Near Death Experience, NDE, & Out of Body Experience OBE – DROWNING - Part I

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

The following is My True Story…

Drowning II.jpg

It was the Summer of 1971, and the Beatles had just broken up the year before and the Vietnam War was still raging in Southeast Asia, and, a year later President Nixon’s Plumbers would break into the DNC’s Headquarters at the Watergate Complex.

(Btw, months later, my Dad pointed out Richard Nixon as he drove by us on Pennsylvania Ave., waving to the crowd, from his Presidential Limo. I’ll never forget My Old Man telling me, “Don’t forget this man, b/c one day you’ll be studying about him in History class... That next year, the infamous Watergate Scandal broke.)

Anyway, on with My Story…

At the time, I was just four-years old, when my Family stopped at one of those old vintage roadside Holiday Inns just outside of Indianapolis. My Father worked for the Corps of Engineers and had just accepted a year-long assignment at the Pentagon in Washington DC, and we were on our way to moving to Alexandria, Virginia.

holiday inn 1963 pleasantfamilyshopping.jpg

Having sat in the back of our Station Wagon for most of the trip, roasting in the Hot Sun, b/c my Dick Brother had booted me out of the middle bench seat, I was more than ready to take the Nestea Plunge in the Hotel’s pool.

(Yeah, the NESTEA PLUNGE was a “Thing” back in the Day and is O.G. Talk for “Dropping Backwards into the Pool.” See historical footage below.)

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Anyway, that Summer it was Crazy Hot and I was ready to Strut My Stuff down at the Pool. Yeah, even at the tender age of Four, I had Some Attitude and was ready to put on a Show for the Lady Folk…. I have to admit, back then, my Cannonball Game was pretty tight and my Can Opener was No Laughing Matter. And, Yeah, You could say I was Always Redlining It, Pushing the Envelope, if you will… Soooooo

No Arm Floaties for me.

No Suntan Lotion.

No Nose Pincher Thingy.

NOPE… Nothing like that. I was a Pool Purist in my nylon swim trunks and I Meant Business.


So, after about 10 mins of busting out my best jumps into the Shallow End with my Big Bro. My 12-year-old Brother decided it was time to "Up His Game" and He headed down to the Diving Board area, at the Big Boy’s End. (aka. The Notorious Deep End, beyond the blue & white buoy rope, that was VERBOTEN to us Little Kid types.)

But, being Adventurous as I was, while still in the water, holding onto the Side of the Pool, I hand-walked, hand-over-hand, down the length of the pool, and was careful not to poke my head up too high, so my Mother wouldn’t spot me. God Bless her Soul, My Mom was always a Big Gossiper, and was completely oblivious to what I was up to as she yakked away, poolside, with some of the other moms.

Besides, the Pool was full of people, So what could Possible Happen, Right???

Anyway, from This Point Forward, even though it’s been over 45 years, now, I can still remember the Sequence of Events as if they only Happened Yesterday.


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Welcome to Steemit, my friend. Enjoyed reading your story, very nostalgic and remind me of my own memories growing up in the village and swimming in the river. Wishing you success at Steemit, and to help you do so, here are some tips.

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