Kryptonia and Superior Coin - Can it Help Your Steemit Account?

in #minnowhelper6 years ago (edited)


Potential Resource for Minnows and More

Want to get more upvotes, comments, followers, and make new friends on Steemit without even spending any of your precious SBD? Read the whole post to find out how. Yes, lazy people will have to read. This is not Steepshot or Instagram.

Part of the great thing about the #payitforward contest that I've been supporting and helping with over the last month is the ability to grow my network of relationships. The word is relationships and not "followers". Yes, I visit every single entry and their featured authors. This is called "judging", but it is more like making friends and getting paid for it (actually I do it for free, haha, but my upvotes keep increasing - maybe there is a lesson here).

It has been through my engagement with all the participants and their featured authors in the project that I meet some very interesting and clever people. If you're not familiar with the contest, go here and check it out - - You won't regret it. It holds to all the ideals of the Steemit concept while still remaining profitable for the organizer, judges, and participants even when they don't win.

On one of my visits to a "featured author", I stumbled upon a resource that she was using to help pump her posts that wasn't costing her anything - No SBD, Steem, prostitution, etc. She shared the idea with me and anyone smart enough to read her posts and got an affiliate bonus out of the deal to boot. Smart lady - @fitinfun - in case you wondering, but I'm not sure if she is single.

The site is called Kyptonia and it is a platform for the Superior Coin (SUP). At first I thought to myself, "What shit alt-coin is this?" However, when I went to check it out, looked at their site, read some articles, followed their Twitter feed (this is what they mean by "due diligence" for you Instagram peeps) I realized that this appeared to be a "Superior" opportunity to help boost my supporters on Steemit (pun intended).


How Does It Work and What VALUE Does this Have for Me?

If you read my previous post you are probably smiling right now. If you didn't, you should have because it was pure gold. In case you missed it -

Superior Coin and Kryptonia have created a system where you can earn coins from others by doing tasks. What are these tasks? No, sex isn't involved - sorry you guys. Most of the tasks are very simple like joining someone's FB page, following them on Twitter, visiting a website and taking a screenshot, etc. The smart readers are already seeing where this is going. For the rest of you - You can earn Superior Coins by upvoting, commenting, resteeming, or otherwise engaging with people on Steemit. Even better, once you have some SUP, you can pay people in SUP to upvote, comment, and resteem your stuff. Even if it is pictures of your dog at a birthday party (also a reference to my last post).


So, for about 2 weeks now I have been doing some pretty basic tasks (and learning a lot about the coin and its developers) and I've earned over 2000 SUP coins. Then I take these coins and offer them as a reward for completing tasks that I create such as upvote my latest post and comment on it. Lightbulbs should be bursting right now all over Steemitland or at least in your part of it.

I earn the coins at no significant cost to me (just about 20 minutes of my time each day) and then I take these essentially free coins and convert them into upvotes and comments on my Steemit blog. It's like an upvote bot that costs me no SBD. What's even better is that I can set the task to take place on day 2 of my posts, which provides more curation rewards to my loyal followers (more on that in my Curation Rewards post later this week).

How Do I Join Jerry?

It is really very simple and I recommend you do your own due diligence if you're worried about any of this. However, it isn't costing you any money - just your time - which some of you waste quite a bit of each day.

Here is what you do:

Follow one of these two links -

Yes, if you choose the first link I get an affiliate reward in SUP because I referred you. If you would like to support a more worthy candidate for the affiliate reward, choose link #2 because then your reward will go to my apprentice extraordinaire @elsiekjay who works harder than most of you on building her Steemit account everyday. She was also smart enough to say "hi" to me in the SGG room one day when I stumbled in and is constantly working to improve. Therefore, I strongly suggest option 2, but you decide.


Recap Time

  1. You want to build your Steemit account and reach more followers.
  2. You want to make more on each of your posts (very similar to #1, but we have Instagram people here)
  3. You join Kryptonia for free and get Superior Coins (SUP) for virtually nothing.
  4. You go to Kryptonia daily and earn more SUP by doing things like upvoting my posts which you should be doing anyways.
  5. You create tasks after you have enough SUP that pays other people to upvote your posts.
  6. You grow your Steemit account.

Here are two posts done by @fitandfun about the topic that explains some more details. You can always show her some love by using her affiliate link as well. It's all good to me. I'm just trying to help you build your account.

Another way to thank her is to upvote and comment her latest post.

More on Superior Coin here -

Important notice for non-lazy people

If you haven't noticed, I upvote all my GOOD comments from people that upvote my posts - hint, hint. Usually my upvote on your comment is worth more than your upvote on my post - This is called a "net gain" Instagrammers but requires more than a photo of your new haircut.

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Like this article? Please resteem, upvote and comment.
Don't like it? Comment and tell me why. Let's discuss it.
All intelligent comments get an upvote for effort (even if I disagree).
Send me a copy of one of your posts and I will try to read it quickly.

All images stolen off the internet (actually Superior Coin and Kryptonia's FB pages)

Posted using: busy

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Discord - EnergyAddict#9726

Special thanks for support from @qurator @dynamicsteemians @newbieresteem @resteemit @asapers

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This is interesting @energyaddict22. Wondering if this is a platform that built over steemit. I haven’t visited the links yet, so I don’t know enough to ask questions. It will be interesting to learn how to convert these coin to tasks as you described it. I am limited on time so may not to practical for me, but interesting concept nonetheless. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for stopping by and I truly appreciate your support. I don't believe it is built over Steemit. The tasks are quick and simple. I mean really simple. So much so that I am able to earn about 200 SUP while I'm on the St. Petersburg metro on my way to work. The site loads quickly and it's very functional. I don't know how much the coins will end up being worth, but if I can convert them to Steemit upvotes, then who cares. Great to hear from you. Let me know your thoughts after you check it out.

SuperiorCoins are worth between $0.0018 and $0.0022 depending on the Exchange

Thanks for the info! I'm still extremely wet behind the ears on SUP and Kryptonia, but wanted to share it because I am a huge fan already.

Kryptonia is a great platform for sharing content. Will be more integration with Steemit coming.

[-]mcoinz79 (53) · 7 hours ago
I signed up but it says my fb is already being used. Don’t know why

You connect your social media accounts to your Kryptonia profile and one of those is Steemit.

Thanks for the heads up! Very interesting! Upvoted!

Thanks for taking the time to comment. I appreciate it and the upvote.

I signed up but it says my fb is already being used. Don’t know why

@sydesjokes is incredibly helpful with these technical issues. He knows much more than I do on how to solve any issues. I will forward your message to him if you don't mind.

Thanks for sharing information about Superiorcoin.
#kryptonia as been really helpful in supporting and helping me get more upvotes on my posts in steemit and also helping other memeber as well through earning of superiorcoins...

Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I really appreciate it.

And of course am @bitcoinpaul on kryptonia so i earned coins from you

This is an awesome post! And not only because of me me me - Yes I am single lol.

I'm so glad you like @kryptonia as much as I do. It is on my daily tasks if not more than daily. You can't have too many coins I say from all my 9 months of experience in this crazy game. And I've made great friends from there that really do help me here. I feel like these are my most valuable votes because the people actually do come and read my wonderful work!

Thank you for the boost today - I really appreciate this so much!

The "boost" is all my pleasure, I promise. Thanks for showing me SUP. I've finally raised my "engagement" there so I can qualify to do your tasks. LOL Glad to see you over at PayitForward also. All the best to you.

I love it and have resteemed the bugger.
I have to go bed else it will be 4am by the time I have finished investigating this post, but I have bookmarked it for tomorrows work :)
A nice discovery.
Sounds like a fab system.
Well done to all envolved.
Cheers Energy
I may fire you a few questions regarding when I get around to it if that's cool.

Thanks for stopping by and please do fire off some questions. If I can't answer, I will direct you to someone who can.

I have just signed up to Kryptonia and crikey!!
It just gets better!!!

I am new to the internet world and have ignored it all my life Energy.
I bought my first laptop last year at the age of 37.
I have been bustin balls with it since.
I have aged, lost friends and have sacrificed a lot!
But all my life I have been giving time to others.
now it's time for me.
Amazing opportunities for the skint musician.
Cheers man.

Thanks bud. I appreciate the comment and like the music.

Hi thanks a lot for this post. I have joined kryptonia two days ago and I really like it. The enrollement process can be a bit discouraging for starters but once you are through and that you have confirmed a social media account, it is really nice. I got 7 upvotes for my first post already thanks to kryptonia.

Something I didn't understand yet on the platform is whether you can also submit task with less than 100 superiorcoins?

Best regards,

The first Task is free so it set the budget to 100 SUP with 1 SUP to complete it. After this you can have budget below 100 SUP.

Clearly you are the expert here. I'm going to tag you in all Kryptonia related posts in the future. lol Thanks so much for responding to these. I really appreciate it.

I am working with the Kryptonia/SuperiorCoin team. If anyone has any feedback about about Kryptonia and any requests feel free to let me know.

That would be fantastic. I am very interested in the prospect of trading coins for services such a graphic design, web development, social media marketing campaigns, etc.

Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting. I'm glad you got through the enrollment portion okay. I'm looking forward to seeing you on that platform as well.

I will definitely check this out. Crypto helping crypto. Sweet :)
Thanks man

Awesome. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I like your phrase. Cyrpto helping crypto. Exactly.

Thank for the info @energyaddict22. I already joined, now i have a little problem, i I made a mistake
in one task and now i dont know how edit it.

Is it your first free Task?

Thank for your help sydesjokes. No, a one i selected in the task list, it required a capture of youtube´s video, but I did not see it before
click on completed task. There are something i can do?

then i have to contact with the creator of the task and pray for mercy XD. Thank for your help. You had problem linking with linkedin?

I hope that @sydesjokes can help you because I don't know how. Very sorry. I'm glad you joined the platform though. One other place that I can cooperate with you.

One other place that I can cooperate with you.

As well from here @energyaddict22.

Maybe i am wrong but i look the Krypton tasks very easy, really, very easy, also is a few weird how the site work.

I fallen into other problem, i can't linking with linkedin.

Should be able to connect LinkedIn. Always contact [email protected] if you have issues with Kryptonia.

I can't link LinkedIn either, but I thought it was because it is banned in Russia. Maybe @sydesjokes can help.

Check my Daily Faucet Post everyday. I share the post reward with everyone that comments and upvotes

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