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RE: How did you start your love for books?

in #life6 years ago

I grew up browsing World Book Encyclopedia and Childcraft. It was not until high school that I started reading more but mostly novels and after high school I started reading more and more but again mostly novels. I like the way stories take me to a different world. The book that I probably read more than once is Shogun by James Clavell. I am fascinated by Japanese culture and that book describes the shogunate era. Also, John Grisham books are those that I have the most in my boxful of collection.

However, I don't remember what I have read lol! I can only remember bits and pieces but not the whole story. That's the problem with me. I can say I read one book but forgot the content. I think there's advantage to it though because if I read it again, it's like reading it for the first time lol!


Well I don't remember either all the books that I have read. Sometimes I go through my bookcase and reread some of my books and then I stumble on books that apparently I have not read at all lol

Oh Yeah I read Shogun and was intrigued by it as well!

You must have vast collection to have books that you still haven't read :)

Yeah sometimes that happens. I bought books that I have not yet read.

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