Lightworkers ~ Together We Can Help Heal Our World.

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@jerrybanfield – In response to your comment the other day; does this resonate with you?

I am a Lightworker and, here on Steemit, notice that I am in great company - for there are many of us here; although I note many who remain largely unaware of their status.

For this reason, I decided to write this short piece defining the traits of a Lightworker. My hope here is to assist others to identify their true nature.

Lightworkers are people who naturally have a strong moral compass and shudder at any injustices they observe around them. They are deeply empathetic and have an urgency to do good in the world. They are not driven by materialistic gain and enjoy building meaningful relationships and helping others and other things whenever feasible.

Open minded they tend to be misunderstood by many and are easily dismissed as being woo-woo and naively idealistic. They are anarchists championing the need for change. Their weapons of choice are knowledge, self-awareness, tolerance, non-judgement, love and inclusion.

They actively try to spread love and light as they pass through their days and strive to raise the mass consciousness and energetic vibration to combat the darkness that threatens us all.

Lightworkers are not necessarily religious but they are, usually, actively spiritual. They are on their own unique path to enlightenment and are keen to help raise others up as they walk on their merry way.

I feel that I am fortunate to communicate with spirit but this is not a trait that all Lightworkers have or desire. Many remain unaware of the spiritual realms but remain steadfast in their need to do good to and for others, all other sentient beings, nature and the environment.

Does this sound like you?

Through community we are stronger and I am considering starting a Lightworkers Discord channel where we can discuss, support and promote collaborative Lightworking initiatives here on Steemit.

Is this of interest to you?

Please register your interest by commenting below so as I can keep you updated with any developments.

With Love.


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I invite you to check out my recent posts. I'd sure love to hear your thoughts :)

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Wonderful idea. Another thought is to start up a weekly lightworker post and build a following that way. Then it stays on the blockchain, is accessible by millions of others and the information remains more public to influence others to step into their spiritual life purpose and do the work to heal this planet and all our relationships! The steem would support the effort as well.

In regards to the subject matter of your post, I agree. Whether I put a name to it or not is irrelevant. What matters is that we express love and compassion and confront any violence in our lives, no matter how hidden. I resonate with what you wrote, even though I don't call myself a 'lightworker'.

You were one of the folks I had in mind when referring to many being here on Steemit.

And you are right ~ it isn't necessary to label one self or others but for my purpose I felt it of use.

I like your idea of a weekly post and will have to get my noddle around it.

Thanks for your support and encouragement.

With love.


I am honoured that you would place my work into the realm of a light worker. I view myself as a spiritual being in command of a physical vessel and I share how deeply that impacts my relationships with others. Loving other people is a natural extension of that work as it requires that I learn how to love myself first. That journey required that I dive into the darkness of my soul, heart and mind to shine a light on it all and work through it. To bring peace, acceptance and forgiveness requires that we venture into the darkness where angels fear to tread.

Lightworker, darkness worker, what ever terms you use, the work is what is important. I work hard to balance the light and dark as that more reflects the level of consciousness that Christ was trying to teach us. He did not shy away from the darkness either. Perhaps it is my own bias as I've seen people claim to be lightworkers but ignore the darkness. I share more as to clarify my own views, not to diminish yours in any way.

I wouldn't be too honoured by my classification ~ afterall who am I to say such!

Just another soul trying to do my best...


Terms can be divisive but also kinda necessary even though ultimately lacking :)

The dark is real :( We can all see it all around us in our beautiful ravaged world.

And Rick and I have to be wary as we are targets for the dark spiritual energies and their pesky attacks which can get rather nasty. That said they thrive on fear and feed off of any energy given them and so we are advised to keep quiet and not entertain thought on them and their dastardly deeds.

There are as many truths as their are people and we all bring something different to the table which makes the meal of more interest.

I am not interested in converting folks to my way of thinking; rather I write etc to encourage thought and meaningful dialogue.

Give those goofy goats a hug from me!


Consider the goats hugged!

As for the darkness, I was referring to my own, not others. But I hear what you are saying. Thank you for the clarification.

Do consider giving me an invite for the Discord if you ever get to opening a room.

Thanks for registering your interest ~ I will let you know if I get this wee project off the ground.

With love.


I would but don't go on discord. Would be on my computer constantly and need to get out into the woods often to ground. But love the idea 💯🐒

Interesting that as I kinda avoid chat rooms etc as time tends to evaporate on a whim!

Perhaps there is another way? ~ Something along the lines of #ecotrain

Would welcome your input...


Wow what a great tag. See this is the problem with Steemit the is so much but its impossible to find it. How do you keep up? I think @Steemit need to put a bar so we can control our feeds better allowing us to select the structure of our feed or maybe have a couple of differing feeds.

A #lightworker tag would be good sure, but as I say we need a way of having it on display. Being dyslexic I guess I pick up on thing like this more maybe I just being fussy. I have mentioned it on a few posts. But all we need is better organised feed bar anyone out there able to do this :) 💯🐒

I'm interested so you will have to keep me in the loop about it.
I haven't used discord yet this looks like it could be the group for me :)

A group of two!


Will do ~ thanks.


I hear you, and identify with much of what you say... But, reading the lives of Mystics I’ve learned that the Secret protects itself and it might be immodest to announce such graces (as they might be revoked as mysteriously as they are granted).

Which is to say, I’m shy to self identify as a Light worker - even if I hold it in the highest regard...

As a way of speaking slant of such sacred matters, here’s an essay of mine that elaborates on how one might Seek the Light through Literature:

I have considered that it might be immodest, or perceived to be immodest, to claim to be a lightworker but am advised by my Spiritual Team that this is not an issue.

Our world is in the grip of darkness and it is important for people to step forward and acknowledge their role in spreading love and awareness.

That said I respect your position and can still identify with it.

However, I think it imperative not to allow the ego to use the title for agrandisement.


Off to read your piece now.


Well-spoken, all of it 🙏🏼

I'm not a lightworker.....more of a scab picker... lol

But what a mindful picker you are!



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