In response to: "being as less corrupt as it can get"

in #blog6 years ago

After reading a friends post in my feed this evening and linking to one of her friends, @erh.germany, who shares a story of how she holds fast to her own integrity, I find myself viewing the below documentary.

If you've got 50-something minutes to watch, Captain Beefheart is a man who lived a most integrous, artistic life--one in which he rejected commercial, corporate, corrupt success, or any kind of deviation from his own creative conceptions.

Most of us know that we live in a society that consistently rates and relates our standing to our paid positions and productions. I, myself, often find it difficult to explain to people how I've been spending my time despite the days flying by and me wondering how I could possibly work full-time and still devote myself to dreamwork and my own transformation as a spiritual being in this incarnation.

As a result, I am uplifted by stories of others (here on steemit and elsewhere) who are courageous enough to stick to their own script despite others pointing, or saying one is doing it wrong.

Credits: The Artist Formally Known As Captain Beefheart/VHS PILE youtube


And what a script!!
Had been introduced to Beefheart by my Portuguese friend-no-more; came part and parcel with the Zappa education. Like my wife had everything by FWMac, she had everything and MORE by Zappa - almost too insane and I could only take in a tiny bit at the time.

It is by such little moments, as your perfect post-choice, I can tell major shifts have taken place for me. For, today, thanks to this documentary, I can't think of anybody more inspiring than the Captain.

(And yes, good grief, the explaining we have to do... It never stops. What do you mean unemployed? Is it so hard to see we are pretty much workaholics?)

:) Wish we had Captain Beefheart t-shirts to wear around this week!

Thank you. I like having inspired you. I hope though that you will deliver an own example of yours :-)

Okay, I'll think about it. Feels like my stories are similar to yours: running out of a school classroom or a doctor's office as a kid, resigning from good positions, etc. Busy weekend, but perhaps I'll write something out?

Read my profile if you want me to resteem your blog post to my 33,200+ followers.

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