The value of Life and why you should have an objective point of view

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)

Our subjective point of view is higly influenced by our feelings and some of us can't see any value in life sometimes. If you surf the social media you can commonly read things like "Fuck my life" or "Life is so meaningless to me, i just want to die" or even worse things.

(Im sorry if i have bad Grammar sometimes, but im not a native english speaker. I hope you pardon me and please tell me if i used the wrong words. Thank you!)

I know how a #depression feels but that doesnt stop me from thinking #positive even when its hard sometimes and i can't always think positive. Who can? I think im not alone with that and its pretty normal. If we would always be happy we werent be able to cherish the good times. Im sure you heard that before and it may doesnt help you very much at the moment...

But now let me take you on a journey. If you want to, you can listen to this Track i made in the meantime. You can even download the track for free.

So you jumped into your fancy Quantum Space Suit and i think you already got an idea where our journey takes us. Lets fly to the stars. Did you ever wonder if they like to tell us something? They cant speak but they do tell a lot! Especially if you are a scientist, but most of us are not and this Post isnt about scientific information but more about spiritual information in a grounded and objective way. I really love to connect science and spirituality. They do not cancel each other out. Its quite the contrary but you need to open your eyes for that. Ok lets fly now...

Source: Pexels

As you lift off the earth gets smaller and smaller...

The blue Sky fades slowly to a dark blue and then it turns black. The big cold void surrounds us but no need to worry. You got the Quantum Space suit and i hope you feel really comfortable in it. More and more Stars appear and as we dive deeper into universe we see that we could go in any direction for lightyears. So now there are these Stars and everyone of them is unique but they are all dead Matter. Now compare the Volume (just estimate) of all these Stars with the Vacuum. Stars are a real exception in the Universe but as i said before, they are all dead and we could search for years and years and just cant find life.

Even if we wear that awesome Quantum Space Suit, we do feel alone now. So much dead matter out there in the big black void that surrounds us. This is why we have a strong intention to go back to our Home. The sweet fragile blue Pearl that swims somewhere in the void between all those dead Stars. We are lucky to have that Hightech Spacesuit as we would have big problems to find back home now but the Suit guides the way and here it finally is...


What a view!

As we are closer to our Planet we finally begin to process the information we gathered on our journey. We begin to think that all those dead Stars are a very rare exception in the big void we were flying through. But we get deeper as we learned that our Planet is a even bigger exception to the rule of void. Now we are approaching atmosphere and finally we land on the Surface. Feels so good to be back on feet!

Now lets analyze this Planet with our fancy Tech. The Suit tells us that the Mass of the Planet is 5,9722·10²⁴ kg wich is a lot compared to our tiny litte life but it also states that most of it is dead matter too. Only 0.00000005% of earhts mass is Life. Even on our Planet the Life is an exception! We just dont notice because almost everything lives on the Surface.

If you would compare that to the Mass of the Universe even our fancy Hightech suit states an error because it doesnt have enough RAM to process the tremendous long number of zeros.

These Zeros tell you the true value of Life! We are the exception of the exception of the exception of.... infinity!

What i do want you to know is, that you ALWAYS wear that Quantum Space Suit! Its your Mind and it has infinite Power! You just need to take your Time to discover. Turn off all that distracting and fancy HighTech stuff some times and just watch the Stars. ;)

Its so important that we take care of what we think. We should focus more on our inside than on the Outside (What other people do or think.) Our thoughts produce emotions so be careful and listen to yourself. If you find negative thoughts you can try to relativize them by simply thinking: "What would be if the opposite is true?"
I may write an Blogpost on that Matter too in the future.

I hope you really enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing this and i would be happy if you leave me some feedback or even resteem if you want others to discover this. Thank you^^

If you were reading my other posts i did before this one you know why im really happy to have this attitude:

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