The week ahead...

in #life6 years ago

Long weekend

If you are in the US, you are enjoying a long weekend. A much-needed break from working. Thankfully, it has been a beautiful mixture of sunny days and rain. As we enjoy the extended weekend you can expect more post about Europe, a few about conversations at work, and the usual random post. In case you have fallen behind here is a snapshot of a post made.

I missed my flight and made a quick post about the strangeness of the countries I just visited. This one is short, sweet, and a mess. Some of the pictures wouldn't upload correctly. Strange Sightings

Churches, Cathedrals, and Castles <3

Hands down my favorite place to visit. It has become a must-see on my travel list. Cathedrals in France. & Castles

One must eat.

I am still at odds with the French and their eating schedule that conflicted too often with our plans. Food while in France

The wedding

I went to Europe for a Steemian/ fellow bloggers wedding. Lindas version & my version both have a ton of pictures! I traveled with Linda and her post have more pictures too. France magical forest & Vannes, France.

London so far...

I have a few more post on London. So far, I have shared spending time with one Steemian and my race through London before catching the train. I went to London to visit a friend and he wrote a post.

My return home was an adventure in itself and my friends had a hard time making it home too. I thought I was going to be stuck in London.

They thought they were never going to leave France. check out their post, ''The horrible EU'' A dash of irony.. I've told my version of the event a couple of times now and it doesn't get easier.

I think I've been avoiding writing it on purpose, but I promise it's coming. While traveling I also played this game of spot the Brazilian flag. Just like this random picture, I found a Brazilian flag in the most unexpected places. The picture below may be random, but it served a purpose. While walking around there weren't any bugs roaming. Apparently, this hotel for insects attracts them all so they don't bother the tourist.

Brilliant idea, don't you think?

Thanks for reading, upvoting, and commenting!

Love always,

Kubby colorful.png


How cool is that bug hotel!!

And indeed, enjoy your extended weekend first and then later come on with those pictures, I want to see more Americans learning Europe :D

hahah, I am glad you are enjoying my adventures! :)

That is a brilliant idea depending on what it captures. I do wonder what kind of impact it has on the local environment. I would not mind a few less bugs in my area!

Have a great extended weekend as well!

Thank you, hopefully you have something fun planned for the extended weekend?

I'm in a 3 day hardcore race that is going on.

Otherwise just trying balance life and Steemit stuff! I been keeping myself somewhat busy on a few fronts. This weekend has been interesting trying to keep up with it all. No taking off Monday for me!

Wow, you are park of that madness! Best of luck and don't work too hard on labour day :)

Wow. What a scene. Good landscape. I really like green nature.

Do you walk often to enjoy the nature?

I liked the photos and your story ... when we travel we don't know what adventures we'll have hahaha ..

Do you travel often and have many adventure stories to share?

so much travel, wow lucky kubby

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