There is LITERALLY Money sitting on the table.. will you claim your share?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Greetings Steemit!

You may not be aware - but there is a Coup taking place RIGHT NOW!

A small band of dedicated soldiers are making their presence known in dark and hostile waters, while confidently waving Steemit's battle flag with salient gusto!

These brave Usurpers carry-on assuredly as they march through the muck - seeking out like-minded survivors that wish to be rescued from the murky goop.

Of course I'm talking about the ongoing HABITUAL daily postings in which Senior Steemians are attempting to usher in a new wave of community members plucked from Facebook. (Henceforth referred to as "Bookface" for both my & your personal enjoyment)

Now hear me out on this my friends.. when in times of need I always fallback on the wisdom provided by Humanity's greatest scholars. So in that model, lets pause to find solace in the words of the great Jerry Maguire:

"Don't worry. Don't worry. I'm not gonna do... what you all think i'm gonna do, which is just FLIP OUT!! But let me just say, as I ease out of the Bookface space, that i helped build... I'm sorry, but it is a FACT... that there is such a thing... as manners. A way of treating people. (Looks around GiftedGaia's Bookface page and then selects the coolest people still interacting there) These folks have manners. These folks have manners. In fact, they're coming with me. I'm moving to a new place called Steemit, and the folks are coming with me. You can.. hehe.. call me sentimental, but the folks are coming with me.

(I may be paraphrasing some of that?)

I have proof of Mr. Maguire's words in action!

Case in Point: When I open up my Bookface and most of the entire feed is posts by:
@sykochica - @winstonwolfe - @jessamynorchard - @stellabelle - @barrydutton - & @soundlegion

This Steemit commissioned platoon is singing the praises of the blockchain in an attempt to provide an arm of marketing that Steemit-Inc did not ask for, yet is being offered and done effectively at no cost in a positive & professional manner. I know I've been bugging people on my page for almost a year now since joining Steemit in July 2016.. and I'm sure some people may be bothered by the continuity of the ads - that said: I'm very happy to report that the buzz is noticeably growing!

Back to our narrator: Mr. Maguire

"Now. If you come with me, this will be the moment of something new, and fun, and inspiring in this GOD FORSAKEN Internet. And we will do it together. So... who's coming with me? Who's coming with me and (posts picture on Bookface of pile of cash earned on Steemit) this money, here? Huh?"

(Again, there may be some paraphrasing there. Admittedly I've not seen the film in a while.)

So as Mr Maguire has instructed, and inspired by the aforementioned Steemians already managing their own Ad campaigns.. I made a post this morning on my Bookface page. My message was simple yet direct. (Podcast Alien for size)

The message seemed to resonate, and seeing a LITERAL 'pile of money on the table' was effective.

Now granted we're talking in Bookface terms here (i.e. no reward if I don't catch a Fish) yet this post has since garnished 11 likes, 5 shares, and 30+ individual comments about Steemit from both people asking questions, and Steemians gladly answering. I've also received 3 private messages from tentative friends asking "Ok, I'm interested - tell me how this works" and I know those inquisitors will comply.

I suppose at this point the burden lies at the feet of Steemit's new user verification email time frame.. but I hold hope that we'll be adding a few qualified humans to our numbers soon.

I also wanted to note that I try to be a humble human when I can. In my opinon: Life takes some practice before we mentally develop into fully functioning humans. Via these aspirations - its 'ok' to see a bunch of people receiving Hundreds of dollars in payouts on Steemit recently (deservedly so) as its REALLY good marketing for the site that I can use on Bookface, including some of those bigger payouts going to close friends of mine (who I couldn't be happier for to see their efforts pay off on here), yet I myself am kinda doing what I always do & that is to 'fly under the radar' and not earn crazy payouts personally.

I feel I've successfully mapped my mind to notice these 'Jealousy' chemical signals firing in my neurons - and can mostly steer clear of loss of center. I do, however, take great pride when someone messages me on Bookface and finally shows interest in Steemit after almost a year of my nagging everyone on my wall often.

Those are subtle victories that feel warm to my soul - and if that person joins the community and adds something fantastic down the road that many people enjoy - well, isn't that almost better than a huge post payout? (perhaps via 'karma' it is?) I've gladly spent a few hours this evening explaining the platform & how this crazy place works in layman terms to people asking, hoping that WILL be the case! (Wait - I thought podcast day was tomorrow?)

But until we muster ALL the masses, successfully migrating the best & brightest Bookface has to offer into our Steemit Flock - the battle rages on in the realms of Zuckerberg - as we march forward without relent asking anyone smart enough to listen:

"Who's coming with me? WHO'S COMING WITH ME?"

TLDR: Show me the Money!

(Img #1: GG talking to friends on Bookface about Steemit)
(Img #2: GG's Bookface page, Bruh)

Cheers Steemit!


-Who is: GiftedGaia?

-What is: Steemit Talk Podcast

-Life is short - hence why Podcasting is Important

-My DJ Mixes Archive

-My Youtube Page (lots of Drone Videos)

-GiftedGaia's Favorite Quotations on Life and Music

-Photogenic Adventures Series: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

-+1 Point on the 'Humans are Good' side: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4


Jessamyns posts recruited me. Winstonwolfe and Jessamyn have answered a lot of my questions. I have a couple of friends i'm trying to recruit. One has tried and hasn't gotten an email back yet and she stated the app keeps "freezing" on her phone. I hope she gets the email soon because she is a brilliant writer an artist. She could offer a lot to the steemit community. Thank you all for your continued support and help.

I have high hopes for the app. However, I do tend to just use my browser. The mobile version of the site on Safari and Chrome both work very well.

thank you for that. I passed it on :)

Hey All - Just wanted to say "THANK YOU" for all the Love here. This is by far my highest payout ever earned off of a post. Its humbling.

Cheers to all of you for making this community so easy for us to market to the Bookface tribe. Together - we are mighty!

Excellent writing! I have switched from book face almost 100% now. I fine that my new network on steemit is much more thought provoking and forward thinking. And rather than seeing the past on book face, I am part of the future with Steemit.

@jessamynorchard is where I learned about Steemit. I'm glad I decided to check it out. I'm so green I could hide in short grass, but I'm liking it! Open Mic is a really neat idea!

Fellow Missourian! ::Followed::

I joined less than a week ago and already I like the place so much that I'm going to try convince my friends to sign up next time I see them in person.




were tingling and I logged in and realized that like in many areas, many months ago Jerry and many of us really just wanted to help people- help themselves.


Ummm.... I can't.

I am unable to show you the steem. Its, like digital, so its electronic 0s and 1s, and so it can't be seen. So I can't show it to you. I'm sorry. :-p

Seriously if you are not building your Steemit follower with your present social network connection, you are doing yourself more harm than good.

I kept telling people on and discord to focus on building their followers from people they know. I have a good solution for those who don't know how to go about that in a post here

Thank you @giftedgaia for this awesome post.

I found this post informative therefore I have shared it on Twitter

MrLucasHunter Abolade Lucas tweeted @ 11 Jun 2017 - 11:09 UTC

There is LITERALLY #Money sitting on the table.. will you #claim your #share?… /

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

"Seriously if you are not building your Steemit follower with your present social network connection, you are doing yourself more harm than good." - You Nailed it!

Thanks @giftedgaia.

bookface!! LOL love my friend huge passion, flying buzz ! Sweet Passion all around


@soundlegion is ABSOLUTELY another member of the aforementioned commissioned Steemian Platoon! In my haste to post last night - I failed to list you - though I see your Steemian marketing pursuits on Bookface daily as well! This oversight cannot stand.. I'm editing the main post this second.

oh no worries my friend, I know how it is on here, so much going on these days its a spin! love is all around with excitement and thrills to support.
I got a steemit music compilation v.1 in works with steemit artists, need to get on discord and throw you guys some links to promote on the show, its turning out quite big things lots of talented submissions. Also I gotta get a track from @jessamynorchard on there... maybe some peer pressure.... Jessamyn we Need your Sound!!!! woo

I'm still sitting here waiting for the future @soundlegion + @jessamynorchard STP episode to materialize all like...

Oh def I see it in my minds eye!! it shall come to apps my friend

Mentioned on the show last weekend & added to this afternoon's notes.

fantastic my friend!

Hopefully I'll be able to pay my tooth repair with Steemit, lol. Those Bookface banksters. Steemit is awesome, Life is beautiful. Thank you everyone. ETH going gold.

Hahah "bookface" I love it! I have just started up on steemit but that has been my number one goal as a minnow.... Buy as much steem as possible and get EVERYONE from facebook and twiter signed up and using STEEMIT.

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