How to have a lot of fun in

in #agario6 years ago

This guide is aimed at beginners and People who dont even know #agario but some tricks maybe even unknown to regular players or so called "Pro's". I often catch them with a simple trick i describe here.

If you dont know already, is a kind of simple game but it has so much to offer! I play this game since years now, even if it lags sometimes for a few seconds wich is really annoying but the fun outweights this. This game is REALLY addictive (be warned!) and the cool thing is, that you can play a quick 5 min. round inbetween or play for hours. Sure you can do that with other games too but often this doesnt make sense.

This is me and i dont need Team or long time to be in the Top 10. I Play it since about 2 years now and now i feel like i can show others how to get better. - Google Chrome_6.jpg
I use names like this to let teams look like noobs. Often im very small and eat very big teams. Normally they leave the server after that happens because they are ashamed to be such noobs. Teams feel great because they got a real advantage over others. They can eat very often and are harder to kill but when a small player (they almost dont notice me) kills 2 or even 4 big teamers they wished the ground would open and swallow them up. Thats fun! :D

To me agario would be boring now without teams because i would be instant top 10. I need to confess that the teams sometimes annoy me too. But just try again. And after they ate me 10 times i kill them all. Thats worht the fun! ;)

Before i teach you how to kill teams, wich is hard even for skilled players lets get to learn the basics.

I would suggest to just start a Game as guest and check it out. Maybe you even cant imagine how cool this is after your first game but believe me, many gamers love agario and many of them need some time to understand the concept and have their first success! Then its best you come back and read this to instantly get better. My idea is, if you play a little you got a better understanding of what im talking about. Use your Mouse to move around, eat the little Pellets (tiny colored dots) and avoid running into players bigger than you. If it lags too much, i tell you how to fix it in the end of this Blogpost.

Ok, so you played your first game of Agario but what its really about?

You start as a little circle and you noticed that you are really quick. Its hard to control in the beginning because its so small and fast, but dont worry, when you eat some pellets you get bigger and its easier to control. Also you level up and you start as a bigger Cell soon. There will be a certain size wich you feel most comfortable to move around but when you play more often, you can play better in any size.

Circles (called cells) are faster when they are small and when you eat you not just get bigger but also slower. When you are about 20% bigger than other Cells you can eat them. Other cells are Players who try to get bigger too. Sounds simple but there are many Tricks and great skills can be developed.

You only need two keys: Space and W

Splitting with Space key:

You can only split if your cell has at least a mass of 36.
Splitting means your cell (or cells) divide into smaller cells. This is usefull in more cases. By splitting you gain Speed for a short time to catch up your fleeing food but you can also split to get away faster. This means that splitting can be used in offensive and defensive situations.

Splitting to eat:
You should have about the triple size of your prey because when you split your cells are only half the size. Try to aim where he will be in the next moment so he cant cover away anymore or even runs into you. If you are too small you may feed him. This means its better to be a little too big when splitting as a beginner.

Splitting means smaller cells means more easy food for all the others so you should be carefull when and where or how often you split. There are many Split tricks to learn. I discovered most of them by my own but this helps to learn Splittricks faster.

You may notice that when splitting once and eating a cell in the process you got one bigger and one smaller cell. The key to be good in agario is to understand that each of your cells move independently. Your smaller cells are a little faster and you bigger cells take more time to follow your mouse.

For training purpose (if no bigger cells are near) try stay on the place (mouse in the middle of the screen) and rotate your little cells around your bigger one. Understanding the movement and physics in this Game is important because if you got two cells like this:


you got an attack vector here: Enemy O -> o0

I see the bigger cell always as my front with more armor and the back is my weak spot and i always try to avoid showing my back to bigger cells. If a big cell eats you from your back, you mostly are completely digested.
Pointing your back away doesnt make sense if a cell is so big that it can eat all of your cells with one split. Just get away from them quick. If you think he started following you, split away.

Splitting to defend:
Splitting away often helps (its easier if no other cells are near) because then the other player thinks it isnt worth it to split because of a few little cells and he may only catch one of them. Defensive Splits should best be made when a virus is near. You often need them to hide and even then others will try to eat you. Dont panic and stay under the virus as good as you can. If they follow you under the Virus, they will grow. This often leads to them being popped and there is another trick i discoverd. I really use it often when im small.

Splitting to lure:
Split once or twice and have one cell that is a bit bigger. Then go to a player until he discovers you and follows. Now lure him (he needs to be small enough to fit under the virus) under the virus. He mostly will follow and you instantly stop under the virus. Many Players dont expect that because they are in "hunt mode" . This leads to his death very often if you trained that a litte. What happens? He eats a few of your cells, grows and gets bigger than the virus. He pops and your slightly bigger cell eats him. Bonus: You ate him PLUS the virus without getting popped or killed! :D

Ejecting Mass with W key:

Ejecting means you can aim in any direction and give mass to other Players (maybe to give props for a good move, or to beg for letting you live) or feed viruses to make them shoot into your big enemy. If he is hit and bigger than the virus, he will Pop into Pieces but be carefull. Very big players pop into big pieces and they could explode into you wich means you could kill yourself with the attack.

You can also use W to make one of your small cells bigger so others who are only slightly bigger cant eat that cell anymore. This only works good at a certain Mass. I would suggest to only do that when you got at least 100 mass. You aim the Mouse on the cell to feed and press W once or a few times.

Pressing W has a sideeffect. You loose some of the Mass.


Before starting the game klick on the little blue gearwheel. There you can set up your game. I prefer to play in dark mode, activate show mass (to see the size of your cells) and deactivated skins (this brings a little performance boost - less lag). I also deactivated Game and Menu Sounds because im used to it in agario.

You can and should collect free coins in the main menu. This is available every hour since you last collected. (is that spelled the right way?)

When you collected enough coins you can buy a Mass or XP boost for free wich is really helpfull.
I decided to not use these boosts in the beginning because you level up pretty fast when starting new. You could need the Mass and XP Boosts later on when leveling up becomes more grind but its up to you.

Tipps for beginners:

  • Create your free account to level up, have better starting conditions and get more skins
  • Have no mercy and eat everything you can! Dont get used to letting others live because you are nice. EAT it ALL! :D
  • Dont Team (thats ugly) but come over it if teams or other players eat you on a regular basis. Just try again!
  • Beginners should learn to play first. Then its up to you if you want to team but remember how you felt whit all the teams eating you easily.
  • Try to stay close to the map border as there likely spawn other little players to eat.
  • Hide under a virus if a player chases you who is bigger than the virus. (Viruses are green and have little spikes).
  • There is no such thing as morality in this game. Again: Eat what you can and have no mercy. YOU want to get big as everyone wants that. Why wait when there is a good opportunity? Seeing a noob Team with many little cells? Jump right in if you are big enough!
  • Good players survive longer, bad players get eaten fast so try to become better. To become better you should try new things. If you fail with your experiment, dont give up and try again. Maybe you develop a very own new trick that has massive power!
  • Watch out for bigger cells on the edge of the screen. When they seem to follow you unremarkable try to cover behind or under a virus.
  • Dont be frightened of very big cells, they normally have no interest in you when you small and only eat you occasionally. You can escape them in no time and you should because the bigger guy sees much more than you. Maybe he splits in your direction because there is food for him you cant even see. Also notice the direction the big whale moves. If you are plankton, head in the opposite direction to avoid collateral damage.
  • Always watch the whole screen and take care. You will develop a feeling for who is hunting you. Sometimes its only a little change in their direction and you know instantly you should get away from them because he changed focus on you!

How to fix the agario Lag:

Im sorry to hear that you got lag too. Thats a common problem for almost every agario player. Some got more some less lag. Sometimes its no lag for hours and sometimes its even unplayable wich really sucks. But there are a few things you can do to minimize lag:

  • Turn off Skins in the settings
  • Lower your graphics settings in agario
  • Use a different Browser (Chrome works best for me, others say its Firefox. Try around)
  • You can even turn off colors
  • Try hardware acceleration in your Browsersettings. For some People its better to have it activated. Some state the opposite
  • Dont open other Tabs when playing
  • Dont download things and close everything you dont need
  • Choose a different server region (Normally its best to choose your location but some people had better results with other locations too)
  • If that all doesnt help, try restarting your Router and ask others (family etc. if they use much bandwith)
  • Use LAN instead of WIFI (Some WIFIs have really bad connection in times where many neighbours use theirs, LAN always works)
  • If you use many browser extensions and addons, try disabling them before playing and restart your browser afterwards
  • If your Agario has connection issues after a while or it gets more and more laggy, just restart your browser and it should work better

My english isnt the best and if there is something you didnt understand please let me know. Did you miss something? Also i would be happy to hear what you think about this Blogpost. Tell me your agario name and what you discovered! I would love to get to know other agario players. If we are more people we could do some fun contests too or join a party/team server together. :)

P.s: Could be that i forgot some basic tipps. In that case the "Tips for Beginners" section will be updated.

Have fun!^^

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