Snorlax is secured-a poem+chance to WIN a prize / 一首诗+有机会赢奖 (by @ace108)

in #game8 years ago (edited)

Snorlax is secured-a poem+read for a chance to win a prize / 一首诗+看了有机会赢奖 (by @ace108)

This is a photo of the Pikachu I caught in Bayfront MRT station. It could be yours. Read on.



I was on a bus and I was playing Pokemon Go! I ended catching Snorlax, presumably a rare pokemon. Thereafter, I had some inspiration and wrote a poem.

How to win the prize?

I'm looking a phrase I want this post to be. To be eligible, you have to upvote this post and leave a comment with the phrase I'm looking for. The first one who get the phrase I'm looking for win one of the following:

我在公车上玩着Pokemon Go!最终抓到只种罕见的小精灵。然后,有了一些灵感,写了一首英文诗。看得懂英文的朋友看看有没有赢奖的机会。



About the prize:

It was announced that Pokemon Go! will allow trading of pokemons. If you win, you can choose one (and only one) of the following.


已宣布 Pokemon Go! 将会应许大家交换抓到的小精灵。如果你赢了,你可以选择以下其中一个(只是一个):

(1) Pinsar to be traded with any one of your pokemon

(1) 大甲换取您任何一只小精灵

(2) Pikachu to be traded with any one of your pokemon

You seen the front profile above, now see the side and back profile

(2) 皮卡丘换取您任何一只小精灵



(3) If 1 and 2 won't work for you, I'll use 1.68 SD to [PROMOTE] the first post you post on 30th Semptember, 2016.

(3) 如果1和2行不通,我会用1.68 SD来[PROMOTE]您在2016年9月30日写的第一帖。

======== Look for the phrase below this line

-------- 在这条线以下找那语句

Snorlax is secured

I have a sighting

Of a being.

It's shadow is like Snorlax.

I cannot relax.

I use my incense.

Suddenly, in front of me it stands.

I threw a pokè ball.

It broke free after a roar.

I feed it a razz berry.

In the end, I am happy, very.

For now, I am sure.

Snorlax is secured.

Here's a picture of the Snorlax I secured



It's MY Snorlax now


Even buddy with me



-------- 在这条线以上找那语句

======== Look for the phrase above this line

If you enjoy this post, please vote and share any feedback you may have.

Thank you for reading.

Have a nice day.




#game #singapore #cn #poem #contest

Here are my recent post:


Please see my other posts: @ace108
请看我其他帖: @ace108


Thanks for reading.

Pokemon Go :)

sorry, not what I'm looking for. there's no "Pokemon Go" phrase between the lines ========.
keep looking.

I love Picachu .. now I get it how you came up with Caterpie.
Enjoy Pokemon Go and be safe ^ ^

Yes, thanks. and no takers for the prize yet.

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