

@soundlegion is ABSOLUTELY another member of the aforementioned commissioned Steemian Platoon! In my haste to post last night - I failed to list you - though I see your Steemian marketing pursuits on Bookface daily as well! This oversight cannot stand.. I'm editing the main post this second.

oh no worries my friend, I know how it is on here, so much going on these days its a spin! love is all around with excitement and thrills to support.
I got a steemit music compilation v.1 in works with steemit artists, need to get on discord and throw you guys some links to promote on the show, its turning out quite big things lots of talented submissions. Also I gotta get a track from @jessamynorchard on there... maybe some peer pressure.... Jessamyn we Need your Sound!!!! woo

I'm still sitting here waiting for the future @soundlegion + @jessamynorchard STP episode to materialize all like...

Oh def I see it in my minds eye!! it shall come to apps my friend

Mentioned on the show last weekend & added to this afternoon's notes.

fantastic my friend!

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