Maturity VII, Contributed By @olawalium.

in #love6 years ago

…continued… from part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5 and part 6


There are times you hold knowledge with wisdom and this is applicable to some issues in marriage too. You hold back on addressing some issues and deal with it in maturity. You don’t need to always shove your desire to be right in the face of your partner. Some fights are not worth it. Life in itself has pressure, so don’t expect peak performances from your spouse always. Be realistic and show maturity from time to time. She won’t always make you happy, just as he won’t always show considerations sometimes. She can’t be at her best always, just as he won’t always be at his best and when days like that pop up, showing a little bit of understanding and maturity will go a long way, rather than draining yourselves by nagging and bickering over something that requires more sense and maturity. Understand that days like that will come, and watch the pattern to understand and know that since it doesn’t happen constantly, you should let this one slide.

There will be emotional inconsistency or inconstancy, and all you can do for your partner in that given moment is to try and understand, be there for your partner; if you can’t, don’t seek to make it worse, just show understanding – that’s maturity. When you are mature, you seek to understand rather than being led by your own feelings alone, thinking the other person doesn’t understand how you feel. Put yourself in your partner’s shoes; try to see things from his or her perspectives too. Don’t be too rigid.


Don’t waste your energy trying to control your spouse, because that will take a lot of effort, and in fact, too much effort for that matter. It is better for couples to submit to themselves in love, rather than to seek to control each other. Don’t create a state of siege in your marriage. Don’t create room for hanging accusations and unspoken allegations. Maturity is everything in marriage. Maturity perseveres, it understands, and always seeks to understand.

Maturity seeks wisdom. Maturity doesn’t speak anyhow; caution. Maturity does not seek retaliation. Maturity does not try and prove a point. You must be mature in marriage and that is a prerequisite for the sustainability of it.

…to be continued…

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

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No one is perfect in his/her life. So don't expect him / her as perfect. It's upon You that how far you will take your partner. Just be positive at every point. Don't expect 100% outcome.

Absolutely. We need to know we can't always expect him or her to be at his or her best all the time. They are human after all; imperfect.

I have come to know that you really love reading posts.
I like your way of replying to everyone.

Thank you very much my friend. I love learning too and i always enjoy the comments. Your comments are always good, my friend.

Maturity in marriage is about understanding the feeling of each other. A matured man never underestimate partner emotion or feeling and respect her suggestion from time time which ultimately lead to happy married life

Posted using Partiko Android

Exactly, maturity cuts across every aspect of marriage. It determines what we get out of every relationship; happiness or sadness.

I learned there is no Mr perfect or mrs perfect, the fact that you love him or you love her should make the imperfections beautiful
You cant change your spouse cos thats what he/she is. You can just control them with maturity

Yes, with maturity your spouse can let go of some habits and try to do things to make you happy, but that is only when we deal with maturity and know that we are not perfect too.

Maturity doesnt speak anyhow and its maturity that you shouldn't speak all the time too. Its called marriage relationship, it has gone beyond inspections n observations. So where he/she fails; complain is total waste of energy. Sometimes ago a lady tried to surprise her spouse with a local she knew he loved but hadnt mastery of it after a big rift. Instead of a second war, he simply tagged it "a bad bribe" after he had eaten and it became a joke atmosphere. Maturity on both ends in this context.
Keyword for me sir: Maturity is prerequisite for sustainability of marriage.

Maturity is vital in every relationship. Maturity keeps you back from saying what you are not supposed to say, keeps you from doin5f what you are not supposed to do and transforms your attitude from inside to focus on making your spouse happy.

Absolutely sir

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