I don't now what to do anymore I give up seriously???

in #help6 years ago (edited)

Hi guys,

Just made this video because im feeling pretty frustrated, I have been back on the platform for the past 4 weeks and I don't feel like I am any further forward.
I mean I learn all this neat stuff and try to put it in to practice and for what? I seem to get views and no comments no feedback nothing.

After having my rant at someone a few weeks back you can see it here. I feel I have been working really hard to try and get seen more.

I entered contests where I saw people making great amounts of money and I submitted but take a look at the post it took me three hours to write, but only one reply.

I watch other people who sorry but to me are not working or posting or commenting as hard like the comment I posted here And nothing no response no reply not from the author, not from anyone.
Im getting tired of non interaction now, and the interaction I seem to be getting is from the wannabies who want to make a quick buck.

I try to offer to collab with people and they are like hey thats great so I try to organise with them and get limited info back or nothing back from them, when I want to help the community out.

All i want to do is help.

So basically the video says it all guys because i don't know what to do anymore seriously

And then just to make it worse the image wont show after the upload.

▶️ DTube

Don't give up sir...you're only 4 weeks. I've been here for almost 8 months, trying my best to Vlog in Dtube, writing good contents but only few seems to read and watch, maybe because I am not a good English speaker because I am a Filipino. But you my friend a native English speaking person, so you have all the advantage. So don't give up, learn more from all the trending videos . God bless !

You are absolutely right Josh, don't beat yourself up about your english it looks good to me. The problem with non english speakers is they think they can't speak perfect english believe it or not many english people cannot either. Don't let that be a stone around your neck, like you say you just have to keep plugging away, some people shine more than others, we are still the diamonds in the rough but we will be polished soon enough. I cannot upvote your comment my friend because I have gone over on my vp so I am sending you a little sbd your way for the nice comment.

Thank you friend, it's an encouragement to me...nice to have met you here. God bless!

I know that feeling. Some of my posts take a huge amount of time, especially if I have to retouch many photos. But I always have fun when I am creating them. I think that you should as well. Also try creating shorter posts, I have read somewhere that if you need more than 20 minutes to read a post, you lose interest. Don't give up! :)

Thanks for your comment I wish I could just pick myself back up but tonight I just feel so deflated.

Hi mate, I guess this is like the real world but on the internet, not many will help. I honestly would just say keep posting and creating mate, all of it counts in the long run, your content will be seen eventually and you never know what could happen. :)

well doing okay with this one now lol. but yeah i find make more with comments then i do with my own posts i tried keep my posts as short as possible but not to short i believe to much content on 1 post isn't good either were living in society has a short attention span you do not want to bore them to death.

Just keep at it, you will gain followers organically, Rome wasn't built in a day.

Chin up, keep smiling x

Just keep posting, do it for yourself first, everything happens for reason, mabye a wave of comments and upvotes is coming :D .. seriously, you never know , have fun!
Me,and I think many of us Steemians is dealing with that situation like yours :) keep your head high and Posts too :)

Thank you for the lovely comment its nice to know that its not just me, I think maybe it was just one of those days yesterday.

Don't give up keep doing what you're I just subscribed to your channel 👍

Thank you for the thoughtful comment don't worry I wont give up.

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