Pennsif's Sustainability Curation Digest for MSP - week ending 28 October 2018

in #minnowsupport6 years ago

It is getting cold now and the frosts are coming thick and fast.

Winter is just a few steps round the corner and gardening is almost over for the northern hemisphere. So more time to write posts...

Here are five more great ones that I have tracked down this week.

My Five Picks of the Week

Top 5 Vegan Restaurants in Chiang Mai by @trinity31

I didn't make it to Chiang Mai when I visited Thailand, but when I do this will definitely be a post I would like to have in my back pocket...

My Yard, herbally Speaking, is a Pharmacy; so is yours! by @smithlabs

Many people miss the wonders of their own back yard...

We Rescued A Feral Honey Bee Swarm From A VW Beetle! by @craigcryptoking


My recipe of spicy tomato paste by @hiddendragon

Another great use of surplus tomatoes...

Kiko Goats : the preppers best asset in any Apocalyptic scenario... by @primal-buddhist

Be prepared - with goats...

And two more that are well worth a read and an upvote...

I am always on the lookout for posts to include in this weekly Sustainability Curation Digest.

I am also always seeking out new guests for my radio show that I host on MSP Waves Radio every Thursday.

If you are interesting in coming on the show, or if you have suggestions for suitable posts for this digest, feel free to comment below, or contact me on Discord @Pennsif#9921.

I also run a charitable giving project called A Dollar A Day - you can read more about that here :

I am looking for more projects to support with that and I am particularly interested in finding some sustainability / renewables related projects.

The Minnow Support Project has multiple curators that pick five posts from under-valued minnows each week to highlight through MSP3k. This way MSP and PAL can promote new writers and content creators on Steemit, and in effect reward them for doing a superior job.


[ header graphic by @pennsif ]


Nice selecting, I am really enjoying your weekly curation digest. 😉

Great collection of posts @pennsif, thank you so much for putting this together!

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