Why Uplifting One Benefits All- Be a Strong Ambassador

in #life6 years ago (edited)

The world in which we live equally distributes talent. But it doesn't equally distribute opportunity. It's up to each of us to distribute equally.

You've heard the stories: girl growing up in the ghetto is a violin prodigy, but she cannot afford lessons. She is self taught, with natural but raw talent. Unfortunately, she must drop out of school to work just to survive, and the violin is pawned for food money. Or the foster child who is taken under the wing of a professor who heard about her potential, and is given enough opportunities to where he flies through University and grows up to cure a dangerous disease.

So much beautiful natural talent is lost because of a mere lack of opportunity. The wealthy have all the opportunity they could want, but the not so wealthy must juggle and balance.

Steemit can make the playing field more equal. The platform enables each of us to determine content quality and worth, and reward it with no loss of our own. We can help a person in need with medical emergencies or a sudden expense, we can help a struggling artist get her work out there for the world to see and sponsors to curate, or we can help a starving writer who has mega talent but no audience be seen and in turn eat more than cereal tonight. We, the wonderful people of Steemit, can make lives better! We can help each other be self sufficient. We can recognize and reward hard work and natural talent so it is not lost to the gaping maw of lost opportunity.

And we can do all this with a simple upvote and resteem!

Isn't this power amazing!

But with great power comes great responsibility.

You determine who rises on Steemit. Each upvote you cast, even if your vote is only worth one penny, furthers someone's dreams. Every resteem gets their hard work in front of a larger audience.

Each connection you make enriches someone's life.

You are powerful outside of Steemit as well.

You are a representative of Steemit, everywhere you go, everything you do. You are a representative of your family. Of your community. Of your country.

Every little thing you do either puts a positive or negative light on a number of things you belong to and are involved with. You know how when a child acts a fool people blame the parents? Of if a number of people who do well in life come from a certain school, the public looks at that school with positivity and respect.

As a representative of the cryptocurrency community, your actions shed good or bad light on the cryptosphere.

All of your actions determine whether cryptos are seen as solid, or something shady to be wary of.

You create your reality, with every move you make. You determine your surroundings.

A ball in motion stays in motion. When you give even a seemingly small opportunity to someone, you are starting an upward mobility of success.

Help a neighborhood child with their homework- explain the concept so they can wrap their head around it and progress on their own.

Share a talent of yours with someone less fortunate. It was gifted to you- share the wealth.

Help an elderly neighbor by picking up their groceries or fixing that sagging gutter.

Tip the young girl behind the counter. She may be struggling with her young family or tuition.

Be patient with new Steemmates. You were once new and overwhelmed, too ;)

Smile at everyone you meet.

Be a respectable and strong ambassador for your family, school, home community and your cryptocommunity.

STEEM ever onward and upward my friends, and may the cryptos be ever in your favor :)

Enter Week 4 Photo Contest for $ SBD Prize!

What if the last person on Earth was the one you hated most? Dead i, a Steemit Original Fiction Series.

Images via Pexels and Pixabay

Thank you for your support, I love you guys ♡


With Love, Positivity and Good Mojo Light,
May Your Days Be Always Happy and Bright!


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If you found this post after day 7 please consider upvoting a recent article ♡


This brings such an uplifting feeling. Me and my brother have been talking about the future of crypto, and how the banks and governments are seeing it as a threat to their business models.

Two weeks ago I purchased a new car- 100% with my crypto earnings. The first dealership loved my bank statements, then couldn't get rid of me fast enough when they heard it was crypto. I didn't mention crypto to the second dealership- just showed my statements and told the truth- I am a freelance writer.

I drove away in my new Jeep Cherokee from the second dealership.

But guess what? I'm having a sticker made to show everyone that this Jeep is powered by Crypto ;)

This is the most amazing reply I've ever seen on steemit, that reply was grand it kept me thinking for hours.

Yes? Please do share your thoughts!

What I think Is we don't need to force people to join steemit, we ourself are a walking beacon if testimonies.

And well when I first got here a whole lot of people newbinized me because I was repping 25 one guy even called me names I was just asking him for guidance.

That's why your post here brought memories, it's amazing to read

My thoughts exactly.

It saddens me to hear you were mistreated by a member of the community. There is absolutely no reason for that behavior. They could simply say they don't have time, or something. But be courteous. It's shameful to know there are people like that here.

Stick with me, kid. I only want success for every one of us here. Minus the mean one, lol.

If you have any questions or issues please reach out to me. Even if I don't know the answer I'll point you in the right direction <3

So gladens me to hear that well I had thoze kinda people when really in my life but I just didn't believe they could be on steemit too,
However you don't know how I feel for this heartwarming assurance you've given to me. It's the kindest words I've heard here in quite a while here.
I'm glad for this.

Someday I'd buy you a jet. 😁😁😁

Guys, I just read your comment replies, and I swear there is so many nice people in here compared to other platforms where the comments are despicable.

Thank you for being so nice. 😀

I think one must be gentle at judging someone else's work. One has to be kind. That doesn't cost anything and can uplift someone's spirit. Great post.

Exactly! Kindness goes such a long way, and does not cost you one Satoshi :)

I couldn't agree with you more. Steemit is definitely giving people opportunities that otherwise they wouldn't have.

In my country, Venezuela, the minimum monthly salary is around 2$. That means that with 1 SBD I make more than my parents, who are working very hard to help me with my medical career and still cover our basic necessities. Every little upvote for people who comes from countries that have extremely inestable economic means thounsands and thousands in their own currencies.

I have been here for about a month, but with the amount I have been able to make, things for my family have been so much easier. Also, people have been so supportive and caring that I feel at home.

In the other hand, I have discovered so many talented people and I try my best to also help them. Even if my vote doesn't have much value, I think giving them a kind comment can also make the whole experience better.

So yes, let's support each other! I'm sure many talented people will be able to make great things from here.

You are absolutely correct!

This is so true, and our current monetary system does nothing to solve our worlds problems regarding talent and living up to ones potential. Steemit, and other outlets like it that use the blockchain and cryptocurrency to connect people and create new opportunities is a very great thing for this world. I am 100% in support of crypto and what changes it will bring. Congrats on the New Jeep too!

Yes! I'm 100% a cryptogirl :)

Thank you!

Smile at everyone you meet.

This makes my day, and it's amazing how many people smile back and you make there day! Spread the smiles wide and far!

So much beautiful natural talent is lost because of a mere lack of opportunity.

This is of particuar interest to @shai-hulud and I as we used to have it on our win lotto bucket list to help the talented in less fortunate countries get the help they needed to thrive in their given field. We haven't won the lottery yet or worked our way into millionare status but we hope every upvote we give to a newbie makes them feel as appreciated as we did and gives them hope that Steemit is here to stay and last but not least to...

Pay it forward

  • Spread the upvotes and engagement,
  • Make people feel welcome and,
  • POWER Up and STEEM On!

Yes! This is why I decided to Mentor a Minnow! I hope more dolphins and whales follow suit ;) it's so wonderful helping others!

So much beautiful natural talent is lost because of a mere lack of opportunity.

Awesome sentence of part your post today dear @arbitrarykitten, and steemit gift us a chance here on platform, How beautiful world of the platform, I passed many experiences in the platform and Meet many Amazing people in the world, for novice keep steem on and trust me the procces never betrays the result, no pain no gain.

Re-steemed and greeting from Aceh sumatra Indonesia :)

Thank you so much <3 Cheers my friend!

My pleasure :)
Cheers my dear...

Do you believe in fate? Fate will tell the final answer.

I believe we tell fate the answer by living according to the questions we pose of ourselves ;)

Woew itthis a great a game and fantastis a game. Great idea ny friend

I resteem it love feeling that crypto can be a better source of income. and to attain financial freedom

Absolutely! I have watched Steemit change lives. Mine included. Cryptos are the future :)

Luar biasa, saya salah seorang yang sangat beruntung untuk bergabung dengan steemian. Terima kasih tuhan!

Saya percaya anda membuat nasib anda sendiri pada Steemit dengan tekad, konsistensi, kesabaran dan minda masyarakat :)

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