+1 Point on the 'Humans are Good' side

in #positive7 years ago

Greetings Steemit!

In a World that sometimes seems to have gone mad - I've discovered that I really like to watch positive & uplifting videos. I've also discovered that I really like to share the better finds with other people - in an attempt to maximize their contagiously uplifting effect.

Continuing an experiment I've dabbled with on other social media sites, I'm going to start listing some of my favorites here on Steemit. After coming to know members of this community over these past several months, I have a feeling you may enjoy.

So here's a submission in what will be an ongoing series that I like to call:

+1 Point on the 'Humans are Good' side

A Russian Dash Cam video unlike all the others..

Type the words "Russia" and "Dash cam" into a google search - and you will be bombarded with videos of accidents, fist fights, and even Meteor strikes. The reason these videos are so prevalent online is due to the fact that virtually every driver in Russia utilizes a Dash Cam when operating a motor vehicle.

Between Insurance Fraud scams, the Mob, or corrupt local Law Enforcement - simply getting from 'Point A' to 'Point B' in Russia can be a challenge, so drivers protect themselves with use of dash cams when they travel. The camera use is so common that Russian motorists’ rights activist 'Aleksei Dozorov' is quoted in this 2013 Wired article as saying:

"You can get into your car without your pants on, but never get into a car without a dash cam".

Most all the videos we find when searching are those of Road Rage, Violent Accidents, and other Terrible patterns of Human Behavior that we are all drawn to as voyeurs and lurkers. In the interest of keeping with the theme of this series - I'd like to highlight one that shows the exact opposite behavior.

This video was originally uploaded in September of 2013 - yet somewhat flew under the radar in the US due to the captions being in Russian. In the video we see subtle examples of Humans helping each other - all acts based in Russia - all instances seem 'impromptu' and 'in the moment acts of kindness'.

In my opinion: This video serves a purpose to shatter the current stereotype that 'Russia drivers are bad', and reminds me that it only takes 30 seconds when seeing someone in need to really make a difference in another Human's day.

Most certainly this video provides a great example of when its time to add..

+1 Point on the 'Humans are Good' side


Nice video! Shows how we can be positive and good humans.

Nice....sharing positive "news" is sadly a trend we need more of.

A good reminder of who we are, beyond our small arguments. Thank you!

If you say so, nice music pick for the video, great video too :) truly uplifting now that I've watched it, yeah it is worth restoring some hope in humanity and getting some of that bad grime of the Russian name, It's sad most people only know vodka and mob, maybe oligarchs and putin :| oh and stole the election :D

This gives a real perspective into how people should act and how much we can do in terms of helping and caring.

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