in #life7 years ago

What in the world are you doing with your life?

Honestly, if you know who you are, then what you are doing should be reflecting that. Personally, I have three main identities, and everything else in my life comes after those three, or is an extension of those three. Knowing your purpose and goals makes life a lot more meaningful, and things are easier to accomplish if you know exactly what you are actually trying to accomplish.

This is just a random ramble from me, but I thought that it would be good to share and thought that it could also provide some insight into who I am and why I do what I do. Enjoy the video folks!


As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with

GIF provided by @orelmely




What a powerful video. I have been on Steemit for only a short time and have learned to watch for the material you post, but I don't know how you can ever surpass this one.

I have worked in a very goal-oriented profession all my adult life. I have been successful in it, and as I approach the last few years of this career, I know that I have been very good at my work. However, I have not generally applied those skills in my personal life, and am only now beginning to realize my identity and roles going forward. If only I had done a better job of that as a younger man, as you have done.

Whoa! Your comment makes me think of what would become of me if at a later year of my life, I take this introspective look at myself. @papa-pepper you are inspiring.... I want to sit and digest the video a little further. #gemsofwisdom

Act now. A common thought for me is, "I wish I had done or known this 20 years ago." I know what my path is now, but the wasted time is regrettable.

Hmmmmm.... Your words will running through in my head Everytime I want to abandon something I should be doing on the long term

I’m new here... I hit the platform a month ago... Although English is not my motherhood language I have understood from your video that there are three things that matter to you. 1. Your relationship with God, 2. Your relationship with your wife, 3. Your relationship with your children. These define your life and the decisions you make spring from these relationships. All those relationship are the source of your identity... which is really amazing.
Am I right?
I have to admit that my identity and resources are in my relationships with God and my Lord Jesus.
Bless you and your family!

Good understanding!

I am glad I am following ya papa-pepper. My wife and I are working the best we can by God's grace to get out of debt and my long term dream is to live in the country off the grid as much as possible. Grow our own food, pump water from a well, be self efficient. But even that goal is something we need God's wisdom and guidance for. I can see that God has truly worked in your heart and changed a heart of a criminal to a humble man of God. I need to also put God first in my life so in turn I can love my wife and my children the way God wants me too. Love for God will help me to be a better man. By God's grace I can grow my youtube channel and steemit to be a good witnessing tool for others to be lead to Christ. Thank you for not being ashamed of sharing your faith. God bless and keep on fighting that good fight of faith.

Thank you for all of that. May the Lord lead you as you allow Him to. Be blessed.

@papa-pepper, you and I might be from different religions, you and I might be in different countries, you and I might be living different lives... but what you are saying is so true... Like I even don't know whether you will be able to read this comment, as hundreds of comments will be pouring in right now... but you are a good man and it doesn't matter what your past is if you learnt your lessons... God bless you Mr. Pepper... now I am going to go and hug my wife because we had a fight (we always do every now and then)... cheers mate...

Thank you for that my friend!

Knowing your purpose and goals makes life a lot more meaningful, and things are easier to accomplish if you know exactly what you are actually trying to accomplish.
This is completely true you cannot know who you are and it does not reflect in your life. It is only a person who does not know why he is living would end up living a worthless life.

I agree with you on it being a curse having both parents leave the home to work. It’s truly a blessing that you can earn money from home to be there for your family.

Just a few days back i was questioning my choices, was correlating success with money fame and popularity. But now i see that its happiness and satisfaction with work that matters the most and what is keeping your mind happy is what one should do. This is what they mean by " follow your heart" I guess.

Thank you for inspiring pops!

Cool! Thanks for being inspired.

I agree. I've learned while going after goals you first need to make certain it helps you in what you care most about. Mine are:

  1. Being the best Father possible
  2. Improving physical self
  3. Improving financial well being & business

The areas I know I need to improve even more on is:

  1. Being a great husband (I put child above relationship)
  2. Growing closer to Lord

Thanks for the video / post and honest response.

Your priority list is dead right. Mine is skewed which I am working on but I put in the order I am currently focusing on in the time I am putting towards it.

Sorry to blowup wall. I am reading one of the proverbs each day and applying it to my life. Thought you may enjoy this one.

I'll check it out. Thanks!

Thanks for your honest evaluation of yoursekf too!

Today I thought to define @papa-pepper but I didn't found any words to define. The inspirational video made me emotional. Words seem to be less to write here.
I had studied Murdock, Raphael Linton, Iravati Karve and many more socio-anthropologists who had defined the family and relationships among family members, today's speach by you was more emotional with natural behavior to define a good family. May be because it was with emotional expression.
Hope your relationship with God and family be as you think and better than that. And at last one line I am taking from your post "why do what I do" and try to make it "I do what I do".
Thanks for the great motivational and emotional video. God bless you and your family.


It looks like you are very aware of your roles and the important things in your life. I also believe wholeheartedly that we have to be aware of the values in our life. #livingwithvalues

Very true!

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