
Thank you to take part in that. I watched the video yesterday. Captain Beefheart indeed was an unusual man and stood his ground. He seemed to be a difficult person and not many have understood him as it seems.

Yes, I think it can be difficult to be truly authentic and at the same time not be considered a "difficult," person to be around (at least in my experience). Perhaps, those who aren't understood are also the ones forging and advancing new art/thought/way of being and are generally misunderstood and not appreciated until others catch up?
For me, it's always a question of balance and how much do I need/want to please and be accepted and loved by others and how much energy I must push into areas other's don't agree with/shun/or misunderstand. The older I get I find the submerging of myself I've done in order to fit in brings me no great happiness and so now I am attempting to shed myself of the old way of being and honor my own revelations because I feel some passion in this even if there aren't many to relate with. I do feel some understanding here on steemit, or at least that others are also walking away from the suppose-to's and participating in their own lives in the ways they feel inspired to. Doesn't really matter if I get all of the intricacies of how they go about their exploration(s), I just LOVE that others are moving in their own directions, using all of their unique talents and earned wisdom to advance the collective.

Guess, I found another sister in you:) Thank you for engaging.

One goes with the other, I would say. Most ingenious or ahead of their time's people were indeed difficult. I find it realistic to say that. You can even call some of them "Divas" for often enough the price for their success or popularity was to be a nuisance to the ones close to them, either family or working colleagues/companions.

Great artists or musicians or whatever profession they had taken on not automatically had made them good persons or persons of integrity. From what I think is that they stand for the struggles of life and mirror feelings and insights of their audiences or admirers.

From the Buddhists I learned that it's worthwhile practicing to not be a nuisance to others. Which does not mean to be passive or not speaking the mind. To the contrary. Speaking the mind and making clear where one stands is needed. When I encounter a person which uses his or her power for giving me assurance and trust I can be fine a lot more compared to a person who uses complaints as a strategy.

But without the victims and without people being annoying one lacks to see the opposite. So everything has its role.

To fit in is a great human desire, I think. It's right having the wish to fit in and when I was young I coped with what the circumstances and people required from me. I can see that age produces a different approach though. It lessens the efforts of adapting too much and it reduces the pace in which that happens as well. I realize that I already have passed the peak of my life and that less is more.

Since I took a greater distance on steemit I can see that I admired and followed more people than I thought while I was so attached to it. Now, after my pause, I feel lighter and better.

Actually, much more people than maybe you and I think do understand what's true. After all, humans are empathic and smart in their inner worlds but act stupid and short-sighted from the outside. We must give our leaders back hope and show them best practice and examples for letting them have hope that the people inhabiting the countries are intelligent. For this, the screaming media has to be ignored. Which is a huge effort still laying ahead of us "modern" people.

I share your love with you.

Thank you! For sharing my love with me :)
How long have you been on steemit? And, how long a break? I'm fairly new here, but agree with you when you say there are many others who understand what is true. I think it was right for me to come to this site in order to see that as a truth as I move away from some people in my life as well as almost entirely unplugging from the media.
Hope you're having a wonderful day,

Started last September. Since then I never paused until a month ago when I decided to unchain myself. I felt that I was binding myself too much.

Now I am able more to concentrate. And also, to just let days pass without stressing me to write something.

Totally unplugging from media: that is a brave thing to do. If I would do that, I would need something to fill the gap. Tough I threw out my TV ten years ago, I am not even close to disconnect my Internet.

Regarding people I realize that I have a handful of friends and family I stay in touch with. It came naturally not to be that busy anymore. Actually, I am now on the way to overcome the distances towards those who I can get hold on. As for moving away from people, that is sometimes needed, too and I understand you.

You, too have a good day and I am looking forward what you'll write next.

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