"Energy" slowing down to regain my strength.

in #life7 years ago

Up until about a year ago I never considered just how much energy it takes to live.
My normal day was spent moving almost all the time. Grab some coffee, go look over and start the work day on my bonsai trees.

A normal for me day was 12-18 hours outside moving and working the trees and stock plants and although I have chairs all around the place I would many times lay down the phone and not think about where it was till later.

Back ground History:
Over 20 yrs ago I was in an accident that twisted my spine in 3 different directions, whiplash, tmj, and lots of nerve damage and in spite of the experts telling me I would never walk and had to relearn english just to be able to talk with my kids, I proved them wrong and resumed a large portion of my normal life living albeit the loss of all my languages which was my primary income as a genealogical researcher.

Fast forward the 20 years plus and the damage to the spine reared itself in moments of periodical loss of feeling from the waist down (this does not affect the internal organs) and why where the phone was placed had me in a not comfortable spot of losing feeling and falling to the ground ( I have since learned to heed the warning signs and get in a chair). I laid there on the ground 4 hours before the feelings came back and I could get up and could get to the phone to call for assistance. After 6 times of this happening I have had to adapt everything done outside to when someone may be around just to make sure the critters living in my area can't come do any harm.

Moving is a key element and impacts our immune system and not being able to do my normal has created a issue with my immune system not working right and one of the reasons I went into herbal learning to find the solutions that will work with nature to heal and repair myself as much as possible.

I now trigger into hives from the bite of 1 mosquito bite and last 3 times ended up in the ER with the Dr sitting and watching me as my BP went to stroke level in spite of me telling him I am ok (I am sure others have dealt with drs like that). This is now my reality and I will adapt to it while still trying to heal my entire body.

The amount of energy loss from my immune system fighting me leaves me at times so tired to the point food has no interest for me because of the amount of energy it takes to eat and digest it and the drain of the energy has me sleeping a lot more now.
Where I am heading:
So as I learn this new and fantastic place called steemit and meet some awesome folks I am slowing down on many things with YT and a lot of the hate and drama from the what I term "christian lites" and back into a more real world where folks are not out to try and kill and destroy those they dislike ($100,000. worth of damage so far from them).
I am following some great folks here... Join me on my journey....Shalom!


It's Weetree! I'm happy to see you and it's good to hear more of your story.

I too find that to keep moving helps me on a whole variety of levels and I think is one of the secrets to staying healthy and living a long time - I'll never forget my 93-year-old great-grandmother advising me not to lift a heavy bag of topsoil when I was helping her in the garden. "I did that last year," she said. "My back hurt for weeks." I was floored that she could even budge that bag, let alone put it in a wheelbarrow.

LOL I understand that one real well and have had many times I moved 2 man trees by myself and suffered for it!

I planted a tree by myself about 7 years ago and threw my left hip out of alignment. I've had it put back in place many times now, but it really hasn't ever been the same since. It figures since I've planted trees before and since and it didn't SEEM like that big of a tree...but now especially when I'm pregnant I have days when I really limp on that side. So...Grandma's warning was reasonable.

Grandma's have a lot of wisdom in their words...

@weetreebonsai, I recently took a fall and it was quite alarming how much it affected the nerves. I've had some hearing issues and a portion of my face would twitch for hours at a time.

The essential oil melissa stopped the spasms pretty quickly. This is very expensive but I'm finding I can dilute it quite a bit for minor spasms.

Fortunately I already had a good chiropractor and massage therapist.

There are massages that are specifically designed to keep the lymph nodes functioning. This is my favorite reason for going for a massage. After the fall, I realized they also are hugely beneficial to releasing pain pathways and pressure on the nerves.

These two ladies fixed most of my issues in 6 months. In that time I gained a huge respect for people who work through these issues for a whole lifetime! My respect for you is immense!

I am also struggling with over-responsive histamine reactions to insect bites. In my post I link to a lady who is also exploring diet relationships to this issue. You might find her work interesting.

Also, I really really wish you would consider signing up to participate in The Minnows Accelerator Project

You would very much

I did chiro for 5 years just so I could walk and massage till I could get up and walking again and as a herbalist I manage the pain, but will look over your post about it! My thoughts about bots and support groups in general will be another story I will talk about in the future...

my only advice about the bots and support groups is don't judge them all by the same cover ;-)

chiro and massage ... i was somewhat convinced before ... now. definitely.

I'm planning to return to massage for the lymph nodes and see if I can get better ... well and of course I've got to continue to work on my diet.

I wish herbalists were easier to find in my area.

Many herbalist are having to almost go underground because of the powers that be trying to put them out of business. Herbals do not tell the body what to do, it uses what it has in the areas it needs to work. A chemical pill tells the body to do something and can cause more harm.

♥️ Wow! What a story! Keep moving. Keep fighting.

Not in my DNA to quit ;-)

Weetreebonsai, I wish you well on your journey my friend. I realize that not every person's body reacts the same to specific herbs etc, and you being knowledgeable of herbs most likely know that better than most. I would just like to say, since I have been using Chaga, not only has the cancerous growth I am dealing with shrunk by about 80%, but also my immune system appears to have become fortified.
I hope it will do the same for you................billytwohearts

That is my hope as well @billytwohearts and kudos on regaining health. The three most important things to remember is:
#1 You can't help someone heal if you are dead (What my Dr told me, he did not expect me to live a week when I got out of the hospital before last thanksgiving).
#2 There are thousands of herbs and they each have properties to heal where they are needed.
#3 Herbs are our creators gifts use them and be blessed by them.

I am sorry to hear about your trouble.
Hopefully, if not solved,than you will regain more control over what is happening to you, around you and with you.

It will be a work in progress till I am 100% back up to a working immune system, but I am getting better.

I am so sorry you have to go through all you do. I completely understand on the lack of energy. Praying for you my friend. (Hugs)

Hugs to you also @Oilyshumblehome! Thank You for being you!

Dude, I am so happy to see you posting. I really think you have a great voice when you write and I appreciate it. I must say, your story is amazing and super interesting. Might I suggest a few things to help encourage your?

  1. Tell more about the road to recovery. Post blogs about how you overcame such traumatic times and show what can happen if you stay positive. There are people all over the world that could use blogs like that.
  2. Talk about your trees more. I don't know anyone who does anything with bonsai trees. All I know is what I learned from Karate Kid to be honest. I would love to read blogs about your trees and your insight in to how to take care of them. I really would and I bet a lot of other people would too.
  3. Write more... you have such an interesting story. Please write more. I would love to read it.
    Thanks for your ongoing support on my blogs. I appreciate it.

Thank You for your encouraging suggestions! This was just to give an overlay and not meant for full story (can't pack that much life into a short blog). Stay tuned for more!

Yay, you are writing :) I cannot say that I know what it feels like, only that my mother had severe back and neck troubles, and suffered for many years. You remind me of her...she had more will than anyone I knew. And since she believed her body could heal, it did...She learned herbals, and made up her own physical therapy...things to stimulate her nerves to re-grow...and you know, they did! We did her foot massage while she told us stories when I was small...
She went from the drs telling her she would never walk again, to professional partners dancing...

I do believe you can heal, and am excited to be here with you to see the progress <3 I hope some of the things I share will be helpful...

Looking forward to reading more!!

Over the many years a lot of the healing knowledge has been lost, so many times we get just bits and pieces from what someone else remembers so we share what we have and regrow our knowledge. I have healed considerably from where I was once I got rid of the chemical drugs that were pushed on me.

What happens when we are younger does have an effect on us later. Nerve pain is by far some of the worst pain a person can suffer from. It comes without rhyme or reason to places on our body that we have never had an issue with. I don't think doctors understand that very well yet, so we Deal with it the best we can.

It took years for the damage to be done, it is not going to be "Fixed" overnight. We struggle and try not to give up, knowing that we will have some good days ahead and make some more good memories.

Suffer the fools not lightly.

Many of the mushrooms I use work to rebuild the nerve sheath and repair the damage, one of the better ones is Lions Mane (Hericium erinaceus) the uses are many and work where modern chemical drugs fail. Ghost Pipe (Monotropa uniflora) is one that is at times hard to explain how it works and until someone has tried it do not understand how you can set pain to the side to see but not be controlled by it. And yes making memories is one of the good things we can do on good days.

Keep on moving forward, sometimes that is easier to say than
do, stress also takes its toll in so many ways, major events like
operations, losing loved ones and even all the rage in this world
play into the well being of one's mind, body and soul. In these
times we are living in it can be hard to get well with most the air, water and foods tainted.
My friend, you have been through so much and I wish you well and
on the road to rawk hunting ❤

Having some fantastic friends sure helps and you are the best!
This past year was hard with the haters and my health and in spite of it all you had me protected, and for that I can never repay!

The many hours of staying on top of things being spread and having the forethought to make sure a record was kept from all of them on the lies and plans they were doing while showing a different face to me as "a friend" while working to place a dagger in my back. Yup it has been a long year and one day we will get do some rawk hunting!

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