¡Money Shot! A Tribute To Eddie Money - You Won’t Find This Story Anywhere Else.

in #money5 years ago (edited)

To those of you haven’t heard, Eddie Money, who was recently diagnosed with cancer, died yesterday at age 70—RIP. Those of you who are hearing about Eddie Money for the first time right now, welcome to planet earth, where ya been?

Oh man, what an icon that dude is! Back home in Los Angeles right now, I can only imagine what’s being said across the airwaves for the guy, he was awesome, an icon and legend in the #music industry with a whole bunch of hit singles—I’ll be attaching some of those during this article, try not to miss any clicks. All weekend long; every pub, barber shop, gym, coffee house, hotel lobby, etc. you walk into right now in..


..is playing Eddie Money.

When Pura and I first met back in 2014, she lived in San Francisco, I Lived in Long Beach (seven hour separation). Within three or four months of meeting each other, she moved in with a girlfriend of hers in Westlake Village, California. It’s out by Thousand Oaks, about 30 miles west of Hollywood and a little over an hour away from me in Long Beach.

I went over there to help her unload her things and the three of us were hanging out in the back yard afterward when her roommate, Dani, after hanging out for awhile, casually asks “oh, do you guys know who Eddie Money is?” 🤔 “Do I know who Eddie Money is?”

Two Tickets To Paradise and Think I’m In Love, c’mon! Does a grizzly bear use a rabbit to... yeah, of course I know who Eddie Money is. She pointed next door and said “he lives there.” “Really?!” That’s pretty cool, Pura lives closer to me and she lives next door to Eddie Money.

Well, I never saw him in the 5-6 times I visited their condo, Pura would typically come to my place in Long Beach when we’d get together. I saw his daughter a few times and another woman, I’m sure his wife, I remember seeing the daughter drive a real nice Audi and there was a Range Rover that was always parked there but I never saw Eddie. The girls did a few times.

Remember earlier this year when I wrote that article from Costa Rica with the part about a tarantula in our bedroom and I told you about Pura’s fear of spiders? Well, that ties into this Eddie Money tribute.

Pura’s eyes kind of lit up when she learned who her neighbor is and proceeded to tell us about how big of a fan her dad was of his. I say was because her dad is no longer with us. She told us how he would air guitar around the house regularly when she was a young girl with the music blaring Eddie Money so loud she would be embarrassed because neighbors could hear it all the way down the street. He was such a fan of Eddie, he even had a nickname for him—Eddie Megabucks.

One morning I’m by myself in Long Beach and I have missed calls and messages on my phone from Pura—a lot. I didn’t know what she was talking about but the messages all read something to the extent of “oh my God, you’ll never believe what happened! .... I have to talk to you immediately! .... Why aren’t you answering your phone?!?” Something, something, something. What am I supposed to think when I wake up to a bunch of those? So, I immediately called her, she answered her phone and goes on with this #story....

She told me she and her girlfriend were hanging out on the back patio last night, I remember they had this aqua/blue, metal patio furniture. It was just the two of them, they were friends all through grade school and hadn’t seen each other since high school, hanging out together and catching up for the first time in over a decade.

Quick recap—Pura hates spiders! Hates as in hate-hate, hates spiders like I hate the IRS, hate. Ok, not that much but you get the picture. She’s terrified of spiders and it’s crazy because Pura wears glasses and can’t see things like street signs or closed caption television without them but she can spot a spider, the size of a lemon seed, from about 15 yards away on a moving vehicle passing by in the opposite direction... on the opposite side of the car... without her glasses—it’s fascinating! So yeah, as I was saying, she hates spiders.

Ok, so she tells me about their night. She said she and Dani were hanging out in the back yard just catching up and reminiscing. She said she didn’t even have any shoes on and her feet were kicked up on a wicker basket her friend was going to paint. At one point they started talking about what color to paint the basket so Pura stood up, stepped back a little bit to get a better look at it and, as she stepped back toward the fence, out of the corner of her eye, she said a great big, giant tarantula, the size of a baseball hat, crawled over the fence toward her, just a few inches from her shoulder, and jumped (“jumped”) across the yard toward her friend. It was a lunging/attacking tarantula, according to @puravidaville.

The first thing I said was something about “really, a tarantula?” In all of the years I’ve lived there, not one time have I ever heard about someone being attacked by a tarantula. Mountain lion attacks, although rare, I’ve heard about a few but tarantulas, never, not one time—until now. “Are you sure it was a tarantula?” I asked. “Oh for sure!” She said.

She told me they were freaking out, screaming and yelling and, most likely in shock, her friend had shoes on and her reaction was to jump on the crawly, jumpy, baseball hat sized thing. She did. Sorry if there’s any environmentalists tuned into this story right now who just got extremely pissed but it’s true—she killed it.

Well, during the commotion, one of their neighbors (not Eddie) came to the back fence to check on them—it’s a gated community of condominiums where everyones back yard has an adjoining fence. They explained what just happened to the concerned neighbor and how it really did happen, they’re not making it up, etc. etc. and that a huge tarantula really just attacked them and they even have a corpse to prove it.

Their neighbor probably thought the same thing I did when they told him their story. He, as I, I’m sure had never heard of anyone ever being attacked by a tarantula until that moment and the fact they had the dead corpse to prove their story was bizarre. Anyhow, once he learned the girls were ok, everyone called it a night, Pura texted and called me a bunch of times but I was sleeping so I called her in the morning and she told me the story I just relayed to you. Well, about an hour after we hung up the phone with each other is when this story takes a twist.

Pura said she was walking outside to go for a run and, while locking the front door, she heard a man’s voice behind her “so you’re my new neighbor, did you get all moved in? What do you think of the area?” He introduced himself, “I’m Eddie.” They shook hands, “I’m @puravidaville,” and proceeded to tell him how she just moved in but she’s not sure how long she’s going to stay there because she’s terrified of spiders and they just got attacked by a tarantula last night.

Eddie felt terrible and apologized all over himself, assuring her everything’s ok and they have nothing to worry about. He told her he has several tarantulas as pets that he keeps inside the condo. Believe it or not, a lot of people have tarantulas as pets. He told her one of his got out of the cage a few days ago and they never found it, “that must be it,” he told her.

Pura felt terrible, “are you kidding me?!” She asked, “seriously?” He said “yes, seriously,” and went on to apologize even more and assured her it won’t happen again and how they don’t have anything to worry about, tarantulas are harmless, yata yata yata yata. “Did you see where it went?” He asked. That’s when she broke the #news to Eddie Megabucks.

“My girlfriend killed your tarantula,” she told him. He was caught off guard at first but also accepted Dani’s reaction, “she killed it?” He asked. “Oh yeah,” Pura told him, “she jumped on it after it lunged across the back yard at us and squashed it—it’s dead now.”

“Ok,” Eddie said, seemingly unbothered by the loss of his pet spider, “I have more—we’ll stop looking for that one now, thank you!” He apologized again and assured Pura they don’t have anything to worry about, how it’ll never happen again and some other stuff that meant the same thing. They shook hands again, “nice meeting you, Pura!” “It was nice meeting you too, Eddie.” He went back home and she took off for a run.

She stayed there for a few more months before moving down the street from me in Long Beach. They’d wave at each other passing by, she never encountered another tarantula and the rest is #history. Eddie Money—a rock and roll icon whose lyrics are known by just about everyone across the US and, the majority of the world as well, with hit songs like Take Me Home Tonight (featured below) succumbed to esophageal cancer at age 70 on September 13, 2019, but until I got to know Pura, back when she moved to Westlake Village about five years ago and moved in to the condo next door to Eddie Money, I never would’ve known he collected tarantulas.

Cover image—iPhone 8 plus + Pixabay + Photoshop



Life is a crazy ride, right?!? Great tribute- love you xox

Yes! I’m so glad you liked it. I hope you noticed the way I linked tracks as I mentioned you or your dad. There might’ve been just a teensy weensy strategy involved there.

iheartu all the time beautifulest! I don’t mind having to remind you to check out my articles or anything. 👍🏿

Cute story Dan...I remember Eddie Money and some of his music, now that you reminded me; as well as reminding me that I'm the same age as the guy...

Holy Geeezzzzzzz...time certainly flies when your having fun.

Oh, sir, you ain’t kidding! I’m younger than you, sure, but trust me.. the writing is on the wall my brother.

My icons, my despises, etc. They’re dying these days and we all keep getting older—even children! My elders are dying or near death and here I am, growing in age simply to take their seat.

Life is a crazy thing @angryman and I’m glad I got you around for now in this one I’m living. 👍🏿

But did you say “cute?” That’s what you said, right? “Cute?” Did you mean to type that? C. U. T. E. <—was that a typo? 😉

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Did you mean to type that? C. U. T. E. <—was that a typo?

No...not a typo or acronym :>) Cute in the sense of Pura being afraid of spiders and her friend rescuing her by stomping on one.

Yet...kind of sad as well, for the tarantula and the neighbor.

Hope you both are having a nice day in the U.K. Ooooooooo..."Nice Day in the U.K." ???? Could be a great slogan for their tourism initiative?

Wow. Must've been quite a shocking moment for someone with arachnophobia O_O
Great story, kept me wondering about Grizzlies and rabbits as well ;)

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Lol! Rabbits, that’s funny. Well, I just always assumed that’s how a bear wipes! Hahaha.

I’m really glad you liked this one @longer, thanks a lot for checking it out, I appreciate it.

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Always a pleasure to see you guys, thank you @creativecrypto!

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I have to admit something .... I had no idea who he was until I googled him .... then I realized I knew who he was after seeing his song list . Lol

Shoooot, you can’t get one passed me @anonymity5, I know you know Eddie. He’s pretty iconic where I come from.

I’m glad I was able to remind you who he is, thanks a lot for checking out this article, I really appreciate it.

Where are you from if you don’t mind my asking ?

It was my pleasure 😊

Of course i don’t mind, ask me anything you want @anonymity5.

Long Beach, California. Currently on a tour of as much of the world as I can see—started January this year in Central America. Presently staying in the UK—we’ll be here until the beginning of November.

(I lost count how many times I had to edit this article. I couldn’t spell “anonymity” for ish!!)

That’s great .... I started traveling a little more in the last year or so..... getting divorced .... and finding out you have cancer .... someone you love moving on without you .... sometimes makes you realize that life’s too short .... lol

What was your favorite place to visit ?

Ohhh ... I have an issue spelling it too sometimes .... I usually spell it anonynity and then have to go back and change it ... lol .

So you’re saying you have a lot of reason to be strong—nice!

That’s an easy one—England. Liverpool to be more specific.

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That is on my list .... along with France .

You should def try to get to Montenegro if you get a chance in your travels ... it’s such a beautiful and serene atmosphere.... also Albania has some of the friendliest and welcoming people of anywhere in the world .

Albania, really? I haven’t been told than yet. Crazy cuz we’ll actually be in Greece for Thanksgiving so now it’s official—Ima try to get us to Albania. Can’t wait! Please stay tuned. And Montenegro isn’t too far. I don’t for sure if we’ll make it but it’s on the radar now.

I’ll keep you posted with France, too. 👍🏿 I actually have some friends from home flying into Paris in November, next year. We’re kind of trying to hold France off until then.

RIP Eddie $. And that poor spider :(. That is interesting he had tarantulas and hilarious it so happened to wander to @Puravidaville s place, yikes. They used to call me Eddie Money lol at one of my first jobs. 70 is too young in my book. Time= a crazy thing. ✌ @dandays

Time = crazy.

You’re right. Eh, thanks for checking out this article dude, I really appreciate it. Yeah, Eddie liked spiders I guess—who woulda thunk?? 🤔

That’s a cool nickname to have bro. I hope you’re enjoying your weekend @idig.

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It's a fun fact actually to know the tarantula which attacking @puravidaville belongs to an idol 😂 sorry... I just can't help myself to laugh.

I must said that I don't know about Eddy Money😊 maybe because I'm busy listening to other local musicians. Thanks for sharing the story, his music is cool and RIP Eddy.

Great story, right? RIP, Eddie, absolutely.

Well, I’m glad I was the one who introduced you to him @cicisaja, he’s a big musical influence across the world and I’ll personally miss his music. I’m glad you appreciated this article—thank you!

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