Bought your moon cakes yet? - 月饼买了吗? (by @ace108)

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

Seems every big shopping centers have an event to sell moon cakes. The one that I am familiar with is the one at Takashimaya Shopping Centre at their event space in basement 2. In the past, I was there mostly on weekends. It's a huge crowd. Many stalls are setup to sell moon cakes mostly. The stalls are setup by hotels, restaurant and bakery shops. People are going there to buy the different types of moon cakes. Other than moon cakes, there are also usually different types of stalls.
Recently, I found another shopping center that also having moon cake sales event at Vivo City. Have a look at the setup from these shots taken from the 2nd floor:

好像每个大商场都有卖月饼的活动。我所熟悉的一个是地方是高岛屋在地下二楼的大地。记得以前在周末到那里是人山人海。那里设了不少摊位大多卖月饼。这些摊 位是由酒店,餐馆和饼店投入的。人们去那里购买不同类的月饼。除了月饼也有别类货品。


There's also a shop selling lanterns - the more traditional ones and more contemporary.
还有家卖灯笼的 - 从传统的到更现代化的。
It wasn't very crowded when I went on a weekday a few days ago but it surely will be in the weekend because:
  1. People will be there to sample the different moon cakes
  2. People will be there to whip up their credit cards to buy moon cakes with credit card promotion
  3. People willl be there catching pokemons
  4. People will go there to go Sentosa
So, where's your favorite place for hunting for moon cake?

  1. 人们将在那里品尝不同的月饼
  2. 人们将在那里拿出信用卡购买-有些信用卡跟月饼商有特价
  3. 有人会到那里抓Pokemons
  4. 人们会经过那里去圣淘沙
Note: All photos were taken by me using a mobile phone.

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Thank you for sharing this material, I like what you posted. Thank you so much

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