Blade Runner: Black Out 2022, 2036: Nexus Dawn, 2048: Nowhere to RunsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #movies7 years ago

As you may have guessed from my "More Human Than Human" witness name @lukestokes.mhth, I'm a fan of Blade Runner and the complicated philosophical issues it tackles regarding consciousness, ethics, and what it means to be human.

As a human, I've been bothered with a head cold for over a week now. Sure would be nice to just run some anti-virus software or install a bug fix to patch my system up. :)

Lying in bed, drinking plenty of water, and resting, I came accross these three short films I thought you might enjoy as well. They happen after the original Blade Runner movie but before Blade Runner 2049 which comes out a week from today. Because of where they sit in the timeline, I don't think there are any real spoilers. Be warned, they are intense and violent. They are also amazing.

Releasing these a week before the movie premiers is some excellent marketing. They will certainly create some buzz and get more butts in seats at the theaters.

Will you watch Blade Runner 2049 when it comes out?

What do you think about the morality of artificial intelligence?

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, and voluntaryist who wants to help create a world we all want to live in. Visit

I'm a Witness! Please vote for @lukestokes.mhth


I really can't wait to see the new Blade Runner, as well as the new Dune, made by the same producer..

Thanks for sharing and starting to foam the buss up for all of us. Rest well and keep on taking good care of your self. (In the past few years, I realized that a LOT of cold/flues coming through were easily pushed away and/or mostly prevented by using foods/liquids that have a lot of Vit A and, using up to 600% of it for a few days, it simply eradicated it! That might help you? I usually go for some Tropicana Tropics or carrot juice...)

Namaste :)

Love both of them and can't wait for the new versions!! What I really want is the entire Dune series on film!!!

Now, YOU are talking! I have the same feeling and can't wait to see this epic cult sci-fi come to life over the silver screen or a giant 8K TV, while at it! ;)

Namaste :)

as well as the new Dune

Say wahhhhhhhhhhhhh??!!! That's news to me. I'll definitely be watching that one. Probably Blade Runner too because of its Cloning Centers references.

"(...) with Villeneuve currently in the editing room on Blade Runner 2049, he talked about how that’s going, and working with cinematographer Roger Deakins. Finally we ended the interview talking about his next project, Dune, and how he’s loved the property since he was 13. And while nothing is yet written, it will be his next movie, and he will start working on it in the next few weeks." as quoted in this link:

"Exclusive: Denis Villeneuve on ‘Arrival’, ‘Blade Runner 2049’ and ‘Dune’


It's a fun topic. I'll have to check out the movies and the books. I've read most of the books but there's a few titles I missed.

That said I think everyone is wrong. (hey...I'm a retired trucker...we know everything...just ask a trucker...all we have to do is sit and think...sooooo...we figure out stuff)

Why? I think everyone is wrong because their assumptions are wrong. For one thing (there are many, many things) they underestimate the complexity of the human brain. People talk about the human brain as if it were a computer. That's not true. It would be more accurate to think of the human brain as a widely distributed, massively parallel HUGELY redundant network OF networks.

Recent discoveries indicate that each neuron is the equivalent to a super-super-computer all by itself. There are millions (if not billions) of neurons in the human brain and trillions of interconnections. Don't expect to replicate that anytime soon.

But wait..there's more. That's just the hardware. We know a little bit about some of the minor, peripheral functions...such as sight, pattern recognition, walking (a rilly rilly HARD subject all by itself)...and yet..

We have yet to replicate a cockroach equivalent.

In fact we have zippo idea of how the mind works. Marvin Minsky wrote 'Societies of Mind" which is interesting. Of course there is the work with rat utopia (the 25 universe) well as the monkeysphere...but those are really just broad outlines.

I'm unconvinced that human level Artificial intelligence is possible...

Augementing human intelligence...using the human mind/brain as a an entirely different subject.

I can't wait for a math plug in...

Check out Ray Kurzweil's stuff on this. Out of 147 predictions since the 1990's, 115 of them were correct, and another 12 were "essentially correct" (off by a year or two), giving his predictions a 86% accuracy rate. He disagrees with you. As complex as this network of networks is, humans have trouble understanding exponential growth (because we don't see it much in nature) and that's what technology is doing right now. The things you and I take for granted today would have been seen as impossible not that long ago and that pace of exponential growth is actually speeding up.

If we don't destroy ourselves first, it's going to happen pretty quickly.

I've read all about Ray fact I track his website daily.
I'm pretty used to people disagreeing with surprise there.
I'd be more receptive to the concept of AI if I say some evidence instead of wishful thinking.
For a start...DEFINE the objective.

I've NOT seen a good definition of what IQ is much less "self aware".

If the objective can't be do we know if we've reached it..or not?

Hi Everitt, you used check out what Machine Learning esp. Deep Learning can do it's amazing. I'm editing subtitles of our talks and YouTube is soo acurate by transcribing them, it's amazing. Check out Google i/o 2017 the machine learning ones taken from their playlist:

47 Effective TensorFlow for Non-Experts (Google I/O '17)
52 TensorFlow Frontiers (Google I/O '17)
74 Open Source TensorFlow Models (Google I/O '17)
82 Using Google Cloud and TensorFlow on Android Things
119 Start with this one ;)
126 Machine Learning APIs by Example
127 Google Keynote Highlights
148 Project Magenta: Music and Art with Machine Learning (Google I/O '17) - This one is very cool

why do you call it "learning"?
how is it different from...oh...pattern recognition or just plain old sorting?

Because it learn the features of say a picture and than goes in the details of a picture in a fractal pattern. Like I bet you don't even know how you recognize things, you'd have to think about it. Like a car has wheels etc. But then you recognize cars in 2 milliseconds, wait how did that happen? It's your hardware. Now computers can do this too, they can recognize images. They can see the difference between dog breeds, I can't.

ok...seems reasonable.

Seeing is believing :)

GreaT POINTS EVERiTT !! - ))

WhaT is " iQ " ?? - ))
.. well, from an english sPEAKinG perspective ..
i = 9
Q = 17
SO ... iQ = 917 ... = 1 'in' 97 = 98 - ))
98 is the MiRRoR of .. 89 - ))
89 = 15 'in' 74 = O 'in' G D = GOD - ))

SO .. "iQ" = the MiRRoR of GOD - ))

How's that .. for an explanation ?? - ))

lovelovelove )))
greb'Z )

problems with grammar and syntax you have.

i try .. but, the wires are spun up - ((
.. like a seven year old's first day, with a spin caster - ))

Define Intelligence for me please.

Now we're playing the Wittgenstein game of arguing over language.

actually I'm not.
if you say you're going to make an "x"
ok..what's an "x"
define it...
if you don't know what it do you know if you've made it or not?

It's discussed in Nick Bostrom's paper which I link to from my post. I'll grant you it's a very difficult thing to define. The experts in this field are working on multiple definitions (general intelligence, super intelligence, etc). Defining intelligence leads to defining consciousness (only conscious and semi-conscious beings exhibit what we might agree through consensus as being intelligence) and defining consciousness is what this whole project will accomplish (as we understand the nuts and bolts of the human brain and how it give rise to various emergent properties of the mind). So, in some sense, it's a "we'll know it when we see it" answer. The Turing test is one example we have to nail in to down further, but there will be many more, I'm sure. Beating the world champion at Go was a big step forward, but still not general. It's coming though. I see no evidence to believe otherwise.

I have every confidence that 'we'll' be able to augment and enhance people. 'plug-ins' for new and better senses.intelligence, skills, reaction times...etc..etc..etc.... However...I've seen exactly zero indication that we'll be able to make people from scratch.

It's possible by the time we do that, we'll be indistinguishable from that which we create in terms of being an augmented biological cybernetic organism.

Heck yeah I'll be watching it!

I have intentionally avoided trailers, spoilers, interviews, and will not be watching the above posted videos, though I will happily march back here to watch them AFTER I see the film. But I want to walk in totally surprised by where this movie goes.

Usually I am quite the opposite, watching trailers, though I typically do try to avoid major spoilers, but reading reviews and all. Not sure when I made a conscious decision that this new Blade Runner would be different, but somewhere along the line I refused to watch a trailer, and just stuck with that decision.

Happy Film Watching!

Oh and get better soon! Nasty Head Colds suck!

Each one of these videos opens with the directory talking about how they tell important parts of the story before his movie starts. I assume the movie will cover those same points as well, but it was pretty cool to see these. Stick with what works for you though! :)

Thanks for the well wishes. It's been over a week and its still not going away. Super annoying.

You and your head colds. I hope you find the exact source of it so that you would be rid of it for good. Take it easy and drink lots of fluids, Luke.

These shorts make me think of Animatrix and Batman: Gotham Knight. It's pretty hard to make a sequel to a futuristic sci-fi film and not make it look dated, but I have high hopes for this one. With all the current advancements in AI and biotechnology, this seems more relevant than ever before.

You're inching closer to the Top 19! Proud of you, man! :D

I was actually doing quite well for many months with no problem. Sigh. Maybe I'll have to get that surgery at some point to drill them out or something.

Yeah, they are very similar to Animatrix. I hadn't thought of that.

Thanks for the encouragement on the witness front. I'm quite happy with being as high as I am. It's quite an honor.

I made it a mission to campaign for you to reach the Top 19, and I will continually do so!

Personally, I feel like if it's going to be a permanent solution, then it's the best option. Sometimes, and I don't even want to think of it as a remote possibility in your case, conditions that linger often worsen if it goes untreated.

Dude these look awesome so far ! I still have yet to see the original but I've recently been getting more into AI if it means anything haha. Definitely more hyped about blade runner after that. I always thought Ryan gosling was a solid actor. Maybe you need antibiotics ? Oil of oregano works wonders for me , have you ever tried it ? If not it's worth a try. By far the best natural anti bacterial / immune booster. I worked at a health food /supplement store for a few years and learned wonders about the world of natural remedies. If you ever have questions about any supplement or herb il be here :) !

Thanks. My wife @corinnestokes is big on the essential oils but I've yet to be convinced.

Check out the original. For it's time, it was quite amazing.

Lol to be honest I never got to into the essential oils much although I do know people who swear by them . I'm more into the adaptanogenic herbs and homeopathic stuff . Il be sure to watch the first blade runner so I can be more insightful on this post haha

There's a 10+ minute video you may (or may not) enjoy by the comedian Tim Minchin called Storm. In it, there's a great line: "What do you call alternative medicine that works? Medicine." I'm not a fan of homeopathy because the evidence I've seen suggests it's just fancy placebo.

Fair enough lol 😂 the herbs are great though ! Holy basil, ashwaganda , rodiola etc.. worth checking out for sure !

I think you just figured out what movie my wife and I are going to watch this evening. I've never seen the original...and no I don't live under a rock (now), I just did for a long period of time In my twenties.

Upvote for you! Thanks for the idea.

EDIT: I never answered your original question posed in your post...yes we'll probably be going to see the new one when it comes out! Gotta watch the original first though.

Ah, very cool! It's somewhat dark and edgy. It influenced cinema in some interesting ways. Let me know what you think of it. :)

Yes you're right it was pretty dark! It was interesting to see the ways that the movie portrayed how Los Angeles and humanity evolved by 2019.

  • They nailed it as far as huge mega corporations creating technological advances that endanger the public's well-being
  • Bio-engineering capability had obviously exceeded what we have today and what we'll see in the next couple of years but there's still some scary stuff going on in right now, a lot of which the public is not really aware.
  • The propaganda-like advertising barrage shown in the movie was pretty accurate in comparison to what we're exposed to every day
  • It was kind of funny to see the heavy Chinese influence on the west coast in the movie as there's been much more of a huge influx of Hispanic culture in that area as opposed to Chinese.
  • The acid rain...I'm glad we haven't destroyed the planet as badly as is shown in the movie. Yet.

The movie did pose a lot of good ethical questions as far as bio engineering goes, what is ethical, what makes a human a human, how closely should mankind get to creating human-like entities that are capable of thought and feeling and should they be used as slave labor (probably not).

On a lighter note, we're going to see the new Blade Runner when it comes out but probably after it's been out for a couple of weeks as my wife and I are somewhat reclusive and we don't like crowded theaters.

It'll be interesting to see what life is really like in 2049 if we're not overrun by A.I. (Skynet / killer robots that DARPA is surely already building) or some genetically engineered monstrosity (probably a disease) that's created in a bio-lab.

I was always kind of curious what the .mhth on your witness account stands I know. Thanks again for the movie idea :)

I agree. Thank you! It was a good movie. A little dark and creepy.

Great review! Thanks for posting it. Yeah, I'm quite thankful about the lack of acid rain as well.

Definitely will! I hope you get to feeling better by the way.

Interesting film ...I will certainly see the movie when it comes out , thanks for sharing and nice to see your post again...happy weekend

Thanks Charles. I haven't been posting much being sick. I'll get back into it more regularly once I'm feeling better.

I went into hospial yesterday with severe kidney pains. I couldn't hardly breath, let alone move due to the excrutiating pain. I called an ambulance, I couldn't have taken a taxi. They pre-diagnosed kidney stones. Then they did the tests and found no kidney stones. They were thinking of sending me home with painkillers when the radiologist noticed that they had partially got the bottom of my lungs on the xray, with a solid patch and I was sent for another scan, this time of my lungs. It turns out I have Pneumonia.

This is not the first time I had Pneumonia. The previous time, 4 years ago, I also had severe back and kidney pain. They mis-diagnosed that time too, saying it was a ripped chest muscle due to a cough. Three days later I was nearly dead. Then they hospitalised me for two weeks.

I'm home now on antibiotics and painkillers.

If you have any doubts about your illness, get all the tests done in an emergency centre.

Holy crap, that sounds terrible. I'm sorry to hear that. I got Pneumonia once after spending 10 weeks in Costa Rica. It was so bad, right before the flight back I tried to clear my ear-drums a bit and ruptured an ear drum. That flight was hell. It was not fun at all.

I'm totally fine compared to that. It's just a minor sinus headache. So sorry to hear they've been misdiagnosing you. I hope you get the rest you need for a full and quick recovery.

Excellent post, since you already have my vote again, great work, I wait for you in my blog, your support is very important for me, thanks for that great work, your friend @frederichs

You have my upvote and vote as witness.

Yea yea yea i'll be watching it. I tought you actually meant it will be out in 2049. I didn't know it was part of the movie bad😁

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