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RE: How did you start your love for books?

in #life6 years ago

I started out reading newspapers since my Dad bought them regularly and they were cheap. I can't remember exactly when that started, but it was sometime before Kindergarten.

From there, my earliest recollection is reading as many biographies of famous people I could get my hands on in the school libraries.

I read Nancy Drew (couldn't get into the Hardy Boys as much for some reason), as well as the Three Investigators (Bob, Pete and Jupiter).

Then, my tastes starting morphing more towards fantasy and sci-fi. I read a few of the Dragons of Pern books, read all of the Stephen R. Donaldson Thomas Covenant books, and ended up reading titles from Asimov, Heinlein and Bradbury that I can't really remember now.

The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy was fun, too.

Then, I got into comic books, particularly the Marvel superhero kind, with Chris Claremont helming the X-Men. Some of the best story arcs ever written in my opinion, in or out of comics happened during the mid-80s in that comic book.

I've read the scriptures several times, and of late, have gotten into Dan Brown books and similar fare. I'm sure there's been others along the way that I can't exactly recall right now.

For school assignments, I read Catch-22, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest and Slaughterhouse Five, along with plenty of Shakespeare.


You are such a prolific reader! How could I forget Hitchhiker's guide!
I had my share of Shakespeare also and JD Salinger books thats another i missed. I'm thinking of redoing this post with all ten missed books that changed my life and thought process .

And it turned me into a first class introvert, so there's that. :) Still fighting my way out of that (kicking and screaming, mostly).

Well, I left off the Harry Potter and Hunger Games series' too, so you're not the only one. I'm sure there's plenty of others I'm not recalling.

I'd love to get back into reading books, but most of my time now is spent reading posts on Steemit, which I get some vapor SP for, which is more than I've ever gotten for reading someone else's books.

I haven't read the latest Dan Brown novel, so I probably will get to that before the end of Summer. Maybe. After that, I'm not even sure what else is out there.

lol the people who have commented have all reminded me of books that I have read and not place here!!! True I love reading the fiction section here. A lot of talented authors! And we get SP too when we like it!

There are so many books out there that still needs to be read and so little time to read because of Steemit.

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