How did you start your love for books?

in #life6 years ago

I began reading books at the age of four. Schooled by a perfectionist mother and a very supportive elder sister, I fell in love and was lost in the written word.


From Unsplash - Bence Boros

My earliest memory of reading is Dr. Seuss's The Cat in the Hat. I couldn't pronounce all the words correctly yet and I remember freezing when my mom would sit in front of me to listen. It was better when it was my elder sister as she would patiently guide me and enunciate the words.

I found the book to be crazy and whimsical because who would put a hat in a cat! Yet I loved the concept and silliness. It fired the imagination and removed the limits of what is possible.

I remember seeing a strange man by the door one day. He was wearing a tie and crisp white shirt. No matter how hard I try to remember I can't picture his face anymore just what he wore that day. Apparently, he was selling encyclopedias and thus began my first reading project.

When it was delivered I remembered being open- mouthed amazed at so many hardbound books. It was placed on its own bookshelf newly purchased and you can smell how newly printed the books were.

I tentatively reached out to the first one with an embossed letter A on its side. It felt heavy in my hands. I turned the page and thus I learned everything starting with A back then.

I was drawn to people, history, and stories. I kinda skipped over the math and poetry stuff. I loved reading about ancient kings and queens, of wars fought, won and lost, of military tactics and technology, and the rise and falls of empires.

I enjoyed reading about religion and philosophy and at an early age saw the divide they had yet there were similarities in thought. They just arrived at their truth differently.

I enjoyed the fables and anecdotes from Africa to Latin America. It showed how diverse our cultures are and the beliefs each nation had.

I love the facts about the continents, nations, people, culture, and customs it showed. I love the animals from the smallest plankton to the extinct dinosaurs.

It took me some time to finish it and I would say one of the reasons for my near-sighted eyesight because I read in the dark using a flashlight but when I was done it was such an accomplishment.

You know that smart-aleck kid you hated in grade school because he knew all the trivia. I was that kid.

Since I was done with the encyclopedias it was time for new books! I remember going to my 2nd sister's room and rummaging through her stuff like any other pesky, little brother does. I found her stash of Sweet Valley High books and read them all.

My elder sister had other taste as she collected Archie comics and The Adventures of TinTin. I still laugh when I see images of Captain Haddock swearing at Snowy. Technically it's not a book but it was still in written form.

To my mother's dismay, I found her Sidney Sheldon books and read those too. I could not think what the big deal was because I read all of those stuff in encyclopedias.


From Unsplash - Mike Wilson

When I entered school it brought with the perks of a larger library. I became best friends with librarians and I thought it was the coolest job ever to be surrounded by books. They would give me recommendations on what to read.

I mostly stayed in fiction as now I devoured the classics like Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. I immersed myself in Greek, Roman and Norse Mythology and laughed at Aesop's fables.

High school came and with it was a lot of book reports. My classmates hated book reports and they would go buy that Clifford notes and cheat their way into a book report. I on the other hand absolutely loved doing book reports as it opened a way for me to talk about how I understood and felt about the book.



This was special to me because of its message. At this time I was having a lot of family problems and as short and often dismissed as for kids this helped me put away some of my darkness away. In a way books were balms to my troubled soul.

I also started with more Fantasy novels at this post as I borrowed the complete works of J. R. R. Tolkien, Ursula K. Le Guin and R. A. Salvatore.

One of the reasons why I took up Philosophy was it was a good pre-Law course for me. Although I would say that a bigger reason was that it only had two math subjects in the entire curriculum so off to enrollment I go!

The first week of classes and several books were listed that needed to be finished and discussed during the course of the semester. I was in heaven.

We read and discussed the Ancient Greek Philosophies, the classics like Plato, Arisotle and Socrates. The Dark ages and how religion almost destroyed civilization, to the Renaissance and the minds of Descartes, Spinoza, Kant, and Kierkegaard. Even Nietzche was discussed or more apt was debated. To balance that out the works of the Doctors of the Church like St. Augustine and St. Francis were taught.

Speed reading and comprehension were skills that were needed because a chapter would be assigned today and next day you are expected to be able to defend or refute it.

For fun I would be reading books by Stephen King, Tom Clancy, and John Grisham.



This was also the time I discovered The Wheel of Time series which would consume me for the next decade as I eagerly read each new book that was released. It pained me when Robert Jordan died and the book series was not yet done but grew hopeful when announced that Brandon Sanderson was given the monumental task to finish it.

I then discovered his work and his Stormlight Archives became an instant favorite of mine.

I still read a lot of books and even with being busy with a career, life and Steemit I am able to finish a book a week. I just don't get enough sleep!

I now read books about leadership like Simon Sinek and John Maxwell. I even read a lot of Gary Vaynerchuck. I bought and read all the Game of Thrones books and waiting for the next one!

So I have never stopped reading and my love for books continue on.

This quote shows the importance of reading books.



So how did you start your love for books?


I started out reading newspapers since my Dad bought them regularly and they were cheap. I can't remember exactly when that started, but it was sometime before Kindergarten.

From there, my earliest recollection is reading as many biographies of famous people I could get my hands on in the school libraries.

I read Nancy Drew (couldn't get into the Hardy Boys as much for some reason), as well as the Three Investigators (Bob, Pete and Jupiter).

Then, my tastes starting morphing more towards fantasy and sci-fi. I read a few of the Dragons of Pern books, read all of the Stephen R. Donaldson Thomas Covenant books, and ended up reading titles from Asimov, Heinlein and Bradbury that I can't really remember now.

The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy was fun, too.

Then, I got into comic books, particularly the Marvel superhero kind, with Chris Claremont helming the X-Men. Some of the best story arcs ever written in my opinion, in or out of comics happened during the mid-80s in that comic book.

I've read the scriptures several times, and of late, have gotten into Dan Brown books and similar fare. I'm sure there's been others along the way that I can't exactly recall right now.

For school assignments, I read Catch-22, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest and Slaughterhouse Five, along with plenty of Shakespeare.

You are such a prolific reader! How could I forget Hitchhiker's guide!
I had my share of Shakespeare also and JD Salinger books thats another i missed. I'm thinking of redoing this post with all ten missed books that changed my life and thought process .

And it turned me into a first class introvert, so there's that. :) Still fighting my way out of that (kicking and screaming, mostly).

Well, I left off the Harry Potter and Hunger Games series' too, so you're not the only one. I'm sure there's plenty of others I'm not recalling.

I'd love to get back into reading books, but most of my time now is spent reading posts on Steemit, which I get some vapor SP for, which is more than I've ever gotten for reading someone else's books.

I haven't read the latest Dan Brown novel, so I probably will get to that before the end of Summer. Maybe. After that, I'm not even sure what else is out there.

lol the people who have commented have all reminded me of books that I have read and not place here!!! True I love reading the fiction section here. A lot of talented authors! And we get SP too when we like it!

There are so many books out there that still needs to be read and so little time to read because of Steemit.

Oh yes! This is a topic I can discuss ALL day long.
My love for books, writing and reading started when I was very young.

I can remember reading Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys mystery books; before they were a Sunday night TV show. I read EVERYTHING I can get my hands on and always have.

As a teenager my Saturdays were spent in the library; and continue to be so even now as an adult.

I have thousands of books- hardcover.
I have a Kindle and a tablet full of ebooks.
Magazines.. oh yes!

I am, and have been, your typical library geek and book nerd. My husband constantly teases me (in a loving way) about burying my nose in a book.

Oh I forgot to add Nancy Drew and the Hardy boys!! My sister who loves The Adventures of Tintin also loved those and because of that I love those too because I read whatever she was reading!!!

Anything written I would read and if I need to be waiting for a long time like a doctor's appointment I bring a book while all the rest of the people now have their attention buried on their smartphones.

Readers are a dying breed :(

I think my first book was Arabian nights, I can't be too sure now but I do remember the pictures and the stories and how much I wanted that book to be mine.

I never got direct encouragement from my father, though he read, but he never stopped me until I started foregoing my school work for novels.

I am still the only actively engaged reader in my family and everyone knows that I cannot ignore a novel minding its business.

I read with candles, kerosene lanterns, torch and now that I read mostly e-books, my dad worries that I would soon start wearing glasses 😂

I am into fantasy a lot since I discovered game of thrones in the University. Funny enough, I never read beyond three chapters and probably never will. I have however touched base with Sanderson, whose works I value, as well as Robert Jordan, Steven Erickson, Nnedi OKorafor, Elizabeth Haydon, Prior, etc.

I am not reading as much as I would love to but I still do read and it still is s very integral part of my life.

Lucky you I started wearing glasses when I was 11 years old and had coke bottle glasses lol

Well I came from a family of readers and until now everyone in our family still reads books and we were able to pass it to their kids. Hopefully mine will be if I get any haha.

Yeah I remember your list and it was great. I'm thinking of rereading the whole Wheel of time series one of these days haha.

Yeah me too but I want to check out Esselmont's own contribution to the Malazan World. I hope it's as awesome as Erickson's.

Once am done, it's Wheel of Time again. 😂


I started my love of books with the Bible. Because when I was still a kid, growing up in a Christian family, my parents would really let me read the Bible. I find it amazing and then, I remember starting to go to the library at school when I was still in grade school. At first, I always go to the religious books they have and then one day, I just found myself reading fairy tales and stuff. I super love fairy tales (that is probably why I always wanted to have a happy ending :D ) And then, I got more into reading when I was in college since we are obliged to because I am studying English Literature. :D :) Books are really GOOD! :)

I'm from a Catholic school and the Bible is one of the very first you really get to read.

Hahaha I can relate to the fairy tales and mythologies. Something about them that makes life so interesting.

My son is in love with Dr. Zeuss' books. As for encyclopedias, that's what we read for breakfast each day. He is fascinated by books, although at his age (4) can read only 4-5 letters words on his own.
I started to read at 5 yo. I was hook on comic books. My dad used t bring me Pif et Hercules, a French series that I loved.
Later on in my teens I discovered Balzac, Victor Hugo, Descartes and Gabriel Garcia Marques that mesmerized me.

Ohhh Les Miz and Gabriel Marques. All the great comments here are making me think I have not written even 1/4 of the books that I have read and should be in this post!!!

You'd turn this post into a book if you will mention all the authors you loved. ;-)

Hahahha that is entirely possible !

Wow a door-to-door encyclopedia salesman - almost as rare as a buyer who actually reads the entire encyclopedia set!! That is super impressive. I hope my daughter is as equally inspired to read by The Cat In the Hat :) She definitely loves all the Dr. Seuss and P.D. Eastman books.

I for one have a love hate relationship with reading.. I didn't really get into it until I discovered comic books, specifically the BONE series. I bought them all!! But the thing that really actually got me into books without pictures was the movie Jurassic Park. I remember seeing it in 3rd grade, and I loved it so much that I read the book - then I ate through all of Crichton's books that we had in the school library. That led me to the His Dark Materials' trilogy, and then I became a bit more open minded over the years with other books. But generally speaking I don't read nearly as much as I should. Not enough time these days!

Haha it was a thing here in our country when I was a kid and I fell in love with reading at such a young age so that + video games and I did not leave the house haha.

Damn! another list of books I should have placed haha Yeah all of Crichtons books were fun to read.

I don't blame you with your art and Steemit its hard to get any reading done.

LOL same - I would be drawing or singing in my room usually, so I never left the house either XD There are a few books that I want to read though, so I really should try to fit it all in there somewhere.

To be honest I don't remember exactly how I started reading books, but what I know for sure is that in school I only enjoyed reading history books and works of fiction. Then I realized I needed more, outside of the school program. Now I am always on a hunt for a good read :)

Nice its good that you developed later on a habit of looking for good books to read! It fills your mind with wonder and information!

I read the Tintin and Asterix comics when I was very young. As well as Dr Seuss. These would be my earliest reading, and I did truly love these. The stories, the imagination, the illustrations. The first serious type of books I got into where the Tolkein ones - the Hobbit and the LOTR. But it wasn't until I started to read Philip K Dick's work that my reading really opened up. That's when something just clicked with me about the wonder of books (novels more precisely), and have been on a reading feast since then.

Oh yeah the Asterix comics!!! I read those too! Such a trip to memory lane. I discovered Tolkien during highschool and remember borrowing the whole set!

Hmm interesting I have never heard of Phillip Dick's so I will check that out!

very nice Mave!! did you know there is a "what book do you love contest?"

i thought this was an entry. :)

great writing mah boi

OMG there is a contest!! damn I should have entered this one lol! It might not be too late!

Yeah check it out!!!

I grew up browsing World Book Encyclopedia and Childcraft. It was not until high school that I started reading more but mostly novels and after high school I started reading more and more but again mostly novels. I like the way stories take me to a different world. The book that I probably read more than once is Shogun by James Clavell. I am fascinated by Japanese culture and that book describes the shogunate era. Also, John Grisham books are those that I have the most in my boxful of collection.

However, I don't remember what I have read lol! I can only remember bits and pieces but not the whole story. That's the problem with me. I can say I read one book but forgot the content. I think there's advantage to it though because if I read it again, it's like reading it for the first time lol!

Well I don't remember either all the books that I have read. Sometimes I go through my bookcase and reread some of my books and then I stumble on books that apparently I have not read at all lol

Oh Yeah I read Shogun and was intrigued by it as well!

You must have vast collection to have books that you still haven't read :)

Yeah sometimes that happens. I bought books that I have not yet read.

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