My real name is Daniel, im a Hobby Musician from Germany / Bavaria producing free electronic Music. In the Internetz is so many Daniels that i decided to be named Horst now. Remotehorst. ;)

in #introduceyourself6 years ago (edited)

Hey there Steemit Community!^^

Im a Nerd with passion for all things IT and i think people notice that when looking at my Profile Picture. This Artwork is me as Circuits and was made from an AI. It only took me about 10 Minutes to create where other Artists would have spent hours. Im not blaming them, its just props for AI where a few years ago or even today many people say "AI can never do artwork" but thats another story. ;)

remotehorst avatar.jpg

If you want to, you can create similiar artwork for free. It just needs a little experimenting with the few sliders and values to get the desired results (i used deep style setting with custom images):
We are living in amazing Times! :D

The name Remotehorst is a double joke in itself. Maybe this joke doesnt work as good as it does for People who speak german and english but let me explain. If someone is really crazy stupid we say he is ferngesteuert (remote controlled, meant in a funny way) or we just call him Horst. The second (or is it the third? o0) meaning is indicating that its about IT.

Funfact: People with IT Background tend to skip the second r in Remotehorst and if you search for Remotehorst on Google it suggests "Did you mean Remotehost?". One of my Goals is to be so well known that Google acts the other way around. Ok, thats a big one and maybe i never make it, but who doesnt try will never succeed. :D

Since 15 Years im into Music Production just because i love to create my very own Music. Most of these Tracks i made are lost forever (i think its a few hundret), but believe me, you dont want to hear that old erroneous trash. Then i got better and better and finally discovered soundcloud.

Finally i thought to myself that i should upload the Music even if it isn't perfect but maybe someone can make use of it. Maybe one does a Remix or use it for his YouTube video. Even if he only used a few Seconds of sound i could help him to not be worried about copyright issues. My Music is free and it will be there as long as free Hosting exists. I also made a few Remixes for learning purpose but im not allowed to make it free download, im sorry.

I know im not a top Artist, not even a minor one but i also noticed how i get better and better and production is even more fun if you can do what you got in mind. Imagine me, sitting on the Synthesizer late at night waving and headbanging with a big smile and bleeding ears because i listen to the same loop for hours with the intention to fine tune it. Its not easy to find and develop your own style. There are different Genres on my SC and maybe you dont like most of the Tracks because of my crazy Style but sometimes i even create normal Music especially for the YT Community.

Gaming is another passion i got. Actually i love to play
Its a free and truly unique Game with a very simple Game Mechanic. You start as a tiny Circle and your goal is to survive and get bigger. Circles bigger than you can eat you when they overlap. The Bigger a Cell (thats how they are called), the slower it gets. Take care if a bigger cell follows you and watch out for the green Viruses. You can hide under Viruses if you are small but if you are bigger than them, a virus can pop you into little nomnom pieces that everybody loves to hunt! - Google Chrome_6.jpg

There are about 100 Players on a Server and in the beginning this Game seems very hard but when you level up you get bigger starting Mass and you will learn from your mistakes. The mechanics are so simple but you can do really amazing things in! This is why i mention it. It is so much fun if you dont mind getting eaten every few seconds in the beginning. :)

What i love about that game is the similiarity to our System we live in. Everybody tries to get bigger and as a result some people team up and get really giant Circles but a really good Player can defeat them even when he is small and alone vs 5. This game only allows to move, Split and give Mass. Sounds simple but its easy to learn and hard to master. You need to be really smart to survive but dont panic. I guess most of you Gamers will learn fast and have a lot of fun!

If you are interested in a Tricks Post, please let me know and i will tell you what i learned. ;)

I also do 3D Artwork and i made a (german) YouTube Channel a few years ago. The Channel is about the open Source Software Blender where you can create Images, Animations or even Games. I did this when there where only a few good Tutorials in german and after the Community started to grow i stopped making Tutorials because of all my other Passions that got left behind. ;)

These Tutorials are dedicated to real Beginners and you can learn basic Blender Skills from Scratch. If you speak German and want to learn it you can visit:

I hope to get to know cool People here and did i already mention that i really like Steemit? Finally there is a place better than Facebook where i left long ago because of trash content from my neighbours and the bad data protection. I still dont know how things work here, but at least i know im on the Blockchain now. Dont worry, i will find that out too but if you think you know a really good guide im not mad at you if you share it with me. ;)

If my Post left some questions open, feel free to ask me and i also hope to make friends with Peoples who got similiar interests. So dont be shy and send me a Message if you like.^^

Greetings from Bavaria

Remotehorst aka Daniel

P.s: I recently startet blogging and i start to begin developing my own writing style which is different than in my introduction. I just write what comes to my mind and i write that from the heart. Sometimes if im angry or feel bad i swear a lot. Please dont take that too serious. Did i already mention that im not a native english speaker and i may sometimes use a wrong wording? If you discover that i would be happy if you tell me. Thank you for reading!

Here are some of my first Posts:
Do you want to know more about me? No you dont... really...

How to have a lot of fun in Agario (Free Game)

Admin of World - Please send Server Shutdown Message!

Softwaretipp: Good, fast and easy Screenshots, exactly like you want them! (Freeware / Windows)

The value of Life and why you should have an objective point of view

Music Production Insight - My FL Studio Projects look like a real mess but its only the results that matter! :)


Herzlich Willkommen auf Steem ;)
Sind eh schon einige Leute aus Bayern hier unterwegs - am besten du schaust mal in den Discord Server, den dir @neuvorstellungen gleich verlinken wird!
Habe dich mal geteilt, damit den Post mehr Leute sehen!

Vielen Dank für den Resteem und den Kommentar. Werde ich machen und natürlich auch gleich folgen. Ich freu mich hier zu sein und interessante Leute kennen zu lernen. :)

Hallo @remotehorst23, herzlich willkommen auf Steemit.

Wenn Du Fragen zu Steemit hast, oder Dich mit anderen deutschen „Steemians“ austauschen magst, schau einfach mal auf unserem Discord-Server vorbei.

Unter dem folgenden Link findest Du einige Anleitungen, die Dir den Einstieg in das Steem-Universum deutlich erleichtern werden: Deutschsprachige Tutorials für Steemit-Neulinge: Ein Überblick

Welcome to Steem @remotehorst23.

Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.

Spend time reading Steem Blue Paper to know how Steem blockchian works and if you still have any queries ask them on our Ask me anything about Steemit post and we will try to answer that.

All the Best!!!

Hey Remotehorst! Herzlich Willkommen bei steemit, auch meinerseits! IT-Krams und Mucke-Sachen. Top! Passt.

Kollege, auf einen angenehmen und lehrreichen Austausch! Hast du vor, Musik bei D.Tube zu posten? Ich waere gespannt!

By the way: schau mal mein aktuelles Gewinnspiel. Evtl. hast du da gleich einen weiteren Startbonus:

Gewinnspiel 03: Nenne die Anzahl der Patronen und gewinne 1 SBD!

Hey @powerpaul

Bin ja noch ganz neu hier und kenne D.Tube und das andere ? D. noch nocht. Aber kann gut sein. :)

Im schätzen bin ich glaub ich ziemlich gut, daher werde ich es einfach mal versuchen. Ein paar gute Artikel hab ich bei dir auch schon entdeckt.

Hey Horst, (ich finde den Namen geil! Wahrscheinlich sogar geiler als Paul!)
D.Sound oder was war da noch, klar. Und D.Live oder was? Oach, so viel... Eine kleine Übersicht an Tools in Bezug auf Steemit gibt auch Von dortaus geht es gut weiter.

Habe Dank für dein Feedback!

Cool, danke! Werd ich gleich mal genauer anschauen.
Powerpaul ist doch auch ein cooler Name. Einprägsam und passend!^^

Gelle?! Ich stimme dir zu! Es gibt Namen, die kann man sich eeewig nicht merken. PowerPaul ist da recht griffig und einprägsam. Und eben auch passend in vielen Aspekten.

Danke für das Feedback!

Hi remotehorst23, sehr coole Interessen, die meinen ziemlich ähneln. Ich hab schonmal von Blender gehört und es soll richtig cool sein, vor allem umsonst. Wollte mir das mal anschauen, habs aber nie wirklich geschafft. Bin mal sehr auf deinen Content gespannt. Werd dir mal über die Schulter schauen ;)

Wow, cool! Danke für deinen Kommentar und deinen Upvote. Da werde ich doch gleich mal zurück folgen. :)

Welcome Daniel
Your #introduceyourself blog is very nice.
Thats what its All about on this platform and this blockchain. Blogging is it, blog on and you Will be succesfull! 🤛 and You Will earn money. 💴💸💰be carefull with all your passwords !! Never give that up!
For very good safety tips visit from Our fellow steemy @verhp11
I blog every day and love it!❤️
Helpfull is the Steemify App , its Free in the Appstore go cheque it out. And good luck steeming and I Will See you around🍀
Greetings from Brittandjosie - Holland

Amazing stuff mate... Really glad to meet you. Gonna check out your works soon. Cheers to our success on here :)

Thx mate! Cheers :)

Hi Thank you for #introducingyourself. Im myself quite new in steemit community but I realized that there are few things you could do to have a better start:
Mostly I invested a little bit in STEEM in order to purchase STEEM POWER and STEEM DOLLARS. Why? Its simply important. Without initial investment it will be very hard for you to build reach here and be noticed.

Im not sure if you ever heard about this site:
Perhaps you know it already :)
If you will reply to this message (that would allow me to believe that we may develop mutual engagement and help each other) then I will follow you and upvote some of your future posts.
Cheers and good luck.

Hi, Thank you for spamming my Post with the same Comment as you did in hundret other Posts too. Because this information at least has a real value (even if not to me) i wont flag it for now. ;)

Cheers and good luck.

Welcome to Steemit @remotehorst23!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

Here are some links you might find useful.
Your stats on SteemNow
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How to use Minnow Booster
How does Steemit actually work?

Introbot is hosted and managed with donations from @byColeman to help make your journey on Steemit be truly rewarding. Your feedback is always welcome so that we may improve this welcome message.
Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings from @introbot & @bycoleman

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