain. You can read more about us here.

This is a very complex project. you are very brave and you are doing very well. I wish you successfully complete your project!

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