Why Use a 1000 Words When 300 Or So Will Do? ~ And, Introducing Kitchen Sink Spirituality.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Kitchen Sink.jpg

Spiritual shenanigans get me thinking rather a lot these days as I realise that much of what is presented as truth is smoke and mirrors; not necessarily untrue but, unnecessarily knotty.

Concepts are, often, overly complicated to bamboozle, astound and confound.

Much of what is offered is verbose and convoluted as some teachers appear to delight in their own intellect and are, perhaps, motivated by selling you their own particular flavour of spirituality.

My team in spirit often remind me;

”Beware the false prophet.”


Words have the power to clarify or confuse and in spiritual buzz words such as dualism, paradigm, exponentially and paradox are oft overused and, I find, mightily peevesome, (a worm I just made up for the craic!), as they cloud the purity of message.

My point here is why crap on, using big words - over complicating and gilding the lily!

Why use a 1000 words, and some, when a smaller gathering of well-chosen and grouped consonants and vowels will suffice?

Is it not a little arrogant to ramble on and presume upon any readers precious time?

(This point is pertinent across all disciplines and, I note, Steemit has its fair share of grandiose wordy warblers. ~ No judgement there then Linda! Humm.)


Thinkers abound and often have a propensity for verbosity which risks alienating any audience and leaving them cold and confuddled in their wake.

My particular spin on spirituality, which I have termed Kitchen Sink Spirituality, is a bare-bones deal, easily accessible to all – perhaps too simplified for some.

Huge tomes exist on the subject of Spirituality with intelligent arguments drawing from historical wisdom, religious doctrines, bright minds and acknowledged sages to substantiate and put forward convincing arguments for leading principles. This is all nice and nifty but can be a little highbrow.

I see a need for straightforward spirituality which is readily accessible to all.


Enter – no nonsense, simple language Kitchen Sink Spirituality.

With the help of my, in Spirit, Spiritual Team I am drawn to brevity and non-denominational spirituality and look forward to sharing more with you in the coming weeks and months.

With Love.


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I invite you to check out my recent posts. I'd sure love to hear your thoughts :

A piece in which I cobble together a whole lotta wisdom! HERE.

A controversial piece about some of the Art contests I see here on Steemit ~ ART DEGREES HERE.

What is a Lightworker, and are you one? HERE.

My Entry for Jerry Banfield's Supernatural Writing Contest HERE. (Well worth a read even though I do say so myself!)

Essays on Love HERE.

My Life as a Vintage Dealer HERE.

Prologue From My Book, Mamma, Mamma Are You There?, HERE

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Spirituality is as complicated as we make it. Your'e team are bang on the button for me. I see you have been a busy bee on here, I will have to try & keep up xox

I agree :)

My team makes sense to me too and the great thing is that it lets me off the hook for over thinking!


I have been busy as you say but it is an uphill battle ~ I am working on my attitude trying to let go of expectation and striving to enjoy the interactions and journey as it unravels.

Where have you been? ~ Hope all is well?


No i haven't practiced telepathy, I would need a like minded soul to practice with, my social circle aren't on the same wave length as me spiritually speaking, I haven't ventured far from where I am it's the internet access that keeps me away from Steemit more than any other reason. Library's are okay for an hour but it's not long enough.
I have my health to be grateful for & everyday provides what I need to get through life & offers me some spare to help others, As long as it continues like this I will be in my element. xox

Hey Linda,

Visiting from a comment you wrote on @maverickinvictus' Hot Hot Links post. ;)

I've been so fed up with spirituality jargon that I've used the term 'consciousness' for years instead.

But I like your 'Kitchen Sink Spirituality' and look forward to you getting into that more in your future posts.

Stay Blessed!

Thank you for your encouraging comment.

I am off to scout yours now!

And look forward to virtually getting to know you.


I think I get your point :-)

Language is tricky and communication through the written filter without being in physical touch or seeing body language is often like chewing gum.

I often felt anger being confronted with terms I did not understand and what made me as a consequence feeling stupid. Mostly, the anger was about myself combined with a little indifference whether I should ask for clarification (ruminating in my mind if that it's worth it or and speculating about the persons' intention behind it & getting altogether aggravated about the academic ivory towers I encounter).

What I found out is that if I select a certain topic which I want to be deeply involved with it is a huge effort and time-consuming to come close to an understanding and consensus with the particular person involved.

Does that make sense to you?

All together some kitchen sink talk I can appreciate:-))

We are thinking in the same direction Linda - there are times when I do get verbosity attacks and upon editing find much more effective ways of saying things. And there is nothing as painful as an author running in circles around the essence without ever speaking it..

I have a lady friend who claims ignorance of most subjects, yet who possesses the hidden genius of putting in a handful of words what others would analyze to death - wish I could her to write!

And there is nothing as painful as an author running in circles around the essence without ever speaking it..


I too am guilty of verbiage and tricksy language at times ~ we are but human!

Thanks for your interaction; I wish you well.


I almost choked trying to read this part:

Words have the power to clarify or confuse and in spiritual buzz words such as dualism, paradigm, exponentially and paradox are oft overused and, I find, mightily peevesome, (a worm I just made up for the craic!), as they cloud the purity of message.


But this part is very true:

My point here is why crap on, using big words - over complicating

When writing for others, we have to always remember that Steem readers have various levels of english comprehension.

Written more simply:

When writing for Steem Users, speak in simple english so it is easier to understand by more people.

A lot of people will use a translator tool like translate.google.com to convert your words into their own language.

If you write simply, it helps that to happen.

Thanks for your thoughts.

Enjoy your week.


@intelliguy, LOL. Don't let yourself being choked. There is always the opportunity to ask for clarification when language gets funny. Sometimes it leads to good conversations in not having understood in the first place


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