On my birthday, introducing a Social Enterprise - 今天生日给你介绍一个爱心企业 (by @ace108)

in #life8 years ago

On my birthday today, I like to introduce a social enterprise I came across when I was at the recent prize award ceremony for the DBS - NUS Social Venture Challenge Asia. It was held at the University Cultural Centre in the National University of Singapore. The Top 12 present at the ceremony were selected from 1,027 entries from 32 countries. One entry was OurCityLove Social Enterprise who won the Jury Prize.
今天我的生日,我想介绍一个社会企业。是在最近一个社会企业比赛的奖颁奖典礼认识到。地点是新加坡国立大学的国大文化中心。它是在大学文化中心在新加坡国立大学举行。 12强出席了。他们是从来自32个国家的1,027参赛者选出的。OurCityLove社会企业得了评审团奖。

During the event, Dr. Chong-Wey Lin (one of the founded) did a 3 minutes presentation about them. They have APPS that enable users to (borrowing a phrase from the booklet I receive at the ceremony) It maps data of accessible venues, facilities, and services on a cloud-based platform. This app assist users overcome challenges in mobility so that when one is wheel-chair bound does not mean one is home bound all the time. Dr Lin seems like quite a jovial guy but I did not get to speak to him unfortunately although I was able to chat with Momo Huang (the other founder) briefly and she gave me a couple of brochure with more information. The content in the APPS are from first hand experience by user who has mobility challenges. Think of it like a TripAdvisor for wheel-chair users.
在典礼,林崇偉教授(创办者之一)用3分做了个关于OurCityLove的介绍。他们的APPS,使用户能够找的对移动需帮助的人更友善的地点,设施和 服务的资料。这APPS能帮助用户克服移动的挑战。教授好像有趣的人,但我没能和他直接接触。反而跟另一位创办闲聊几句。她是Momo Huang(抱歉没找到中文名。未免错误,只放英文名)。她给了我两个小册子提供更多资料。APPS里头的资料是由他们的友善特派员亲身体验后提供的。
Here are the 2 brochures:

Behind one of them, there's a QR code to link you up to them.

Sharing the details here of one brochure.


Here's a photo from a board displayed beside their stand explaining alittle about OurCityLove.

Back at home, I checked out their website and found the services, their APPS services include:
Friendly Restaurant, Friendly Drivers, Friendly MRT Taipei, Friendly Pediatricians, Friendly Lactation rooms.

Here's a more recent video I saw from their website (it's in Chinese) which I thought was interesting to share here:

I think what OurCityLove is doing is great in making our society a more inclusive one. Personally, I think every city should have this. Their website is:
Have a look. Perhaps, you can consider if want to contact them and collaborate for the benefit of your city.
From their website, I found they already cover 9 cities in Taiwan and internationally in Hong Kong and Malaysia with plans to expand to different parts of asia. I do hope that Singapore will get the exposure too because we are all growing older everyday and may become less mobile someday.
Thanks for reading and Good health to all.

从他们的网站,看到他们除台湾外还在香港和马来西亚也有服务。也有计划到亚洲的不同城市。我希望新加坡有机迈进个更包容的社会因为我们没人天天都长老,并 可能我们也会有移动的困难。

Note: All photos were taken by me using a mobile phone.

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Have a nice day.

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Please see my other posts: ace108
请看我其他帖: @ace108


happy birthday to @ace108 !! and thanks for introducing this wonderful SE! 年年都是一歲啊!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY @ace108 🎂🍾🍻🎼🎧🎧🎼🔑🍧 Here is I give you a virtual cake Champange beer some music a golden key to your success and an ice cream to to cool you

Thank you.

happy birthday @ace108 ,hope you all the best

Thank you.



May you have a wonderful day filled with upvotes, pokemons to catch everywhere and warm greetings !

wow, thanks a lot.

Happy birthday!! Love this ourcitylove idea

Thank you. yes, it's a nice idea.

Have a blessed birthday!

Thank you.

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