As Spirit Soars On The Wings of Eagles - A Message Of Love ~ Supernatural Writing Contest. SWC

in #jerrybanfield6 years ago (edited)


What follows is a true, yet likely difficult to believe tale ~ Just one of many I have, up my sleeve, to share!

It is my entry to the mind expanding Supernatural Writing Contest being hosted @jerrybanfield You can read more here.


My husband, Rick, is a natural psychic who prefers to live quietly under the radar, in anonymity. I have known of his abilities for the 10 years that we have been together and witnessed many strange phenomena during this time; but, it was not until June 2016 that The Spiritual Realm made itself known to me personally.

Much has happened since and I have been introduced to our Spiritual Team who offer us love, support, guidance and protection.


The Universe is an energetic, infinite field of potent polarity and, unbeknownst to most, there is a very real war raging between The Light and The Dark.


As Spirit Soars On The Wings of Eagles.

Team Spirit call Rick ‘The General’ and recently referred to me as ‘The Light Warrior’.

Unlike Rick, I am not shy and through my talents I am encouraged to spread light and love to help raise awareness and the energetic vibration. With this development we find that we now have targets on our backs and are within the scope of the dark who are seriously sneaky and devious with their psychic attacks.


Autumn 2016, and we were living in an off grid Finca in Spain when things became decidedly nasty.

Jason, a big gun Spirit who calls himself ‘The Corrector’ advised us to abandon ship and go on a road trip to calm ourselves and regroup.

And so, we hastily packed Rick’s Jeep with camping gear and sped up the track with Jessie in the back. Jess is no ordinary dog - she is a gift from Spirit to help heal Rick – (for his personal tale is one of extreme sadness and abuse). They call her Bright Soul and hold her in high esteem. The dark hate her; for she is fearless and protects us both.

With limited funds, and only a tank of fuel, we couldn't travel far and found ourselves close to home.

Spain is big - with vast swathes of countryside. Coastal Catalonia boosts rolling hills with pale grey, green olive groves which gently merge with small areas of fragrant pine forest. The fertile sun-baked orange soil frames the turquoise blue of the Mediterranean Sea. A picturesque, unpopulated, landscape we naively imagined it easy to find a secluded corner to camp out but, driving around, soon realised that most spots were in private ownership and therefore off limits.

For 2 nights we stayed in motorway service stations and cooked our meals under the industrial orange glow of municipal lamps. Despite the subtle pervading odour of stale pee, we remained philosophical and appreciative. Having blocked the Jeep windows from prying eyes we were cosy in our compact space and grateful for our relative comfort.

I had packed a gazillion blankets and made up a futon style mattress. Rick had organised technology allowing us full internet access, music and entertainment – powered via the car battery and an inverter. We relaxed, and slept, with led fairy lights and a battery operated fake flicker candle – for the dark profit from the dark and hate pretty!

Venturing inland we found a delightful village nestled in the foothills. It had a picturesque carpark and we spent several nights parked under a trained canopy of fig tree leaves with the stars visible beyond. The sound of silence, permeated with the song of cicadas and distant dogs barking, lulled us to sleep. The spirits were happy to tell us that this village was 'Bright' and advised us to remember it well and treat it as our sanctuary.

Morella spain.jpg

Morella, Spain. (Original Source Unknown).

We continued to a small medieval fortress town, Morella, where the ramparts and houses made like mountain goats - clinging precariously to the hillside. Here we stumbled upon an RV carpark affording fantastic and free views of this historic site. In the fading warmth of late afternoon we set up camp and stayed for several nights until Jason visited and advised us that, in the morning, it was time to go home.

The direct route home was inexplicably closed. So, we meandered through tortuously windy mountain roads. This was a blessing. The scenery was fantastic and en-route the Spirits gifted us an incredible Flock of Eagles!


(Spanish Eagles: as of 2010, there were only 282 recorded breeding pairs of which 279 were in Spain and the other 3 were observed in Portugal).


Eagles are not known to flock.


As we turned a corner, circling high above us, were several Eagles gliding on the thermals. As we drove gently upwards there was, to our right, a less than sheer drop to a small, hidden valley not far below. As we approached the top of the rise, and an imminent right-hand bend in the road, many Eagles appeared from below.

Until finally, I stopped the car for us to view and fully appreciate the spectacle. Amazed we watched as at least 50 more birds rose up in front of our eyes! Several were so close that we could clearly see their markings and later identify them as Spanish Eagles.

The last bird disappeared as a camper van approached from the opposite direction, just a split smidgeon too late to enjoy the show.

What we witnessed was against all logic and simply should not have been.


When we arrived home; Rick missed the lone Eagle that circled the house high above in the bright blue, expansive sky. I dropped my eyes momentarily, seeking him out, eager to share this wonder and, when just seconds later I looked skyward again, the bird was illogically gone.


The Eagle is acknowledged to be the king of the sky and it is said that it conveys the power and message of Spirit. Credited as man’s connection to the divine Eagles fly higher than any other bird.


We had witnessed a miracle - a gift of love, to bolster our resolve in the face of dark harangued days.


Later I spoke to my spirit guide, Mary, and mentioned the Eagles. She answered;

“So, you noticed!”

To which I replied;

“A flock of Eagles would be hard to miss. There must have been 50 of them.”

“No Linda.”

She quietly replied;

“There were 72!”


With Love.


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I invite you to check out my recent posts. I'd sure love to hear your thoughts :)

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My dear, this is breathtaking!! It's moments like these which leave me in a total awe and the feeling we are part of a giant and wonderful mystery!
Your experience and the answer of your spirit guide are just amazing!

I really love how connected to the spirit world you are <3

You are such an interesting and lovely soul my dear!

Hugs and Xoxoxo from another Linda :) <3

Spirit is truly astounding eh.

And yay! ~ another beautiful Linda ;)

Truly happy we have met here.


Aaaaaaw thank you so much for your lovely words my dear! <3 <3 <3

I am also super happy we met here! :) <3

Big hug and a lot of love and light to you, wonderful and gorgeous Linda :-*


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Thanks to you both.

@gmichelbkk @jerrybanfield

This is a most generous and bright opportunity for folks to shine.


Awesome story! I too resonate with eagles..perhaps you've had a life as one :)

That is an interesting thought and one to be explored further at some point.

I know that reincarnation is real but am still unsure if it is inter species?

I feel a conversation with my guide coming on...

Fly high my virtual feathered friend.



Beautiful share Linda, thank you for allowing the world to see you. I have found that being with nature is the easiest path to slowing down and noticing the phenomenal world we share. Bird-like friends from Mu, may they continue to guide and follow you. Blessings siStar, you are so loved 💖 Thank you for sharing Manna and magic. Steem Om 🙏🏻

Thanks for your bright and encouraging comment ~


Always most appreciated.

The universe is full of wonder and I look forward to sharing our different perspectives in the coming months.

With love.


Thank you very much @ldacey-laforge for submitting this amazing story to SWC. I just sent a bid to the bot for your upvote!

And big thanks to you Michel for wading through the entries and doing us all proud!


I wish you well in all you do.


Wow what a great story. Your descriptions were wonderful and the fact that you guys live by guiding spirits is amazing. So glad to have read this.

I used your link for Mannabase as well. Thank you for sharing this. I have been involved with another UBI system as well that you may want to check out. Please use my link if you would like to try it.

The Last Sage

We are blessed for sure!


And as for Manna you are most welcome and I thank-you also for the heads up for Swiftdemand.

Be well and happy.


(Off to check out your blog now :)).

Amazing that you saw a floc of eagles. Your storytelling abilities had me hooked reading!

I still find it pretty unbelievable!

It was a miracle.

Happy to hear that you were hooked by my storytelling as I am writing my first book which is entitled 'Mama, Mama Are You There?' ~ A tale of love, loss hope and awakening.

If you are interested I invite you to read the prologue that I posted the other week here.

I would welcome your thoughts ~ :)

With Love.


That is truly extraordinary. We were once in S Spain and saw ONE soaring in the distance - we were thrilled that was a big deal. But a flock?! Wow.

I love your descriptions of the landscape and am sorry to hear that Rick went through that darkness. But in these times it goes with the terrain :(

I'm looking forward to your next entry - more, please! If it's allowed) :)

Thanks ~ extraordinary it truly was, I will never forget it.

And since have discovered that my Animal Spirit Guide is an Eagle.

Sadly we both get hassled but we are well protected by our team and have a few tricks our side too!


PS ~ I am writing a book at the moment about all of this spiritual malarkey, light not dark. I posted the prologue the other week; you can read it here if you are genuinely interested.


Thank you - I am heading over there to read it right now!

Amazing. I have an owl tooting to me on my walk home from work currently very early for an owl. I have had odd experiences on this stretch of road nice but odd! 💯🐒

I love owls!

And would love to hear more about your peculiar experiences one day...

Thanks for interacting.


Right your are! Thanks for the great posts 💯🐒

Awwh bless you ~ thanks.


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