Life Isn't About Waiting For The Storm To Pass, But About Learning To Dance In The Rain (My Personal Curation)

in #mapsters6 years ago (edited)

My personal selection of some really awesome posts I think you really need to see


Still Stuck

This last week, I seem to have trouble catching the good ideas that fly through my mind at warp speed. There are so many of them, and it’s so hard to pick the right ones and then turn them into posts...

Today I decided to give myself a break and to stop forcing myself to get something written.

Instead, I’d like to share with you some posts that I’ve come across this week and of which I think they deserve to be seen by more people.


My Personal Curation

First, I want to show you 2 posts that were written straight from the heart. Both brought me to tears (so make sure you have a handkerchief near by) - the love between @briancourteau and @lynncoyle1 is so pure their posts touched me deeply. I was also a little shocked, because although I interact with @lynncoyle1 on a daily basis, I was completely unaware of the struggle she and her hubby Brian are going through.

It started with @briancourteau’s post:
A letter to @lynncoyle1 as I inch closer to death from Cancer


Click the image above to visit the post

And then today, I found out @lynncoyle1 had written a post to thank everyone to make her hubby smile:

#shoutoutsaturdays! How I appreciate @briancourteau and all of you !

Click the image above to visit the post


Then, there was also a post by @terminallyill that surprised me. We don’t know each other very well - just the occasional comment and reply - and I knew about him because of his fun contests.

But then I stumbled upon his latest article, and it blew my socks off. I truly admire his guts to be so open and honest about his struggle with addiction and that he’s launching a recovery based initiative right here on the Blockchain.

Struggling with addiction myself, I can only try to reach the point where I can be as open and honest about my story as @terminallyill is.

Devon, you’ve got my support!


Click the image above to visit the post


Another post I want to share with you today is one by another fellow member of the @newbieresteemday initiative, @charisma777

When I read her article the first time, it once again struck me how little we know about each other’s daily life. Although it feels like you know the people you’re interacting with regularly, you actually know just a small part of them. Just like with @briancourteau, @lynncoyle1 and @terminallyill, I knew nothing about @charisma777’s daily struggles.

Her story touched me, and I hope she’ll find a way to make things right soon.

My son was Taken away by CPS!

Click the image above to visit the post


The last one of today is actually a post that has already reached post-payout a while ago. Still, I wanted to mention it, because I found it to be very inspiring.

To be honest, I had never heard about @mermaidvampire, until someone mentioned her in an appreciation comment on my ‘Show Your Appreciation contest-post.

I visited her profile page and her profile description intrigued me right away. ‘I’m defying death with fun’, it says.


I started reading her posts, and discovered her to be a very interesting, honest and brave lady, who tries to face her difficulties in life with her head held high.

@mermaidvampire, we don’t know each other (yet), but I want you to know that the honesty and courage you showed in your post, has really inspired me.

So guys (and gals), I know the post below is past payout. If you like it, maybe head over to one of @mermaidvampire’s more recent posts and give it an upvote to show your appreciation

Reach Out And Keep Going

Click the image above to visit the post

I could go on for hours, because there are so many touching and inspiring stories posted on SteemIt every day. Yet, I didn’t want to take up too much of your precious time.

The posts I’ve shared here have really touched me. And although I shed more than a tear reading them, I’m glad I did. And I hope you will too.

Feel free to share the posts that have touched you in the comments section below. I’ll be sure to have a handkerchief ready ;0)


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Thank you so much, @simplymike. You are doing an amazing job! I recall someone nominating me in the comments in one of your posts but there was no mention of any of my posts there, so I assume you really checked out my profile to find this one because this has long been buried in my blogs page. Thank you for taking the time to go over my page. I'm really grateful because I am not confident with my writing. I made this post during one of those days that I was down. I was probably writing to express my sadness but I really don't want a blog that's negative so I struggled to make it inspiring, hopeful and to show the fighter in me that always thinks I am so much bigger than my troubles. Thank you for the recognition. I was so happy this post was upvoted by the curie curation trail, and it won first place in bycoleman contest, (the contest which I made it for) and now you have this listed in your personal picks. I feel so honored. I really hope I inspire other people with this post and I will keep writing to inspire people here in Steemit. I am new to Steemit and I am not a pro blogger but I try to learn something each day. I'll keep trying to write on the good days and the bad days, because even bad days can drive you to make something beautiful just like how that one sad day made me make this. Thank you for the boost, more than the payouts, this recognition and seeing my name in mentions of other Steemians because of my work is really heart warming and gives me a boost of confidence. It makes me feel like I really belong here and I have a spot here to fill. Thank you, you made one chronically ill woman very happy. All the best to you, @simplymike. I'll see you around Steemit!

I'm happy to hear that the post won first place in the contest @mermaidvampire. I remember this post and you wrote it with such heart. You inspire many with your words and actions. May your life be filled with beautiful and heart-filled moments.

Thank you, I did not expect it. It was a surprise to me, even up to now I am still in awe how it happened. I did not really expect to win since I was a buzzer beater and there were 144 entries sent. I am glad the 7 judges patiently went over all our works. It was one of the best contests in Steemit that I have seen. Thanks for the well wishes @beeyou, I appreciate that.

It was a very heart-warming post. If you have the time, you should look at the #my2018 tag by anomadsoul and write something for that. A lot of great content being rewarded nicely too. I don't have too many hobbies to showcased, sadly.

Thank you so much. I did make one, a buzzer beater. I passed the last minute. You can read about it here:

So nice to meet you @mermaidvampire and congratulations on your successes here!! Isn't is wonderful validation for those "down" days, or simply because we can be just so hard on ourselves!! I'm so thankful that @simplymike introduced you to me here and I look forward to getting to know you better ;)

Thank you, lynncoyle1, I really appreciate this. I'll follow you, see you around here in Steemit. All the best.

You are most welcome ;)

Of course you belong here :0)
That post was written straight from the heart, and that’s what makes it so powerful. I could really feel your doubts, your fears, but also your good heart and your strong will.
I’m really glad I found it, and that my contest provided me a way to find out about you and connect with you.
I’m sure we’ll come across each other again really soon!
Welcome to the family! ;0)

By the way, @mermaidvampire (oh, how I like that username), if you are ever in need for a chat, or need some cheering up, or just want to have some plain old fun, feel free to drop by at our #newbieresteemday Discord channel.
You’re more than welcome to join our little family of misfits :0)

Thank you so much for the invite. I will definitely be there. Thanks for all the help.

Congratulations you have been resteemed as part of #newbieresteemday's top 10 posts for the day! We invite you to use our tag to connect with more of our members. To learn more: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

Great post, @simplymike! I agree wholeheartedly with all your picks!

Well we're even now @simplymike, because your post here just made me cry! ;) And I LOVE your title...Brian and I have a favourite memory of a night here in Mexico where it began to just pour rain and everyone was running for cover, waiting for it to stop. We looked at each other and just seemed to know what the other was thinking, and grabbed hands, running and dancing in the rain!! It's one of our all time favourite memories here...and now in our minds, you are a part of that memory as well!!

Thank you so much for honouring Brian and I like this; we are both truly humbled and so appreciative! I'm also glad that you are now a part of our story too!!

I hadn't seen that post of @terminallyill's yet, so I'm so glad you picked that one too. And I haven't met @mermaidvampire, but thanks to you, I will now. Finally, yes, @charissa777! So sad! She and I have been talking since if happened, and today she's hoping to get some answers. I hope for all their sake that she does.

Thank you for a wonderful usual my friend ;)

I don’t believe there is such a thing as coincidence; everything happens for a reason. It wasn’t easy to find a title that would cover the load. I had tried a lot, but they just weren’t right. And then this one pupped up in my head.
Now I know why ;0)
I’m very honoured and proud that I can be a part of your story, @lynncoyle1 and @briancourteau (Nice to meet you, btw).

I was attracted to @terminallyill’s story right away, because being an addict myself, I could instantly relate to what he wrote.
(@terminallyill: it’s just babysteps I’m taking, but you were right. I’ve mentioned I’m an addict in a couple of comments now, and it feels a bit like freeing myself from the heavy load I’ve been carrying alone for such a long time)

I found the post by @mermaidvampire because someone mentioned her in my appreciation contest. I checked out her profile and found this diamond of a post. I’m reallly glad I took the trouble to read my way down her blog.

When I read @charisma777’s post, I felt personally involved. You know, like something like this happens to one of your best friends. I truly hope she will get some answers soon.

If I would believe in a god, I would pray for all of you. Fortunately, I don’t, but I can try to send some positive vibes and get others to do the same.

Well then it all worked out perfectly...your title was certainly meant to be!! And yes, I see the connections between all of them. I just finished reading @terminallyill's post and the comments too. Stay strong my are strong enough to do this! <3

Thanks? @lynncoyle1. I know I am :0)

Good. Just sayin' :)

Dancing in the rain is one of my favorite tbings to do. Its so freeing and somewhat childish which makes it all the morefun. Kinda like jumping in puddles.

What an amazing group of people we have here xxx

Right?? I guess we are always so conditioned to grow up that some people simply lose their childlike wonder for all of the "freeing" things out there. I can't ignore a swing set, or licking birthday cake icing off of candles, or

Kinda like jumping in puddles.

Another of my all time favourite things to do! Here in Mexico I'm always in flip-flops so it's a bonus!

Yes I believe you are right..."an amazing group of people we have here"!!! Did you hear that @simplymike ...that includes you ;)

Thanks, @lynncoyle1. I heard, and you made me smile again - lol
I love all those childmike-things too, although it feels like ages ago since I’ve done one of those things.... Once I’ve recovered, I think I’m going to build some sort of swing in the backyard, just for me. I simply love swings...

You totally should do that! I love them too!! Brian thinks I'm crazy haha but whenever I'm on them (first I kick off all the little kids haha), I throw my head back, close my eyes, and still hope to swing over and around haha

And I totally should have thrown trampolines in there too!!

This is awesome! Ive read each of these posts and Ill admit, I cried more than once, even reading them again! You picked some great choices here.

I too am having a bit of trouble getting the words from my head into my fingers to write a post. When this happens I think its a wonderful idea to go on the hunt. To go learn more about others, their life and their troubles. Thats exactly what Ive been doing and its refreshing. I think my brain is just done, we need a vacation! LOL Luckily, thats coming up after Easter. Im ready to have some ocean breeze and salty water on my skin and a cold beverage in my hand! ;)

Great curation post @simply mike! :D

Such a great post, right??!!

I was reading through the comments and saw yours...where are you going after Easter? :)

Thanks @smylie2005
It’s the first one I do, actually.
What you say is true: because I lack inspiration, I’ve done a lot more reading this last week. These posts kept playing in my head, and after reading the beatiful posts by @briancourteau and @lynncoyle1 I realized I simply had to create a curation post. Not only for others to see them, but also because I wanted to be able to go back to them when I would need it.

Where are you going? I’m so jealous! :0D
How I long for the ocean breeze (although living in Belgium I would settle for a sea breeze), the salty water on my skin and a yummie cocktail in my hand....


We will be going to California, Oceanside area, which is near to San Diego. We are going to visit Dannys daughter and son and the grandkids and to get some much needed R&R! Its been a few years since we have been to visit so we are super excited!

I only Steem on my computer, so Ill be away from yous good people for a couple of weeks but Ill come back with adventures to tell and pictures to show!

this is such a good idea! Kudos to you for putting so much effort into the community! It's great to see people actually making an effort to support and promote genuine content, especially from Stemmers who aren't already at the top of the chain!
Some really thought provoking content you've included too. I will be checking out the authors too. Again, it's refreshing to find heartfelt content.

Thanks, @seenitallfilms.
Most of my efforts go to people who are not at the top of the chain, since those are the ones that need the most support.
On the other hand... I rarely look at reputation scores. Good content is good content.
And although I don’t always manage to write straight from the heart myself (I try, but it just doesn’t work all the time), I do recognize when others do.
And these posts really touched me. Maybe all for a different reason, but they did.
And I already know that at different moments in the future, I will be able to find strength and support in these articles when I’ll need it.

I’m glad to see you pop up regularly lately. :0)

Did we already invited you to drop by at our @newbieresteemday Discord channel? If you have a question, or just want to meet some new people and/or have a chat and have some fun, feel free to drop by at our channel and join our happy family of newbie and not-so-newbie supporting family of misfits (@beeyou, you really scored with that ‘misfits’-thing, lol)

Hehe, that term is fitting @simplymike. Look at you cheerleader!

I have seen @seenitallfilms around too. Check out the room!

Thank you, I have joined up! :)

I try to do this too, although yeah I will admit I do support some whale's content, when I find it useful or whatever. I just really like finding people similar to myself and showing them they aren;t alone lol.
I love the idea of shoutout posts and the like, it's just generally a really good way to show your support and gratitude to thre author.
Thank you! I've been trying to get more involved. I'm not on that yet, but that sounds great, thanks for the link, I'll join now. Always looking to meet new people, which is not the easiest of tasks of steem. ahaha. misfits, well I'll fit right in then!

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You just received 40.75% upvote from @onlyprofitbot courtesy of @simplymike!

Great post!
Thanks for tasting the eden!

Excellent picks @simplymike. All of them stirred a string in this heart of mine. All written by individuals with such good hearts and a positive outlook on life, despite the hardship life seems to throw their way.

Good post...this time I sincerely mean it.

It is a good post isn't it @beeyou! It made me cry I have to admit ;)

@lynncoyle, you started the entire crying thing - lol
You and your hubby made the entire SteemIt platform shed a tear with your beautiful posts.
So don’t go around blaming it on me ;0P

haha @simplymike, I'll take the blame ;)

It is an awesome post!

So what you’re actually saying is that you’ve been faking the entire time.... ??Ooh, my ego... ;0)

Lol..only when it comes to those good post, really really good one, I really really like this one comments made to ensure I land a spot on Asher's engagement league. This good post one has too few characters to be one of those.

Lol. Maybe we could ask Asher if there was a way to somehow calculate how much we mean what we say and add that as a factor to the leagues... ;0)

Wonder how many of those comments would NOT count?

I think @beeyou was making fun of those people who write "good post", but yours actually was a "good post" lol

...she's no faker ;)

Only when I'm just lazy and want to be the damsel in distress.. so the gents could help out a pool gal. ;)

No worries @lynncoyle1
Earlier today, or was it yesterday, we were trying to come up with a full-length ‘good post’ comment.
That was the basis for this comment :0)

Gotcha! I always worry about miscommunication in all of this, but I should realise that were all friends and no one would intentionally be saying anything bad! Duh :)

We all have our struggles and I have appreciated everyone I have "met" through steemit! There is always hope and that is what keeps us all going strong!!! Much love!

We’re all here to support you, @charisma777
Hope you get some answers soon!

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