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RE: "Energy" slowing down to regain my strength.

in #life7 years ago

@weetreebonsai, I recently took a fall and it was quite alarming how much it affected the nerves. I've had some hearing issues and a portion of my face would twitch for hours at a time.

The essential oil melissa stopped the spasms pretty quickly. This is very expensive but I'm finding I can dilute it quite a bit for minor spasms.

Fortunately I already had a good chiropractor and massage therapist.

There are massages that are specifically designed to keep the lymph nodes functioning. This is my favorite reason for going for a massage. After the fall, I realized they also are hugely beneficial to releasing pain pathways and pressure on the nerves.

These two ladies fixed most of my issues in 6 months. In that time I gained a huge respect for people who work through these issues for a whole lifetime! My respect for you is immense!

I am also struggling with over-responsive histamine reactions to insect bites. In my post I link to a lady who is also exploring diet relationships to this issue. You might find her work interesting.

Also, I really really wish you would consider signing up to participate in The Minnows Accelerator Project

You would very much


I did chiro for 5 years just so I could walk and massage till I could get up and walking again and as a herbalist I manage the pain, but will look over your post about it! My thoughts about bots and support groups in general will be another story I will talk about in the future...

my only advice about the bots and support groups is don't judge them all by the same cover ;-)

chiro and massage ... i was somewhat convinced before ... now. definitely.

I'm planning to return to massage for the lymph nodes and see if I can get better ... well and of course I've got to continue to work on my diet.

I wish herbalists were easier to find in my area.

Many herbalist are having to almost go underground because of the powers that be trying to put them out of business. Herbals do not tell the body what to do, it uses what it has in the areas it needs to work. A chemical pill tells the body to do something and can cause more harm.

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