Mirror, Mirror

in #life5 years ago (edited)

I was checking myself out in the mirror today when I got out of the shower, that’s not the weird part. Weird is when you won’t look at the mirror at all or, when you look, you don’t recognize the person looking back at you. An occasional heart to heart with yourself isn’t a bad thing.


“How Long has it been now?” I pointed at me, “me?” “Yeah, you, of course, you. How long have you been at it this time, five years? Six years?” I had to think about it for a minute, “yeah, I guess it’s been about five years exactly.”

I haven’t had a drink since August 2nd, 2014. You know it’s bad when you have the date etched in your brain like knowing which hand you use to hold a toothbrush—“August 2, 2014.” I know people who tattoo their sobriety date on their flesh—eh, whatever it takes! The truth is, that’s just the last day I drank, there’s a whole bunch of days that led up to that last time or at least that’s what they tell me.

It’s a sickness. And I sucked at it. I suck at being sick! It took me a couple of decades to figure that one out. It wasn’t until I was ordered by a judge to attend a six month study program that I was made aware how surreal my sickness was. I’d convinced myself that since I didn’t drink Monday through Friday and, I only drank on the weekends, I didn’t have a problem—I needed to learn that was a problem.

I learned waking up pissed off there’s still a drop of whiskey in the bottle because I didn’t polish it off before I passed out the previous night is a problem. Fact—I needed to be taught that. I learned waking up in unfamiliar places just to be told how I got there and then laughing about it because I think it’s hysterical is a problem. I learned when your idea of regulating your drinking means buying two small bottles instead of one big one is a problem. That was a good program, your honor, “thank you!”


“How long’s it been this time?” I continued, “this is the longest you’ve ever gone, isn’t it?” “It is,” I said, “I haven’t thought too much about it, I don’t know how long it’s been exactly but it’s been awhile.”

I guess it’s been about six or seven years since I popped any pills. That was the first problem I got control of, shortly after that was whiskey.

Those of you who have been following me for a minute know I grew up on dirt bikes and, with that life comes injuries, about two decades worth. With injuries comes surgeries and rehabilitation and all of the drugs you can eat... “legally!” Percocet, Norco, Hydrocodone, Lortab, etc. Pain killers in all shapes and colors.

After years of abuse and persistent doctor shopping in order to keep the medicine cabinet stocked with the appropriate narcotics required to wake up, stay awake, survive the day, fall asleep when the day’s over, stay asleep, just to wake back up again and repeat the steps, I decided I’d had enough—that was about seven years ago. I remember when I told my doctor I was done, “nah man, I’m good, thank you! You’ve been reliable and real good to me but I’m not going to eat pills anymore.” He told me I can’t quit. “You can’t just quit,” he said, “we’ll have to ween you off” he told me and wanted to prescribe an entirely new collection of transparent orange, plastic bottles with white, child-proof, twisty caps and blue warning labels.

I respectfully declined and assured him I’d be ok, “I’ll be alright, Doctor.” He insisted I wouldn’t be alright and that attempting to quit cold turkey and detoxing on my own would be a mistake, “the withdrawals can be dangerous!” I was made aware of all of the possible outcomes should I attempt to do this on my own including heart attack and death. Again, I assured Dr. Faruk, MD, I’d be ok, “I’ll be fine, Doc.” We shook hands, he told me good luck and don’t hesitate to call his office should I require assistance. I said whatever I said and I haven’t been prescribed anything since and, look at me now, typing this article like someone who’s not even dead yet.


“Check you out! Remember back when you wouldn’t do that?” “How could I forget?” I asked me. “The difference between checking me out and not me out is avoiding my reflection entirely.” “How long’s it been now?” The mirror asked, “seven years, eight years?” “Yeah, about eight years this time.”

I’ve been consistent at training and exercise for about eight years now, that was my first step toward recovery. It wasn’t long after that I stopped eating pills and within a few months of saying bye to those things is when I decided to leave the whiskey where it belongs—on the shelf.

Fact—I was tired of holding my breath to tie my boots! I told myself I was going to stop eating poison and do something about it for a couple of years before I finally made good on my wOrd. I’d been into exercising regularly, eating right, and staying in shape in the past, there were multiple years during my 20’s and 30’s where I’d go to the gym regularly before work but, what would happen is, I’d remain faithful to exercise and training and then injure myself again on a bike. After that is surgery and recovery time, unable to work, getting back on my feet becomes important, not the gym. It’s tough to get back into it once you’ve fallen out for some years—it takes about six weeks to get back into it.

Today I’m healthy. I’m 45 pounds lighter than I was back when I was sick. I’m 100% free from toxins provided by pharmaceutical giants and my neighborhood liquor giant. I don’t avoid mirrors anymore, I check it out sometimes, and it feels good to confidently say and know from deep inside my soul, “I’m in the best shape of my life.”

God, thanks, G! Without you I wouldn’t even have anyone to thank for the thumbs I just used to type this article.





Hello @dandays, how are u doing? I see you have a sexy and strong body, sir. It must be because you are diligent in doing exercise . Your back is also filled with lots of tattoos. I think maybe you labored for years to tattoo your body. I really appreciate you who managed to leave your habit of drinking liquor. Booze will really destroy someone. And you have done the right thing, friend. Hopefully you can enjoy your life now with happiness. especially your wife is very kind and beautiful. Have a nice day, sir.

Well long time no hear, how are you @elianaelisma? Thanks for translating and reading this article. I hope it didn’t take too long.

I miss whiskey, I miss it all the time, it was great for bad weather, bad news, bad mail, can’t sleep, can’t stay awake, it really did a lot for me. But everything that I wanted to go away kept coming back.

Labored for years pretty much covers it. A whole lot of ouch.

Really nice to hear from you again. Have a nice week.

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Wonderful to hear that you overcame all of that @dandays, enjoyed reading your one on one conversation! God gives us so many talents but sadly we waste it until we get a wake up call; some are not that lucky to survive, some never reach their full potential...but then do we ever reach that? I think as long as we try it's ok.
But I'm so glad for you and your loved ones that you took that leap of faith and held onto the guiding hand of God.
Must share a photo a photographer friend took one day when he was really down and this immediately made him realise he was safely in God's hands; it was a dry leaf, a twig and a seedpod, he called it 'To God the glory'

Photo by Hendrik Louw

Thank you for sharing the photo. And thanks for reading this one, I’m glad you liked it. I love knowing I was able to keep your attention for it.

You know, everything happened right around the same time. Mom, gone. Drugs, gone. Etc and it was right around that same time I realized I was on the wrong side of the fence—it all happened right around the same time, libelled, true story. Pura happened to meet me at a real good time. 😉

God’s the coolest dude in this conversation. Talk to you soon @lizelle. Thanks for listening to me talk to me.

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Wow! this post gives me hope. I am trying to lessen my prescription because the side effects scares me. I know what it feels like to live on a dirt bike and bikes in general then get injuries :D Now, I truly avoid those and always wishing another day to live without a new prescription! Also I've been sober for about a year, quitting my favorite vodka. I know it's good for bad days, good days, whatever celebration there is but that's counterproductive to my neuron prescription.

Sleeping, waking up, traffic, bad weather, I live whiskey so much I can’t think of a bad time. That’s a problem.

Congratulations on your sobriety @macchiata, that’s more than a lot of people can say. Pills aren’t bad. As soon as we realize they don’t make pain go away, they just make pain more fun to deal with, they’re easy to let go of.

Dirt bikes.. yeah. I could be driving down the road and see one in the back of someone else’s truck and I won’t even look at it—I’ll strain my neck or something just looking.

Thanks a lot for checking this one out @machiata, be proud of yourself.

for @dandays

Thank you @eii.

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Thanks for keepin an eye on me @esteemapp!

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Thank you @tts.

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Good for you my man.
Recovering had to be one of the hardest things you have ever done in your young life.
So many people in the same boat try and fail.
Addiction to anything is never a good thing, especially when both of the vices you dealt with are legal, and so easy to get.
You have made a remarkable recovery, and to feel better at your present age then when you were in your twenties and thirties, tells the whole story of the devastating ramifications of drug and alcohol addiction.
I am a big fan of Don Imus, and have been for years.
He talks about his addiction to drugs and alcohol openly, and still refers to himself as recovering alcoholic, even after years of staying clean.
His life was turned around after meeting his wife Deirdra who he married in 1994.
I don't know if @puravidaville had anything to do with your recovery, but having a wonderful companion in your corner is a great way to go through life.
I wish you well, and stay true to the relatively new you.

She has a lot to do with a lot of things.

I know what he means by recovering. When I say it, it looks like this:
“The only reason I’m not drinking is because I’m not.”

Does that make sense? It doesn’t typically make sense when I tell people and I have to explain myself. It’s everywhere, like you said, it’s on every corner. There isn’t a day that goes by I don’t want a drink, oh man, especially when I get bad news! Or if it’s raining.. or if I can’t sleep, that’s always a good one, or when the mailman delivers bills I wasn’t expecting.. on a Friday, Fridays are good days. Yeah, “the only reason I’m not drinking is because I’m not.”

No pubs for me man. No bars, no thanks. People are always like “this pub here” and “that wine there” and I just smile and nod.

Dude, thanks a lot for noticing @thebigsweed. I appreciate you listening to me talk to myself.

I see you’re at a 70 today, that’s cool. Your rep is like a bull market! Lol!! That was funny.

“the only reason I’m not drinking is because I’m not.”

I really like that one & yeah i get it. It reminds me of some mental powers David Goggins has used, to get through some extreme situations.

"The only reason I'm not drinking is because I'm not."
I totally get that, and no further explanation should ever be required.
That rep score of 70 is waked out. I was thrilled, when just a couple of days ago I reached 61 .A rep score of 70 is for the big boys.
@dandays, I will listen to you talk to yourself any time my friend.

Mad RESPECT Brother.

Its like i have so much to say yet the tongue ties. Really felt this one tho. Ty for Being 🙏🙏🙏

A big huge thank you right here. Even if only person understands how valuable each wOrd I shared in this article is to me, it was worth it.

Sharing these experiences has been a long time coming @idig, thanks for noticing. And I really appreciate the Resteem too. 👍🏿

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Percocet, Norco, Hydrocodone, Lortab

Never heard these names before...

I'm glad you took back control of your life. Hope you can stay on the right track for a long time now! 😎

So far so great, every day I’m sober is because I chose to be. I’m glad you’ve never heard of those pills, @trincowski, those are household names in the states.

Thank you for checking this one out sir.

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I won't comment anything on your great achievement of living a healthy life because I'm grateful that I read your story now😀 because if you wrote about your activities 7 years ago.. i won't read 😉

Btw.. did you listen to tts? It makes this wonderful story sound like a speech😆 and you can hear something like wink face with one eye shut or smile with tongue out in my tts articles😂

Are you happy now @dandays? Being healthy and happy are something expensive now.

Oh man, you and Pura both. She happened to meet me at a very good time in my life, I wasn’t the same back then. I wasn’t a bad person, I was still me, I just wasn’t the me I am today.

I did listen to that—too funny.

Happy?? Shoooot. I’m the luckiest guy I know @cicisaja, ask me, I’ll tell you. Thanks a lot for listening to me talk to myself, Cici.

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I won't ask 😂😂 im jealous of your healthy and happy life with pura though I'm more than happy just to read both of your life story on steemit.

It will be different if you write a post about those pills that I never heard and I couldn't imagine how can you handle the pain 7-8 years ago. Btw.. I like the way you talk to yourself ..and the cover image too!

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