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RE: Life Isn't About Waiting For The Storm To Pass, But About Learning To Dance In The Rain (My Personal Curation)

in #mapsters6 years ago

Thank you so much, @simplymike. You are doing an amazing job! I recall someone nominating me in the comments in one of your posts but there was no mention of any of my posts there, so I assume you really checked out my profile to find this one because this has long been buried in my blogs page. Thank you for taking the time to go over my page. I'm really grateful because I am not confident with my writing. I made this post during one of those days that I was down. I was probably writing to express my sadness but I really don't want a blog that's negative so I struggled to make it inspiring, hopeful and to show the fighter in me that always thinks I am so much bigger than my troubles. Thank you for the recognition. I was so happy this post was upvoted by the curie curation trail, and it won first place in bycoleman contest, (the contest which I made it for) and now you have this listed in your personal picks. I feel so honored. I really hope I inspire other people with this post and I will keep writing to inspire people here in Steemit. I am new to Steemit and I am not a pro blogger but I try to learn something each day. I'll keep trying to write on the good days and the bad days, because even bad days can drive you to make something beautiful just like how that one sad day made me make this. Thank you for the boost, more than the payouts, this recognition and seeing my name in mentions of other Steemians because of my work is really heart warming and gives me a boost of confidence. It makes me feel like I really belong here and I have a spot here to fill. Thank you, you made one chronically ill woman very happy. All the best to you, @simplymike. I'll see you around Steemit!


I'm happy to hear that the post won first place in the contest @mermaidvampire. I remember this post and you wrote it with such heart. You inspire many with your words and actions. May your life be filled with beautiful and heart-filled moments.

Thank you, I did not expect it. It was a surprise to me, even up to now I am still in awe how it happened. I did not really expect to win since I was a buzzer beater and there were 144 entries sent. I am glad the 7 judges patiently went over all our works. It was one of the best contests in Steemit that I have seen. Thanks for the well wishes @beeyou, I appreciate that.

It was a very heart-warming post. If you have the time, you should look at the #my2018 tag by anomadsoul and write something for that. A lot of great content being rewarded nicely too. I don't have too many hobbies to showcased, sadly.

Thank you so much. I did make one, a buzzer beater. I passed the last minute. You can read about it here:

So nice to meet you @mermaidvampire and congratulations on your successes here!! Isn't is wonderful validation for those "down" days, or simply because we can be just so hard on ourselves!! I'm so thankful that @simplymike introduced you to me here and I look forward to getting to know you better ;)

Thank you, lynncoyle1, I really appreciate this. I'll follow you, see you around here in Steemit. All the best.

You are most welcome ;)

Of course you belong here :0)
That post was written straight from the heart, and that’s what makes it so powerful. I could really feel your doubts, your fears, but also your good heart and your strong will.
I’m really glad I found it, and that my contest provided me a way to find out about you and connect with you.
I’m sure we’ll come across each other again really soon!
Welcome to the family! ;0)

By the way, @mermaidvampire (oh, how I like that username), if you are ever in need for a chat, or need some cheering up, or just want to have some plain old fun, feel free to drop by at our #newbieresteemday Discord channel.
You’re more than welcome to join our little family of misfits :0)

Thank you so much for the invite. I will definitely be there. Thanks for all the help.

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