A meeting between Steemians by chiabertrand

in Steem Venezuela2 years ago (edited)



Happy Eid Mubarak week to y'all dear members of this great Community, Trusting God you are a doing great 😃. Today, I am so happy to still be participating for 2nd time in a contest in this community. The Contest is all about Meeting between Steemians.

My entry go thus:;

I signed up in Steemit exactly 1 year ago and ever since then, I have had countless meetings between Steemians starting from attending steemit sensitization seminars, creating of steemit literacy center, meeting with newbies in other to create their accounts, hanging out with fellow Steemians to catch fun, meeting with other Steemians during football encounters and so many other meetings. But for the sake of this contest, I will share 3 most important meetings with fellow Steemians and the impact of those meetings because this Moments are special moments in my life as a Steemian


steemit sensitization seminar

I signed up in April last year and began meeting my fellow Steemians that same month. It was a Steemit awareness seminar that was held on the 30th of April 2021. This seminar was organised by my former boss @yeesja and was hosted by @tenguhatanga with @fombae as the main technician. The presenters where our two country representatives @thegreens, @saxopedia and our former country representative @njiatanga. Apart from @yeesja and @njiatanga, it was my first time of meeting this great Steemians. The seminar was attended by about 40 Steemians and it was my first time meeting all this great people

saxopedia and I listening to @njiatanga

The first presenter of the seminar was @njiatanga(former country representative) abs he presented on general awareness about steemit. The 2nd presenter was @saxopedia and he presented on how to create an account, how to start creating contents on steemit, then how to do power up and withdraws. The last presenter was @thegreens and he presented on the importance of savings (power up), how to post quality contents, how to be a successful Steemian and he finalized it by telling us how he will create a Cameroon steemit bank which is today called Thegreens STEEM bank

njiatanga presenting

Thegreens presenting

saxopedia presenting

It was from this seminar that I have become a successful Steemian till present date because of the remarkable teachings I acquired from the seminar. After the seminar, we took group photos

@njiatanga, @fombae and @ayeesja

Group Photos

It was from this seminar that was held at Ntarikun ROUNDEVU at wisdom garden hotel that made me to know of @breeze.com, @craxywriter, @tenguhatanga and so many others that we are very closed friends today


My second most important meeting with fellow Steemians happened on 5th of June 2021 which we had to meet and set up the new office of steemit literacy center so that the entire population could go and register or listen to orientations about steemit in the office. It was all about @njiatanga's idea as he was working in closed collaboration with @yeesja.

On that day, I had still meet with @njiatanga, @yeesja and other Steemians who came to assist in setting up the steemit literacy center. It was a new office, so it was very dirty and unkept. So we had to do general cleaning. We cleaned the office and arrange it very well

Before Cleaning

It took us about four hours to finish cleaning the office because of how dirty and dusty it was. But thank God few other Steemians Steemians joint us that day, so we were out in numbers

**After Cleaning The office**

Thar day I was still previllege to see @saxopedia for the 2nd time in my life. We really shared great moments that day in a bar drinking and catching fun

Catching Fun With My two Country Reps @njiatanga and @saxopedia

Catching Fun With My two Country Reps @njiatanga, @saxopedia and @yeesja

At The Bar enjoying our selfs

Meeting @fannyuy And @mbouni1 For The First Time

It Was Sunday 24-10-2021 that day when meeting with this two Steemians after having a WhatsApp conversation with them for a long time. By then @mbouni1 wasn't a Steemian. So I always have constantly discussed with @fannyuy on WhatsApp and directed him to register @mbouni1 but he couldn't since he too was still a newbie. So it was this faithful Sunday that we finally met

@fannyuy and I

@fannyuy, @mbouini1 and I

We met at my place at mile3 Nkwen Bamenda. @fannyuy and @mbouni1 came together that day but unfortunately @mbouni1's phone was bad as it felt in water. So I couldn't register her but I showed all the procedures to @fannyuy so that should Incase she buys another phone, he can help her Register since I may not be around. So luckily she was finally registered few days after she bought her phone.

As I earlier said, @fannyuy was still a newbie and didn't understand anything about the platform as far as power up, withrawals, quality use of markdowns and so many others were troubling him. I had to lecture him in all this area and also helped him in performing his first ever power up as I was directing him on how to performed it

I also lectured him on the importance of power up and so luckily till today he has never withrawn his liquid SBD or STEEM even though he is not consistent because of his final year project exams get is busily working on. @mbouni1 is facing challenges in browsing since her phone is a low quality phone and besides that she lives where there is scarcity of network in Bambili. I do hope both @mbouni1 And @fannyuy comes out of this various challenges soon and continue steeming. Right up to now, I still speak with them on WhatsApp on daily basis and encouraging them. I believe they will soon start back steeming


I hope to continue meeting with different Steemians everyday because it is always Great seeing them around me

Thanks for your time everyone, i can't go without inviting my dear friends @tangwe-rene, @tenguhatanga, @wyzcekunited, @ngwerast, @monjuapollonia and @echamroland to come and participate in this amazing contest


Wow you guys are really doing a woundeful jobs .Devoting your by recruiting people .to explore this wounded platform .I hope they are still steeming on like you following your footsteps.because I know you are one of the most committed steemians in this platform .Thanks for sharing your sentisation of steemit s to people around you

Wow you guys are really doing a woundeful jobs .Devoting your by recruiting people .

Yes oooh mom, that is what we have to do so as to help bring in more Steemians on board

I hope they are still steeming on like you following your footsteps.

Yes my dear I'm happy most are doing well in this platform while others are facing challenges in one way or the other

.because I know you are one of the most committed steemians in this platform

Woow thanks for this nice compliment

 2 years ago 

@chiabertrand, excellent the way they organized themselves to attract and train other steemians, a beautiful job, in addition to making our platform grow.

They helped other people to have the opportunity to change their lifestyle for the better and participate in the activities that take place on the platform.
Through your support and guidance, worthy of admiring that work.

Encouraging your friends who, despite the difficulties in terms of communications, away from cell phones, continue tirelessly, eager to build community, I congratulate them.

@chiabertrand, excellent the way they organized themselves to attract and train other steemians, a beautiful job, in addition to making our platform grow.

I'm glad you appreciate our work by organizing seminars so as to attract and help each other grow. It was really great attending that seminar because I learned a lot from it

They helped other people to have the opportunity to change their lifestyle for the better and participate in the activities that take place on the platform.

And that's exactly what happened to me because I'm a successful Steemian because of the various meetops I encountered

Encouraging your friends who, despite the difficulties in terms of communications, away from cell phones, continue tirelessly, eager to build community, I congratulate them.

Thanks so much for congratulating my friends and I, we got one anothers back, so we do our best to encourage each other during times of difficulties

Thanks so much for this great comment. I really do appreciate

Wao! Very detailed. Meetups has really played a very good roles in bringing steemians together. You might never know how much someone knows about this platform and the innovative concept he or she has stored up upstairs until you gather to share ideas. Meetups for me has always been interesting,I've learnt so much from it especially when I started out on this platform. Thanks for sharing.

Wao! Very detailed. Meetups has really played a very good roles in bringing steemians together

Yes You are right bro, meetops are really nice especially when you are meeting with the person/people for your first time

You might never know how much someone knows about this platform and the innovative concept he or she has stored up upstairs until you gather to share ideas.

Woow you just said my mine. At times people are always encourage and motivated just by meetops, so this is why meetops are very necessary and very important

Meetups for me has always been interesting,I've learnt so much from it especially when I started out on this platform. Thanks for sharing.

Woow I'm happy you have always learned alot During your meetops, this means the meetops where indeed very fruitful

@chiabertrand Sir, you are really doing a great job alongside your Cameroon crew. You guys are awesome.
One thing I like about Steemians that I've met so far is their readiness to learn and teach others. That is one of the bases for growth.

Thank you so much for sharing.

@chiabertrand Sir, you are really doing a great job alongside your Cameroon crew.

Thanks for this nice gesture my dear. We try as much as possible to help one another grow

One thing I like about Steemians that I've met so far is their readiness to learn and teach others. That is one of the bases for growth.

And this exactly why we are one family in this platform because we got one anothers back and help each other grow

Thanks for your positive visit my dear

You're welcome, Dear.
Please, keep up the good work.

Steemit created opportunities for us to meet new set of friends and my joy about this platform is that everyone is ready to teach and guide one another to succeed.
With time I believe we will get to meet friends from other countries also.
Best wishes

Steemit created opportunities for us to meet new set of friends and my joy about this platform is that everyone is ready to teach and guide one another to succeed.

You are right my dear. Indeed steemit have really caused most Steemians to meet in the physical world which is good. I'm happy we are in this platform as one family because we all got one anothers back

With time I believe we will get to meet friends from other countries also

I hope to see more new Steemians physically everyday

Thanks for your meaningful comment my dear

You're welcome

hola gran amigo, saludoss......

Gran asistencia a de usuarios y personas a tu seminario de steemit, es bonito compartir y conocer a otros steemians.

Buenas fotos.


Hello friend, I greet you.. yes my friend it was really great as I had the opportunity to attend this seminar along side other Steemians and I really learned a lot

Thanks for this positive visit

Hey guy we actually met at this seminar and you did not even talk me ????.. I was the paparazzi. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I can still clearly remembered that day, the presentation was awesome. I was actually invited by @tenguhatanga.
She is a good mentor and also a good steemian.

I actually met a lot of steemians that day and they were actually so welcoming .

My post will be coming soon and i think you will be top on the list..

Meeting great steemians is actually a big motivation and it gives you the courage to also push ahead.

Since we are planning to open a recruitment centre we will make it center point for all steemians. Thanks for these memories.

Good luck with your entry .....

Hey guy we actually met at this seminar and you did not even talk me ????.. I was the paparazzi. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Hahaha like i said I never knew any body personally apart from @yeesja and @njiatanga. Probably that is why I never contacted you even though we saw each other day countless times

I can still clearly remembered that day, the presentation was awesome. I was actually invited by @tenguhatanga.

I'm telling you bro.I was still a newbie by then because I had created just my achievement 1 task.. but I'm glad I was able to learn a lot from the seminar and that is why I'm a successful Steemian today... I think we need more of such seminars because it encourages and motivate Steemians most especially the newbies

My post will be coming soon and i think you will be top on the list..

Woow,😋 I can wait to read it

Meeting great steemians is actually a big motivation and it gives you the courage to also push ahead.

And that is what exactly happened to me

Since we are planning to open a recruitment centre we will make it center point for all steemians. Thanks for these memories.

Exactly bro. I'm glad our meeting today was fruitful because we discussed a lot on this abd probably we will open steemit recruitment center soon. I believe with this, we will be able to sign up as many newbies as possible

I can tell you one thing, my husband would like to meet you and that just because of your white crocs :-)
I enjoyed your post and for me it didn't matter if you were wearing crocs or not. It was wonderful to see how you have grown from being introduced to now. Well done!
Keep up the good word and good luck!

I can tell you one thing, my husband would like to meet you and that just because of your white crocs :-)

Oooh my God 😍😍, I can't wait to also meet your husband if I have the chance to... I pray God make this possible one day because we don't know how tomorrow look like

I enjoyed your post and for me it didn't matter if you were wearing crocs or not. It was wonderful to see how you have grown from being introduced to now. Well done!

Hahaha I'm glad you enjoyed my post without having any concern about me wearing Crocs.. This is signs of love and concern which I do appreciate with my heart

I'm also happy because before that steemit sensitization seminar, I had created just an introductory post, but after attending the seminar, that is where my steemit journey began UpTo today which has made me very successful

Thanks for appreciating my work here in Steemit

Just... never stop steeming!

It was from this seminar that I have become a successful Steemian till present date because of the remarkable teachings I acquired from the seminar. After the seminar, we took group photos
Seminar used to create awareness, an someone can easily learn new things, there was no opportunity for me to attend seminar that talk e Steem, so please how can i be have the opportunity to attend seminar even if it is online so that i will become a successful Steemian, nice post my friend

Hello @rad-austine, I salute you. Hope you are doing great

please how can i be have the opportunity to attend seminar even if it is online so that i will become a successful Steemian, nice post my friend

I'm so sorry to hear that you haven't had an opportunity to attend any Steemit seminar and it has caused you alot because of the difficulties you are facing as a Steemian

I believe things may change from now onward if you permit me so that we can be having online classes on how to become a successful Steemian. I believe from the classes you will become one of the Best Steemian in This platform


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