30 Days of Steem (Move over Mr Gray!!) Part 1 this is a long post.

in #lgbt6 years ago (edited)

Well here we are at 30 Days of FullTime, what a milestone I feel I have reached. I want to share my journey, in the past month and what I have learned to help me grow on the platform.

Lets look at the activity to begin with.


Check out all this activity.

This graph is an accurate timeline, of my activity on steemit. You will see in January, when I returned to the platform it was very low, I was posting about once a day, I didn't resteem either.
If you don't currently have a graph to refer to your activity, you can download an extension on your browser, I believe it works on chrome and firefox. The extension is called steemit more info developed by @armandocat.

Whooaaaa seriously I just typed in their name and this came up on my screen...mindblown!!!


The extension is very useful, for many reasons, you can see the final edit of your post, side by side instead of below where you write. You can see your vote power % and the value of your vote.

Some new buttons appear on the bar also, you can see your vote history both incoming and outgoing.
Mentions never works for me, I don't know if its just me or still under development.


Not only can you see your vote history, but you can see the % of peoples vote also and the value... but you should never take the value as gospel until after the end of the 7 days after the post was published.

Steemit more info is a great tool to use and if you are taking steemit seriously, really you should be using this if you are not already, it makes it much easier to track important information.

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So 30 days ago, this is what I published.

I'm going full time on Steemit. And win 0.200

After being with no work for a few weeks, I thought about going full time on steemit, as it was winter I needed something to do anyway so I made the decision thinking what do I have to lose. Other people were doing it so why couldn't I do it?

I made a small announcement about it and also did a vlog. My plan was when I came back on steemit, I wanted to be a vlogger oh how that has changed. In fact actually in a short space of time I am sitting thinking really did I do that oh my god!!!

I think the reason I did was because I posted an old video up about my thoughts on curation, and got a little recognition off DTube in the form of an upvote. Nice I thought... then I was looking at the people who were doing well and thought yes this is what I want to do.

I met people along the way like @bethwheatcraft who I speak to weekly, she runs buzzsteem on DTube and has been doing considerably well with her niche, she has been consistent, her edits are good, she invests time and technology into her videos.
My videos were not doing so well I could not really understand why, so I wanted to vary my content and post other things.

I decided that every day I would post up my activity, as a reminder of what I have done.

Day 1 of being full time on Steemit!!

So this was my first post I written about my first day of being full time on steemit.... don't worry I am not going to post the full 30 days.
I recorded on it about the things I learned and about my activity that I had done that day. I talked about banks in the uk ,stopping people from being able to buy crypto with a credit card.

I thought it was a good piece and feel that I had spent enough considerable time for it to be justified, it was my first piece I felt that I had taken seriously enough to try to see if it would gain a winder audience.


Check out the stats on it.

day 1.jpg

Very little attention.... many by this time would just give up and leave. I am not so weak to do that and I felt more determined.

The days progressed on.

I was publishing content but not getting very much attraction, 2 or 3 comments and minimal payout.
The video's were bugging me I tried to vary the content trying different things. I wanted to give them a comic theme, my friends think I am funny and I thought I could relay the same persona to the steemit audience.

I felt I had a little bit more of a breakthrough when I published this.

What I have learned so far on steemit (correct me if im wrong.)

(Credit Pixabay)

I think this was the first time that I started to actually look up how to write up posts properly, using Markdown. I learned how to use headlines and bullet points. I wanted it to look as clean and polished as I could.

It was around the time that I met @c0ff33a who does an wonderful weekly blog about his weeks activity. I started to express interest in his blogs and saw the layout of them and how he was gaining a lot of interest in them, we started to comment on each others posts and he gave me some helpful advice to help me along the way.


The post was about what I had learned so far on steemit. About how steem and sbd worked, what voting power was and sp.
This generated more interest and I made a few more $$$ but had 11 comments whoa people are reading my stuff.
But the blatantly obvious, still had not sunk in at this time, whats the actual secret sauce was to doing well on the platform.

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I entered a contest.

A few days later, I saw a contest about writing a supernatural experience which was being ran by Jerry Banfield. I liked the idea of the contest because it was running longer than 7 days, and he promised to reward authors with good content with steem.
The contest did not need to be about a supernatural event as such but you could also write about a spiritual awakening, so I though yeah what have I got to lose??
To be honest it did not matter whether I would have won the contest or not because this was a hard post to write, in fact I don't think nothing will ever compare to my writing of this post ever.it took me hours, I think I was up till 4am actually writing this.

I published The Scars I bear. The fear I conquered. (SWC)

This is not the easiest of reads to digest, it is uncomfortable.... it was just as uncomfortable for me to write. Because I never have written about the experience. But writing about it gave me a sense of empowerment, like a challenge I had overcome. I felt that I was able to reflect back on the then and now. So I learned then that writing posts is not just for reward but it helps with reflection.
I submitted it you will see it did not gain much in the way of upvotes or comments for that matter, but I did not care. I was just glad I wrote it down and it was out there.

I carried on doing videos.

They were not doing well at all which was infuriating me, it wasn't the fact of doing the video's it was the time editing them afterwards. And still I saw people doing well on Dtube and growing and I was mainly standing still.
Some videos had made a couple of $ but most hardly anything at all, some were just from people that have been on steemvoter. I found a little more success on Dlive by editing the video's live, but I didn't want to pursue doing those every day because I knew after a while the content would be boring because it was the same all the time.

Then I made the worst mistake ever.

So it was late one night and I was moody, sitting in the dark thinking about my activity. By this time I was talking to a few people on the platform. And I was angry thinking my word deserved more credibility than it was getting, possibly a selfish attitude to have I don't know.

So in the moment I decided to publish a video while I felt the way I did, I regret that moment something I would never do again.

So I made this video. I still cringe now I can't bring myself to watch it.

I don't now what to do anymore I give up seriously???

I got caught up in the moment, practically begging for views and support. Something I never ever should have one, I got recognition for the video but that was wrong. I got words of encouragement from people, but I instantly felt guilty after it.

So the next day I made a public apology about it promising it was something that I never would do again.

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The turning point.

I was still consistently updating every day what activity I had posted and still I was getting fewer comments, but I was starting to speak to more people. I rejoined discord and got in with the guys at The Steem Engine which is run by @ethandsmith and his crew. I started reading other peoples content more and started to resteem other peoples work, leaving deep meaningful comments on their posts, some of them returned with long replies others just said thanks, it was ok either way they read my comment. Some were upvoted some weren't. I was starting to learn about true curation and its true power in the platform.

I was also on DTube's discord but it was not very active, and I feel I needed to speak to people because it can be lonely when you are doing this full time.

Then one day I thought right I need to know what the problem is with my video's. You see I was not depending on the votes of people, I just wanted DTube's upvote, because it had more value. I saw other people getting them so I wanted the same.

So I contacted heimindanger the developer and asked for feedback from the curators. I got it but I didn't expect the remarks I got. I was so in shock by them actually that I had to take a day to pause and think.
I spoke to the guys at The Steem Engine to ask for advice, because I wanted to do a blog post about it, and wondered if it was the right thing to do. The steem engine fully backed me up, and said I should go for it.

So I published this.

Be Careful what you ask for!!!!

The comments I had received back were so shocking to me I feel that I needed to defend myself in some way to DTubes curators.
@awakentolife one of the mods actually did a post about it in my defence also you can read it here.

It was nice to see all the supportive comments from people, but one stuck out which caught my eye and got me thinking about what I had asked for. And that is when I met @sykochica who posted this comment.

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sykochica 2.jpg

That there and then really opened my eyes.....I had asked for feedback not constructive criticism and that is what I got, it hurt a lot but I needed to suck it up and do something about it.

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Ok I am going to have to split the post into two parts because its really long..... I think this is a good break for me,so I am going for coffee and sunshine and will be back for part 2.

To read part 2 click on below.

30 Days of Steemit (Mr Gray would you like to visit my playroom??) Part 2

The STEEM Engine




Quite a long post with a lot of info. Comments kept popping up in my head while I was reading, and at the end I digested so much information that it’s hard to remember them all, so forgive me if the part below is a bit chaotic :0)

Let me start by saying that SteemIt More Info is indeed a tool no one can go without. You’ve got me curious: when I finish this comment, first thing I’m going to do is type @armandocat’s name in a post on my tablet :0)

I’m also on here full-time: I have been unemployed for over a year (by choice) and now I’ve just got surgery, so I’m not allowed to do anything but lie down and walk, which gives me plenty of time to explore SteemIt.

One of the things I learned along the way is that if I try to hard, it won’t work. I wrote a piece for Jerry’s contest too, but decided not to publish it - I even erased the entire story - because it wasn’t good enough, it was too forced... I tried to hard.
I learned that if I don’t write with the audience in mind, my writings are not only (slightly) better, but it’s also a very good therapy to get things off my chest or out of my mind.

Of course I have the luxury that I don’t have to earn from my posts (which helps in writing freely), so I can really focus on the community. Never in my life I have learned so much (about everything, but especially about myself) in such a short time span as here on SteemIt.

And as you described, the key to success here is engagement. The more you talk to others, - ask them for advice, share ideas, or simply chit-chat - the more your posts will be seen, because you’re building a network of ..(can I use the word ‘friends’?)

IMHO, the less you’re looking or searching for votes, the more real you become, and the more people will find you.

The SteemIt community is amazing, and there are such a lot of sub-communities you can check out and get involved in - those are the ones that will enrich your life, more than the money will ever do...

Of course you can use the word friend, I got such a shock today about that actually when I had been to the docs and people saying are you ok?? lol
I echo what you say about forced writing, if you feel that you are having to force what to write then there is no point, better it to be natural.
Saying that @simplymike after 30 days my writing is a lot more natural than it was (not sure if it comes across as that.)

I don’t always succeed in writing from the heart (instead of the mind), but the longer I’m here, the better it gets ;0)

You should have been in my shoes - lol - got hacked the day before yesterday and it felt like the entire community was calling my name (“Are you ok?” “Glad to have you back” ...) I’m having my 15 minutes of fame :0)

Touch wood that never happens to me, but really are you ok??? Glad you are on the platform :)

Great going, this is a super post that extension is very useful works well in Chrome and you can even see the value of each upvote your given by people on a post - so you can see who’s being a tight arse lol. I’m pleased to see you are moving forward and growing - I keep meaning to check out more of your own posts but I’m just so busy and of course having a day job and family to look after doesn’t help. Keep working hard it’s obviously going well for you and you will keep growing now you built momentum. Thanks for the mention and kind words as well.


Hey you are welcome, I want to give a shoutout to all the people I have been in communication with this past 30 days and share some of the highlights of it.
Part 2 is coming later in the day I didn't want to make the post too long as to put people off but to entice it for them to want more.... I can only hope I left a good enough cliff hanger :D

It's nice to know that even though the struggles have been present, you've pressed on and you're doing it. I had heard about the comments from heimindanger's curators from @awakentolife in the PYPT show, and I was shocked truly disgusted. I am glad to see you've got a strong head on your shoulders and you are carrying on with your journey.

It's been nice to read up about your fulltime Steemit journey and I think you need to keep it going. Get to 60 days. It would be good to see the difference over two months rather than one, in 1 month you get the wheels spinning after 2 months you've picked up some speed.

Great to hear from you pal, don't give up on yourself and keep pressing forward. I got your back.

Oh I haven't finished yet there is a part 2 I am writing up now. If I did 60 days full that would be too much so I have to bitesize it.
Its finding a happy medium on post lengths because if they're too long then they wont be read, too short they look undeserved.

Great work on persevering, I read some of those comments and they were uncalled for and just plain mean. Thanks for sharing some of your journey.

Thank you so much for reading it I have just put part 2 up now so much has happened in 30 days its

Congratulations @crazybgadventures, your post has been selected by the @asapers for a resteem and a feature in our brand new curation post. Issue 17

What does this mean for you? Well first an upvote from some members of the team, we are no @curie but who is going to be unhappy with some extra upvotes. Second each post featured in the article will receive a 10% share of the curation post.

Keep up the great work and please consider supporting the @asapers with a follow and an upvote on the post you feature in. Please wait seven days for payout.

Your friendly @asapers

Giving back A.S.A.P

Read Me ASAP.png

I've been told that the first month is the hardest. I think you did pretty well within your first month. Great work!

Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 5 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 32 SBD worth and should receive 114 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

@trufflepig, your doing a great job. Need to work on that post about you

Huh? Seems like I already voted on this post, thanks for calling anyway!

I gotta try out Steemit more info. That looks like a great extension for any steemian.

Very easy to install and a tool you really cannot be without plus extra cool that a cat appears when you tag the developers name.

Ooh a cool cat, I’m in!

Wasn’t there a Steemit bot that commented cat facts whenever you mentioned cats? Whatever happened to the cat bot? I loved that thing.

I seem to recall that unless it became another bot I am not sure.

Maybe if we concentrate really hard and click our heels, we can summon it back.

Cat facts! Where are you cat facts! We need you right meow. We could play you some meow-sic by cat Stevens while you eat general meows chicken!

No it is still around pretty sure I got a comment from catfacts not so long ago??

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