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RE: Making a new pant from an old one / ジーンズから新しいズボンができました

I think we all know how companies manage to be so cheap, but it's hard to resist a bargain - and I, personally, would find it hard to afford the full 'fair' price... We tend to eat organic food and that's expensive if we can't grow it ourselves.

If every time I reminded myself that big companies just don't pay enough to all those extremely skilled people who actually make the garments I wear, then perhaps I would make many more things myself, @akipponn - also those essential and in many places 'dying skills' would be revived again...

You've done a marvellous job with your jeans ... My machine wouldn't be able to cope with the thickness of the material actually, but, like you, I totally appreciate 'hand-made'... Long live 'reverse engineering' and 'steem on' :D


I try to eat organic food, too - at least as far as my money let's me do it. Milk and egg always,, vegetables and fruit if they look good and I can afford it. Organic meat is quite expensive but I don't really eat meat besides cold cuts etc. so I manage that.

In Germany I learned to go for at least Freiland (free range) for milk and eggs. Talking about meat I also eat not much. Mostly I buy them for my daughters growth (and her papa's appetite) ;)

It's difficult. Local+bio can be the best but not always available and affordable. So usually I pick local+OK instead of bio from far away.

I agree with you about the temptation of bargains. I have limited budget and I'm on my way finding out a good balance. Fair but 200-300 Euro jeans aren't affordable for me. Second hand can be an option but still there is a size problem ... so I decided to invest my time to make one, luckily I can enjoy the time :)

Talking about organic food there was an interesting experiment by an Austrian bio magazine.

The title Armeleuteessen (poor people eat) was controversial but I liked their experiment to manage meals with bio products with limited budget. Back then I followed them and could make it quite well thanks to affordable bio products in Germany.

But now I'm not 100% sure about mass produced bio products and happy to buy from people I see every week at market even they are not bio producers. I feel also responsible to use my money locally.

I don't know how but I wish this kind of problems are solved in the future with the power of blockchain/crypto. I notice some kind of potential of them :)

So many things to juggle, @akipponn. I agree about the potential of crypto but we're a long way from that ... still better to try than to give up :D
Thank you for the link to read about the experiment. I see there are still recipes around As an outsider it seems to be all part of the 'back to basics' type of campaign - "Zurück zu den Wurzeln“.
It would be really good to help make healthy choices that don't break the bank balance!

Nice. I didn't know that there are recipes. And haha "crypto" cariad says "long way"! I agree with you but I believe in the potential of the technology. We'll see. Until then let's keep on Steemit :D

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