in #life6 years ago

I decided to write another piece.

It is about being as less corrupt as it can get. People on steemit write a lot of things about how it should be in general. But I often miss personal stories of where a risk is being told and a real event is being experienced. There are people here doing that and I want to thank them for their inspiration. They are my greatest hope and joy as they connect themselves to themselves.

No matter if you are on a real journey (traveling) or on an inner path, it counts, where you took a risk and flew without a net and a double security device.

Do you have a story to tell where you went through an experience which felt dangerous at that moment?

I don't particularly talk about "extraordinary" events like freeclimbing a cliff or sailing rough waters, which of course count as a story nevertheless.

  • Have you said "no" to your boss who asked you to fulfill a task which you did not want to take on?
  • Have you dared to open up a conflict and tortured another one so energetically that you lost his friendship?
  • Were you wandering the streets of a neighborhood which are known as utterly dangerous?
  • Have you broken the standards of conversations and exposed yourself as a target of almost everyone in the room?

What were the consequences of all those mentioned actions or omissions and did you feel afterwards not as a victim but count it as a victory without having caused a total damage?

How did it feel? What have you learned from your wounds and experiences? Were you on the verge of (literally or metaphorically) death and survived it or were you witnessing another person going through that?

Have you reminded others (friends, family, colleagues) of their responsibilities? Have you made yourself unpopular with certain statements of yours and took the risk of being disliked? Have you shown yourself as vulnerable and in need knowing already the answer of another one would be a "no"?

Have you revealed your greatest and darkest experience to others where no solution whatsoever could take away your pain?

To be brave does not mean to shift risks on the shoulders of others.

It means to stay accountable for your own mistakes.

Now I will use my own examples of saving myself from being corrupted. I am not having in mind to show off and to be praised for my courage. I write about it so you can get your joy out of it and take it as an example that other ordinary people stay true to themselves.

After the company, I worked for and which was run by my former husband and my current partner went down I had to seek for a new job. I was back then having a three-year-old to care for and shared responsibility with his father. We chose the half-half-model of caretaking so nobody of us had to pay for the other child support. We stayed in the same street and our boy was spending one week at his fathers home and one week at mine. So it went. I applied for a private employment agency who were very picky about their candidates.

They thoroughly examined me, asked me about my professional stations and assessed my personality. For this, I went through various tests, interviews, and questionnaires. I was nervous like hell. A commercial law firm in an expensive downtown area was looking for a marketing representative. The company owners were wealthy men who could afford to hire an extra force and pay the expensive recruitment agency.

After I had passed everything and was found good and worthy to take up the position, I was invited to the interview. I entered a stately building and finally the rooms of the company where it smelled of a lot of money and one could have heard a pin fall, so much the carpet muffled my steps. As it turned out, the two managing directors were extremely friendly people and far more human than I would have guessed. They were also family fathers with a healthy sense for their children and they liked me just as much as the other way around. After the interview, it became clear that they would like to engage me. But as nice as I found it there and as much as I could have pushed my salary upwards, I felt that neither the money nor the status of working for such a noble law firm could attract me. In my heart I am a working-class child and not a lover of high finance. Since I had actually been invited to an appointment at AOL, I told the men that I had made up my mind and unfortunately had to decline their offer. They were very disappointed, as were the recruiters, Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt, who told me that they had never met anyone with my profile before and that I was bringing something they would miss in many other candidates. I think they were talking about integrity.

I never regretted this decision although I would have really liked the directors, but not the industry. I could have had everything, a company car, a good salary and much more. And I would have been the only one who would have been in charge of marketing. I could have picked assistants and whatnot. I would have managed a nice budget. My retirement provision would have grown a lot and my son would be happy about all the material things I could have bought him with it. But I remained in my artificially scarce world. My concept of life had always been basically the same, even though I was less aware of it in the past. I have always preferred independence to good pay.

For a while, I felt like a coward. I thought my decision was based on a lack of courage. For example, I said to myself that I had been afraid to sell my assets. In fact, I had reservations and rightly so. If I exchange the word "fear" for the word "reservation", it makes more sense and I do not need to accuse myself of cowardice.
Furthermore, I had the impression that I should have adapted my appearance to the company, i.e. dressed in costume and skirt and pumps, as this is the clothing standard in this industry. I also rightly rejected this for myself, because I had long since grown beyond the mini skirt and the high heels.

All in all, that was my guess, I would have made an artificial being out of myself, which would have had to adapt to the fluffy carpet and I knew: This was not my world. So I chose the more difficult path and turned away from recruitment. That was about ten years ago and since then I have lived from hand to mouth. Afterwards I tried another employee job and almost became a victim of bullying. Early on I recognized the shark tank and left it. You have to know when you can't fight everything and everyone.

Today I am a freelancer but I would still advise everyone to work for a company at the beginning of their career and to earn their spurs as an employee or to want to take a lot of responsibility once their training is complete.
Having shared responsibility running a company with about eight employees I knew how a business has to be managed and what skills are required. Even as an employee myself I always was interested in the "behind the scenes" methods.

I talked to the accounting department and I got in touch with the management. Always has been that way. I never looked at my bosses as people who I thought were capable of all knowledge and leadership, and I took responsibility because when I saw and noticed that resources were wasted or processes could be simplified, I justified it, even though it had meant messing with a boss. In addition to defending my interests, my salary and my preferences, for example, I always enjoyed taking young people by my side. I was responsible for interns and volunteers and I was a reliable contact person for our customers. Because I did a good job, I could afford certain impertinences and stubbornness. I never accepted that I had to obey blindly.

One of my current clients and former boss, who I told in my trainee phase that I would not do a certain job because it would not fall into my training profile, was astonished and angry about my refusal. She said something like I "can't just refuse and that's what the hierarchy would dictate". I said I didn't see it that way. The funny thing is that my heart was beating like crazy and I knew she was sitting on the longer lever. Yet I expressed my displeasure. On the other hand, I also knew that she had engaged me precisely because of my interesting work experience and that I was valuable to her in many ways.

Another colleague of mine I wrote an email telling her that I will not take over what she would like me to work on and that she should do it herself in the future. We talked then personally and she said to my very surprise that she liked my courage to speak for me. We then became good colleagues.

Many of my work-related resistances I could have expressed even more politely and less defensive. But as I am still learning I don't punish myself for former stupidities any longer.

My overall message here is to stay your ground even if it means to lose a well-paid job. I can say that only because I never chained myself to an expensive way of living. I do not own a house nor a car, nor do I have any debts to pay for. Once you're on the depth row you cannot help it and have to stick with it as long as they are paid off. My son won't find himself all cared for once he becomes an adult and will have to seek ways in making a living on his own. I will support him with all what I've got but I will not roll up a red carpet for him. In fact, my brothers and my whole family always struggled with finances but that is what makes life exciting and not boring.

I would like to hear people leaving their comfort zones and seek some "dangers". Though I know I never risked my entire existence or even life as the system I live in provides for everything once the going gets tough. Even the imagination of me becoming sick and not being able to be the provider for my little cosmos is a scaring thought for I do really not wanting go back to rely on social welfare which I had to go for in the past for quite a while. I have learned a great lesson and it made me more humble and grateful for the support I received.

Being poor in my country means not to starve or live under a bridge. It merely means to withstand the shame and the looks of people who can make holidays two or three times a year and walk around with the newest technical devices and clothes. To NOT feel ashamed is the task.

Do you want to share a story of having found your ground? When and where have you not fallen for corruption?
I would like to invite you to tell it here in the comment section or write an article about and link it.

We all need to be told of stories of hope and bravery. Even of great anxiety and how you survived it or simply accept that things cannot always be changed or managed.

Feel free to share what you've got.

Many thanks for reading.

I want to thank personally @sukhasanasister and @blankcanvas86 for being a great inspiration to me. I guess I will continue to leave my blog almost neglected and just write once in a while when I feel like wanting to. Sister, I even copied your style of using pictures:)

Image by Aaron Burden from unsplash


It feels nice seeing a post of yours popping up on my feed! :)

I must admit, your stories are so motivational but allow me to say it, you have the "luxury" to live in a country that takes care of its people and people can always afford losing a job to find another one.
I admire you for not putting your morals away in order to "climb" the hierarchy and social status ladder! It feels so deliberating being able to object to things you don't agree with, being able to defend and justify your opinion.

But all this made me sad because as I kept reading, images from Greek employees that have to work in badly-paid positions, withstand a mean boss' behavior or simply shut their mouth whenever they feel their rights and morals being "violated" because should they dare speak, they would risk losing those penny-salaries that are so hard to find in a country with high unemployment levels...

Thank you, Ruth-Girl,

I am happy that you bring up some points here.

Some people in my country would not agree with what you say about finding new jobs. I experience often a great anxiety to lose the current job even though it's an unfulfilling one. Being unemployed is also a great stigma and people feel isolated and ashamed and often fall into a big black hole when suddenly they have to take care themselves of their daily structures and duties without having it provided through an employer. The fear of losing money, status and security is often what brings people to their edges or burns them out as they stress or even sacrifice themselves to their companies. Even though we have that net and security it's not giving the feeling of security to many people, as strange as it may sound to you or me.

Then there are others who feel relieved and do welcome the time out. Indeed, it is a luxury to have the chance to shake oneself off of the angst and enjoy an unemployed time.

Can you provide me (and the other readers) with a personal example of yours where you had an experience of having stood your ground (must not be job-related)? Do you have witnessed your fellows in creating a greater sense of solidarity and support or even new business models in your country? I would like to hear some good practice examples. This should be about hope.

If my country would go down and I would face a desperate time I could always rely on my family. My brother inherited my parents' house and if the whole economy went down the drain, I would go back there and cultivate the garden with my siblings and live on a very small foot. Without this family connection, I would probably be forced to do work that I would not really want to do or that I detest. But perhaps the new forces would also awaken in me and I would recognize the necessity of understanding myself well with people even under adverse circumstances. I really don't know. But I think hope and joy can still be found in the darkest places. That is what my mother taught me and she survived second world war and imprisonment.

What I meant is that in countries with "healthier" economies unemployment is a temporary state. Here, if you lose your job you might need to become an immigrant to get a new one (a best friend of mine has moved to London to get a job in her profession, because she could not find one in Greece and had to work as an illegal clothes shop assistant who got 20 euros/day and worked 6 days/week). Still, we are a lot better than other developing countries, but we have lost a lot (and the price is paid by "innocent" younger generations, but this is another looong story).

I was trying to think of any such incidents, but I cannot find one. Well, the most recent story of mine where I insisted, because I thought I was right and my voice prevailed was a few days ago. My mum wanted to follow her mum's wish and not have a traditional Easter lunch table at our home, because her sister had passed away 2 weeks ago and it wasn't "appropriate" (the custom says we roast a lamb in a spit). Note that my grandma lives next door, but only my parents, my sister and two friends would come over for lunch, no festivities, music or crowds. Grandma would just come to say hi and exchange wishes. So, instead of a lamb we were supposed to have a barbecue. And I kept saying this is hypocricy, because what difference would the meat make? Let's say that after a few days of me whining about how it is not fair to not honor years of tradition because of a relative we rarely saw or heard of passed away. Selfish? Stupid? I don't know, it just felt like we were trying to hide behind our finger.

I think I am kind of a chicken, I only step up and claim my rights with people I know I can "persuade" kind of. I would be afraid to do so in front of an employer for petty things, but if something more serious was the case, I think I would have stepped up and let my voice be heard.

Thank you for this honest response.
First of all, I want to say that the financial crisis in your country made me often think of Greece and how becoming a member of the EU was not doing you good. As it was only related to the currency and economical intentions I think that our governments were in principle seeking for the right message (to unite all Europeans) but did use the wrong tools. Long before the currency union, I felt that European countries drifted towards union as I can vividly remember that in my youth we traveled to Spain and Italy and Greece without having the thought that we must be united as we already were cause traveling was not a big deal even with the official borders. The fact that one had to exchange the currencies even made it more exciting and having the feeling of entering a different culture and habits and food was the main reason for visiting another country.

To live with the differences and find them valuable is still for me more of importance as to make all the countries even in their appearances and economies.

Yes, you lost a lot in that.

The example of your Easter tradition and you wanting to continue that ritual made me think... I want to say condolences to your mother and grandmother as they have lost a sister and a daughter. From the perspective of your grandmom, I can understand why she longed for making a difference in this year's Eastern approach.

To honor the death of one of her daughters the attempt to have it different and not the usual way is understandable. Even though I can hear that the contact was loose and you were not much in touch with her still I find it right to not have continued with the usual.

I hope you don't mind that I deliver my perspective on that. I also can understand your perspective though and I wonder if it would have been possible to connect both of the desires or if that indeed happened while your Easter gathering? You must be honored to keeping alive your tradition, too.

Much love to you.

Greece was not ready to join the currency. I agree, but there have also been years of abuses and mismanagement that only augmented the problem.

As for the family "matter" and Easter tradition. Thank you for your condolences, but I think I might not have explained something right. It was my grandmother's sister who passed, my mum's aunt. She was an old and sick lady and, may God rest her soul, not one of the best people I knew. And if my mum felt any close to her late aunt and wanted to mourn I would have respected that. But this thing was all a silly attempt to hide behind our finger.

I mean we honored her memory at the funeral, my mum and I were the only ones of her nieces and nephews who helped out with the coffee and snack event (Things here work a bit different, in my village the relatives prepare coffee and snacks for the people who attend the funeral. They are the ones who have to serve and then clean up the special gathering hall. My mum and I did all this by ourselves. And just to be fair, two of my mum's cousins did come to serve coffee for an hour or so, but then "disappeared" just before cleaning time). I felt like we had already done our part (and we will do it again for this woman in the next two memorial services to come, I do not object to that).

My point is, when it is obvious hypocricy I cannot keep my mouth shut :P

Love back to you too! :D

Oh, I see. Thanks for clearing that. I am all in favor to open the mouth:)

Very inspiring as always, dear Erika. So glad to have you back, even if it is only for a post once in a while. I too turned down my pace of posting, as it was starting to feel more like an obligation, rather than something I enjoyed doing. Plus it feels like I'm suffering a bit from "Frühjahrsmüdigkeit"... plus I have to ride my bike again :-)

Had to smile quite a few times, when I read your text (twice) as it reminded me of quite a few events and decisions in my life. No wonder I "fell in love" with you from the very first post of yours I read, all these moth ago.

Although I am a typical "Libra" and need peace and harmony to be happy, I usually find a way, when I don't want to do something.. and if all things fail, I still have enough of my dad's genes, and he is a pretty wild guy! He literally told a boss to kiss his... ahm.. ass (sorry, but these were his words), a day before he got married. Well, no wonder he had over a dozen jobs, until he finally made it self employed. When I was young, I had my fair share of problems with him and after I worked in his business for a year, we both could no longer stand it and I quit. I looked for another job, but since I only knew artisting, I had no choice other than start working self employed. Alright, my parents helped me to get off the ground, but there certainly was no red carpet either ;-)

I have a real problem with people who walk around and think, they can buy everything.. and everyone. When I encounter someone like this, I always think, I'd rather steel potatoes than bending down. There have been a number of incidents, when my... how should I call it.. pride (?) got in my way and I turned down a client or a deal. Was going to say "attractive deal", but with what I was supposed to "give", it wasn't so attractive in the end.

It bothers me, when I see that a good hearted person like you Erika isn't living in abundance and wealth. I so understand, when you say a certain world is not yours, as I have been in similar situations and have chosen a small stony path over the Highway. But then again, there has got to be a way to live comfortably and without (financial) worries and still live up to ones own expectations...

Saw an interesting documentary the other day about the unconditional universal basic income. Although we hear about it a lot these days, the idea isn't that new after all. There has been extensive research some 50 years ago already and if R. Reagan (I feel tempted to call him a foul name) had not opposed against it so strongly, the US might have introduced that in the 80s already. Even further back, it was understood, that the resources of our planet and our economies are enough for every person in the world to live a decent life. Reagan preferred to side with big business and is largely responsible for the situation we have today...

In the documentary it was said, that several studies made in different countries prove, that the unconditional basic income solves a lot of problems we see today. Experiments have shown, that it does not lead to laziness and apathy, but instead to more activity, prosperity and less crime... well, ok, there may be some disadvantages too. For those on the top of the pyramid 😠

Anyways, I feel connected as ever with what you write. One thing I don't want to forget to say about the people who can make holidays two or three times a year and walk around with the newest technical devices and clothes you mentioned. I have seen many of them, but not all are as rich as they would like to appear. To me, someone is wealthy, when they start buying art. Not only because I'm an artist, but because I think its simply a level up from the newest cell phone, a car they can barely afford or some other "look at what I have stuff"... You have money left to buy art. You must be wealthy! In your very own way 😊

Dear friend,
I am happy too to hear from you. And what a devoted response you made! Thank you so much. I will one day visit you in your café and hopefully, you'll invite me into your studio.

Frühjahrsmüdigkeit: I thought about it yesterday on my way to work and cursed the tiredness. The winter took all my energy away as always and now I must gain back my strength. Good that I am not the only one :-)

Thank you for coming up with some really good examples of yours and your father's. I really liked to read that.
Sometimes I had wished to say that words out loud, too (Kiss my ...) . Your dad made a big impression on you and the fact that the two of you weren't fitting in one room only tells that you had to open your own business which turned out to be just the right thing.

Pride can be a nuisance and not always is the best attitude so I more think of your rejecting clients as integrity, too. But well, it's just a word and I truly understand the meaning. I would even say that there is the resistance not to prostitute oneself to a "well-meaning" client who promises to buy even more once he gets your "cooperation". As I can imagine you might have managed that so well that even a soul seeking client was turned into a friendly one.

People behave surprisingly well in reactions of integrity and that is what was and is always the greatest gift to me. Resistance does not always attract a conflict but a further friendship or respect to one another. This experience to overcome the anxiety by saying "no" and the surprising and refreshing result of it! Priceless.

Basic income: Did I tell you that I was running my own blog on this particular topic? I started it in 2008 and wrote more than one hundred articles on it (not everything I would write and see in the same way today). All related to basic income. I deeply dug into attached themes. Yes, I think to have one could lead to much more freedom. But from what I experienced through exchanges on that topic is that those who are against a basic income fear even more consumption and also damage to the natural resources of our planet. It's funny how much distrust is out there.

Whereas I think that a UBI (unconditional basic income) would or should lead to more environment-friendly production and consumption others think that people will behave ever crazier. That might be the case and from what I think people are so different and so many variations in beliefs and habits are out there that there won't be a homogenous reaction to it.

Basically, I think of a UBI as a bridge to an even more advanced way of living. Indeed, I think it will happen what people believe will and should happen. If a UBI comes with the price of mindless shopping and consuming I'd rather won't have it. But who knows. If Switzerland will have another referendum and will be the first country to install it in Europe this will have a great impact on us, too.

To have less financial sorrows I would have to triple my income to overcome the big gap between income and having to pay for insurance and taxes. As long that is not in sight I must stick to my scarce existence. The only way out of it would mean to take on employment. And that I would like to avoid as long as possible. I think I got too old and too used to freelancing to bend now again to a company structure.

Yes, I would rather buy a piece of art. And I will. I actually was thinking to purchase another picture of yours.
Lovely also, that my friends gave me for my birthday a coupon for an artists shop nearby where I now can afford to buy a frame for the one I already bought from you. I was so in love with it that I told all my friends about how this purchase happened that they got impressed (of course I showed it to them, too).

I send you my love.

I find most human decision-making to be random, with rationalizations after the fact to fit it into a personal world-view.

Its probably why we haven't made a true Artificial Intelligence yet, we're not approaching it from the right direction.

Hey you! You're still around, too.

I don't know if I understand that. You mean to act in a corrupt way one justifies a corrupt decision rationally?

LOL. Artificial intelligence is really not needed as we have human intelligence. From what I think no AI would ever pass a Turing test. Funny that you mention that. I lately was searching for material about AI. Found a very very good text (German one).

Now, come on. Where is your story of withstanding a corrupt offer? I assume you've got one.

Where do you have a memory where a human decision-making was not random - either your own or one of a person you know? I often have very interesting dialogues within my work when it comes to decisions and it often is revealed to me that peoples decisions are having a hand and a foot as we say in German.

Hallo meine Liebe,
was für eine schöne Überraschung! ;)

Ich könnte zu vielen Fragen die du stellst ja sagen. Ich gehörte (leider?) noch nie zu den Menschen die alles hinnehmen. Ich bin mir gar nicht so sicher, ob du eigentlich diesen Teil von mir kennst... 😊
Aber wie es scheint, lernen wir uns auf steemit ein bisschen mehr kennen als im echten Leben! 😂

Have you made yourself unpopular with certain statements of yours and took the risk of being disliked?

Leider passiert das so oft, dass ich mir immer wieder die Frage stelle, ob ich vielleicht doch an irgendeiner Stelle irgendwas nicht mitbekomme.
Vielleicht ist das aber auch nur mein Karma in diesem Leben und ich sollte mich langsam darauf einstellen, dass ich wohl nie in einer Menge von Menschen stehen werde, die mich bejubeln und verehren. 😂

Ich versuche tatsächlich in letzter Zeit eher meine Klappe zu halten (es gelingt mir so schwer) und lieber mal nichts zu sagen. Ich glaube wenn ich das eine Weile kann, obwohl ich persönlich das gerade gar nicht gut finde, dann ists auch ok wieder mein eigenes statement zu geben! 😀

Ich umarm dich meine Liebe!!!!

Danke dir:-)

Doch, natürlich kenn ich den Teil von dir.

Du weißt, wie es aussieht, recht genau, wann es in die eine oder in die andere Richtung ausschlägt. Für mich waren diejenigen Erlebnisse die besten, bei denen ich das Gefühl hatte, mir treu geblieben zu sein und mit demjenigen, der involviert war, dennoch eine ganz gute Ebene gefunden zu haben, auch wenn das nicht unbedingt bedeutet hat, dass man zusammen kam.

Die Klappe zu halten, ist wirklich nicht ganz leicht, da gebe ich dir Recht. Ich übe da auch noch und immer wieder. :-)

Herzliche Umarmung,

Hehe.. meinst du wir schaffen das noch in diesem Leben, das Klappe halten? 😂

That was really a good read. I personally respect all those who can put their values and beliefs, their personal integrity, above material benefits. That means that you have will, and a person with will is capable of doing many and great things.

A person without will, and that also pursues money, is very likely to fall into the worst vices, since putting the interests on integrity, people become weak, as Benjamin Franklin said, "He that is of the opinion money will do everything, may well be suspected of doing everything for money."

It may have taken a bad impression of me with respect to the UBI, although many times I stay on a firm line that represents what I believe.

By the way the inserts of the tree right in the middle of the publication really gave it a good look. Regards!

Thank you. Very nice to visit me on my blog, Viera.
I have some pride inherited from my mom and my families history. We were refugees and the stories I was listening as a child to, formed my picture of the world and how humans moved in really bad circumstances.

You're honored to have thought about your addressing me, I appreciate it very much.

Oh, so true what you say about Benjamin Franklin. Thanks for that quote.

@sukhasanasister inspired me to use my tree in the way I did but thanks for the compliment.

All the best for you from Germany to Venezuela!

Never read a piece with so much fresh air stretched through it - great splicing up of the tree!

For the rest, I won't be writing my story in response to your invitation for it would read pretty much the same as yours!!

We and our integrity. It'll be the death of us yet. But we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Till then we be / Like the season's trees / Changeably / Just not too easily - Danger Mouse.

Thank you, sister. Also for the song. I listened to it but did not so much follow the words but the music. Made me feel mellow. So I appreciate that you searched for this song in relation to the tree & integrity. It fits very well.

Yes, integrity. It's hard to not lose it. But hey, who said life should and will be easy? ;-)

I often recognize myself in you, that is for sure. <3

Thank you to take part in that. I watched the video yesterday. Captain Beefheart indeed was an unusual man and stood his ground. He seemed to be a difficult person and not many have understood him as it seems.

Yes, I think it can be difficult to be truly authentic and at the same time not be considered a "difficult," person to be around (at least in my experience). Perhaps, those who aren't understood are also the ones forging and advancing new art/thought/way of being and are generally misunderstood and not appreciated until others catch up?
For me, it's always a question of balance and how much do I need/want to please and be accepted and loved by others and how much energy I must push into areas other's don't agree with/shun/or misunderstand. The older I get I find the submerging of myself I've done in order to fit in brings me no great happiness and so now I am attempting to shed myself of the old way of being and honor my own revelations because I feel some passion in this even if there aren't many to relate with. I do feel some understanding here on steemit, or at least that others are also walking away from the suppose-to's and participating in their own lives in the ways they feel inspired to. Doesn't really matter if I get all of the intricacies of how they go about their exploration(s), I just LOVE that others are moving in their own directions, using all of their unique talents and earned wisdom to advance the collective.

Guess, I found another sister in you:) Thank you for engaging.

One goes with the other, I would say. Most ingenious or ahead of their time's people were indeed difficult. I find it realistic to say that. You can even call some of them "Divas" for often enough the price for their success or popularity was to be a nuisance to the ones close to them, either family or working colleagues/companions.

Great artists or musicians or whatever profession they had taken on not automatically had made them good persons or persons of integrity. From what I think is that they stand for the struggles of life and mirror feelings and insights of their audiences or admirers.

From the Buddhists I learned that it's worthwhile practicing to not be a nuisance to others. Which does not mean to be passive or not speaking the mind. To the contrary. Speaking the mind and making clear where one stands is needed. When I encounter a person which uses his or her power for giving me assurance and trust I can be fine a lot more compared to a person who uses complaints as a strategy.

But without the victims and without people being annoying one lacks to see the opposite. So everything has its role.

To fit in is a great human desire, I think. It's right having the wish to fit in and when I was young I coped with what the circumstances and people required from me. I can see that age produces a different approach though. It lessens the efforts of adapting too much and it reduces the pace in which that happens as well. I realize that I already have passed the peak of my life and that less is more.

Since I took a greater distance on steemit I can see that I admired and followed more people than I thought while I was so attached to it. Now, after my pause, I feel lighter and better.

Actually, much more people than maybe you and I think do understand what's true. After all, humans are empathic and smart in their inner worlds but act stupid and short-sighted from the outside. We must give our leaders back hope and show them best practice and examples for letting them have hope that the people inhabiting the countries are intelligent. For this, the screaming media has to be ignored. Which is a huge effort still laying ahead of us "modern" people.

I share your love with you.

Thank you! For sharing my love with me :)
How long have you been on steemit? And, how long a break? I'm fairly new here, but agree with you when you say there are many others who understand what is true. I think it was right for me to come to this site in order to see that as a truth as I move away from some people in my life as well as almost entirely unplugging from the media.
Hope you're having a wonderful day,

Started last September. Since then I never paused until a month ago when I decided to unchain myself. I felt that I was binding myself too much.

Now I am able more to concentrate. And also, to just let days pass without stressing me to write something.

Totally unplugging from media: that is a brave thing to do. If I would do that, I would need something to fill the gap. Tough I threw out my TV ten years ago, I am not even close to disconnect my Internet.

Regarding people I realize that I have a handful of friends and family I stay in touch with. It came naturally not to be that busy anymore. Actually, I am now on the way to overcome the distances towards those who I can get hold on. As for moving away from people, that is sometimes needed, too and I understand you.

You, too have a good day and I am looking forward what you'll write next.

<3 <3 <3

Good that you wrote this post! I prepared already a post that is related to this. Something similar to point #1: Have you said "no" to your boss who asked you to fulfill a task which you did not want to take on?

It would indeed be nice to read more real life experience. good and bad ones. Good to see you write again ;-)

Thank you.

And what a post it was you've written. Remarkable. Thank you for providing us with it. I'll put the link in here: https://steemit.com/life/@fathin-shihab/the-day-i-sued-my-manager

It is so great to have you back! I am so excited about this! Right now I have no time on my hand to share a story but as soon as I can, I will.

:-) thank you! I am looking forward to your story, please give us here an example. Take your time.
Sincerely yours.

Hi Erika,

I thought about writing a story here for some days now. First I didn't know, what story to pick, then, when I knew it, I thought, it is much to private to share it for ever here on the blockchain. I am so sorry, but it is just very personal and very sensitive information aswell. I wrote it to you via e-mail. I hope your understand.

I understand. Bummer but in order to protect the rights of people, it's a good decision. Thank you for letting me know and your trust. I will have a look at your mail tomorrow. Today is just too lovely of a weather and I'll enjoy some more of it:)

I understand of course, don't worry :)

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