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RE: Week 1 Curation Report | Finance, Business and Crypto Curation Team| @steemcurator05

in Steem POD Team2 years ago (edited)

Hi, sorry to intrude. I was very curious when I saw this comment and I did what I like to do, investigate, with only 1 minute of investigation I found super weird things, after a deeper investigation I found more weird and uncomfortable things.

For example, @angelniro and @ekcrypto were reactivated just after this team started its work, "suspicious" even, because they have received support from this team through SC05 in each publication despite not being of good quality. So I kept researching...

From @ekcrypto I found nothing yet because he has not moved his bounties....

But, let's talk about @angelniro

This account is associated with a long list of farming accounts, that is, accounts that abuse the newcomer community to receive votes only for posting achievements. This process is usually done over and over again with different accounts, they simply get someone to let them take a picture with the poster to verify the #1 achievement and manage to circumvent the system "for a short time".

With the primary goal of making it all the way to the cryptoacademy, which in previous seasons they succeeded in doing and generated their rewards there as well. Fortunately, the new 60 reputation requirement will prevent these abusers from getting there without generating other valuable content.

@angelniro and @ekcrypto still don't make it to 60 reputation, because what they require upvotes presence and their last posts were supported by this team "curious isn't it?", all this makes me curious. Keep watching...

How did you link @angelniro to the farming network?

As you know everything in blockchain can be seen, you just need patience, skills, and knowledge. Skills that I have shared with the new administration of the Newcomers community for them to find these people, since it's a tedious job and I don't have that much time to do it myself.

The first thing I did was to follow @angelniro's transactions on, I wanted to know where he had transferred to. I saw that he had made withdrawals to poloniex probit But what I was really interested in is reviewing the memos.

Captura de pantalla 2022-02-22 a la(s) 06.20.27.png

The transfer memos for these exchangen are the address of your wallet there is like our username on steemit, and if I look up how many or what other people have transferred to the account to each memo I can see the relationship with other accounts.

Remember that each account in these exchanges require personal verification, so everything that passes through that address or memo will go to the same person.

Captura de pantalla 2022-02-22 a la(s) 06.30.24.png

Just in the first memo 9U7UFPqvufI found the relationship with many accounts associated with farming already identified in the community of newcomers.

Captura de pantalla 2022-02-22 a la(s) 06.35.30.png

In the image you can see the relationship and in total there were 8 accounts associated to this same memo or wallet address in poloniex. You can also see in the image that in a little more than two months more than 2,000 STeem have been moved. I believe that farming is paying off, and that's why they will continue to do it.

Here in this post you will see that these were already identified in the newcomers community as expected.

Ready, now I consider that they should remove the votes @steemcurator05 and @steemcurator01 from the active publications of @angelniro, and well the person who is responsible for creating these accounts can try again or better avoid doing it because it will be discovered "surely when you have already removed everything".

My personal recommendation in the past to avoid farming in newcomers would have been to remove the support from sc03 and use it in another way, but it's just my point of view, because it will keep happening. You saw in 2 months they took more than 2000 STEEM for farming only 8 accounts. And in the last published list there were more than 80 accounts. Keep watching...

Who will be responsible? I DON'T KNOW

As any investigation is always good to get to the bottom, with what I found I am not sure, rather I do not want to point to anyone specifically, but I want you to see for yourselves all the things in common that have, for example these 8 accounts associated with the wallet 9U7UFPqvuf of poloniex and the user @angelniro.

Verification of achievements in the Newcomers community

UsersAch. 1Ach. 2Ach. 3Ach. 4Ach. 5.1

Most of these 8 are from India, and all of these verifications had the highest rating "RATE 3"

Steemit Crypto Academy

Here let's see how these users who made it to the cryptoacademy in past seasons did and see if there is anything else in common.


Fixed Courses S4Prof. ReviewerRate
Taks 1 dilchamo8.5/10
Taks 4 nane15plagio
Taks 5 nane156.5/10
Taks 6 dilchamo9.6/10
Taks 7 dilchamo9.8/10
Taks 8 dilchamo9.5/10
Taks 9 dilchamo9.4/10
Taks 10 dilchamo9.7/10


Fixed Courses S5Prof. ReviewerRate
Taks 1 dilchamo9.7/10
Taks 2 dilchamo9.7/10
Taks 3 dilchamo10/10
Taks 4 dilchamo10/10
Taks 5 shemul218.6/10
Taks 6 dilchamo9.8/10
Taks 7 dilchamo9.6/10
Taks 8 dilchamo9.5/10
Taks 9 dilchamo9.6/10
Taks 10 dilchamo10/10


Fixed Courses S5Prof. ReviewerRate
Taks 1 dilchamo8.8/10
Taks 2 dilchamo9.6/10
Taks 3 dilchamo9/10
Taks 4 dilchamo9.6/10
Taks 5 dilchamo9.5/10
Taks 6 dilchamo10/10
Taks 7 dilchamo9.6/10
Taks 8 dilchamo9.6/10
Taks 9 dilchamo9.6/10
Taks 10 dilchamo10/10


Fixed Courses S5Prof. ReviewerRate
Taks 1 dilchamo9.7/10
Taks 2 dilchamo9.6/10
Taks 3 dilchamo9.6/10
Taks 4 dilchamo9.5/10
Taks 5 dilchamo9.5/10
Taks 6 dilchamo9.7/10
Taks 7 dilchamo9.6/10
Taks 8 dilchamo9.6/10
Taks 9 dilchamo9.6/10
Taks 10 dilchamo9.6/10


Fixed Courses S5Prof. ReviewerRate
Taks 1 shemul218.8/10
Taks 2 shemul218.2/10
Taks 3 shemul218/10
Taks 4 shemul217.6/10
Taks 5 shemul216/10
Taks 6 dilchamo9.6/10
Taks 7 dilchamo9.5/10
Taks 8 dilchamo9/10
Taks 9 dilchamo9/10
Taks 10 dilchamo10/10


Fixed Courses S5Prof. ReviewerRate
Taks 4 dilchamo10/10
Taks 5 dilchamo9.6/10
Taks 6 dilchamo9.5/10
Taks 7 dilchamo9.6/10
Taks 8 dilchamo9.8/10
Taks 9 dilchamo10/10
Taks 10 dilchamo10/10

As you can see only 6 out of 8 associated users made it to the cryptoacademy for the fixed beginner courses, including @angelniro.

Did you see what is in common? Coincidentally that commonality is also in this curation team using sc05. Coincidentally these users had a prompt response (6-8 minutes) of verification and grading on most of their "uncommon" assignments.

Not to point fingers. I hope this brief investigation and summary bears fruit, and that everyone can see it so that they know that there is nothing hidden and that in the blockchain everything is usually known.

cc. @adeljose @inspiracion @papi.mati @steemcurator01 @steemcurator02 @steemitblog @sapwood @endingplagiarism @endplagiarism04 @ac-cheetah @kouba01

 2 years ago 

I am shocked by your investigation. You're great! It is a pity that the comment cannot be resteemed. I would like @the-gorilla to take a look at it.

I took a look, wrote a long reply and decided it best if I delete it. Instead choosing this shorter version.

As you know, I've informed Joanna (who selects the Crypto Academy Professors) before that this scam is happening. She chose to believe "The Professor" through fear of being embarrassed that a Professsor she had selected was scamming the platform. The addition of steemcurator05 makes the evidence so overwhelming, I'd like to think that there will be some consequence. But I won't hold my breath.

@saracampero - At some point in the future (if you're interested), I'll share the "excuse" which Joanna believed. I won't share it now for obvious reasons.

So it's disappointing to see that another professor is partaking in the same scam. But sadly, it doesn't come as a surprise.

 2 years ago (edited)

I understand, but I do not intend to use more time in this case, I have already wasted a lot of time, which possibly will harm me.

In my profile and in all my publications are the details of my discord, telegram, whatsapp, at the bottom... WRITE ME

 2 years ago 

I decided to make a comment because I am not looking for rewards for it, even though it took me hours. I just want Steemit's resources to be used in an honest and fair way, especially that the rewards go to the users who are committed to make independent and generate quality. I do not tolerate dishonesty.

 2 years ago 

I do not tolerate dishonesty.

So you are the heart of Steemit that keeps him from dying:) Today you got another fan (me).

Every day I meet people who abuse with the help of bid bots. But the steemcurator account abuse I see only a second time.

Thank you for your work.

 2 years ago 

@saracampero - thank you for this investigation.

As suggested in our initial comment we had some doubts about some of the posts selected.

Your investigation has reinforced those doubts.

@kouba01 - please remove the @steemcurator05 votes given 'in error', and review all the other votes given in the past 7 days.

Please let us know what steps will be taken to ensure this sort of situation will not happen again.

Pienso que deberían de tomar acciones más severas. La centralización de los votos y estas cosas están haciendo mucho daño.

I think they should take more severe action. The centralization of votes and these things are doing a lot of damage.

En muchas publicaciones de feedback de la criptoacademia se dio como una voz unisona, que se debería de tener una opción de revisión de una nota de tareas porque se da muchos casos que tareas que no cumplir con el nivel tienen notas de 10, con respecto a otras que si son ejemplares.

Ahora ya veo porque es que esta ocurriendo esta situación de usuarios que sacan super notas, mientras que muchos son duramente calificados, es simplemente el voto extra que brinda @steemcurator01 a las mejores calificaciones.

Amiga artista de steemit jajajaja siempre te he llamado así, hoy te aplaudo esta investigación que hiciste, creo que saca a la luz poco de lo mucho que ocurre.

Con respecto a las cuentas curadoras, tanto en mis comentarios y en mi postulación lo dije y lo mantengo, estamos en una centralización despiadada de los votos, steemit dejo de ser atractiva a nuevos ingresos porque el apoyo nunca llega y si estas cuentas curadoras necesitaban de sangre nueva, necesitan de personas que realmente distribuyan los votos de manera justa y equitativa, que más usuarios puedan sentirse apoyados.

Confirmado en estos momentos estamos viendo más de lo mismo.

In many cryptoacademy feedback posts it was given as a unisone voice, that there should be an option to review an assignment grade because there are many cases that assignments that do not meet the level have grades of 10, with respect to others that are exemplary.

Now I see why this situation of users who get super grades, while many are harshly graded, is simply the extra vote that provides @steemcurator01 to the best grades.

Friend steemit artist hahahahaha I have always called you that, today I applaud you for this research you did, I think it brings to light little of how much is going on.

Regarding the curator accounts, both in my comments and in my post I said it and I maintain it, we are in a ruthless centralization of votes, steemit stopped being attractive to new income because the support never comes and if these curator accounts needed new blood, they need people who really distribute the votes fairly and equitably, that more users can feel supported.

Confirmed at the moment we are seeing more of the same.

Es verdaderamente lamentable que este tipo de cosas estén sucediendo y peor aún que no se haga nada al respecto, sino por el contrario quienes se están beneficiando salen más beneficiados y quienes toman acción en sacar a relucir lo que está pasando es quien mas afectado sale.

Ojalá que todas la cuentas curadadoras incluyendo las más grandes, realmente se tomen el tiempo de realizar estas investigaciones, antes de repartir votos desmesuradamente a quienes NO lo merecen, dejando así por fuera a quienes desde hace mucho tiempo están comprometidos con la plataforma!

Impresionante @saracampero, excelente trabajo de investigación 👏👏👏

 2 years ago (edited)

This is quite tedious work, as you have said, not everyone has the patience to do it. And even more so sometimes we don't have the character to confront the results.

But investigating entails taking the necessary measures to face the facts. And that the investigations do not remain only in that.

I think that's the unpleasant part of this job. Assume the consequences, because it concerns us all.

For my part I have been taking the necessary measures, it is the part of the responsibility that corresponds to us.

I hope it is not taken personally as the people involved have been appreciated and respected by all. I mean, I'm sad that this is happening, but in a sensible way, we can only take the necessary measures to prevent this from happening again.

That is to say: It is nothing personal if we should change the labels. We just do our job. I hope this can be understood.

We do not have moral superiority nor do we judge, we just work, for my part I say it.

Thank you very much @saracampero for this contribution.

 2 years ago 

Wow... How can you do all this, I really enjoyed this great show

Alright, I'll be looking forward to even more great shows

 2 years ago (edited)

I have skills and knowledge from way back, what I don't have is time, and doing this research takes a long time.

ok dear honey.

 2 years ago 

Unfortunately, many real accounts just disappear because they don't get support, but these farmers actually get income in a very easy way.

ah... forget it so it won't be a gossip

 2 years ago 

Unfortunately, many real accounts just disappear because they don't get support, but these farmers actually get income in a very easy way.

Haha.. Maybe it will become a hot gossip when a genius @saracampero peels deeper

I'm heart broken😥.
@dilchamo was my favourite Professor😭😭😭. Whhhy😫

 2 years ago (edited)

Greetings friend @saracampero.

It is unfortunate how they use the resources of the Steemit team, irresponsibly.

Let's hope that everything gets back on track.

 2 years ago 

Very unfortunate friend, unbelievable and there is still more evidence, I'm just waiting for some reaction against it.

It was necessary to say it, it is not only to find the garbage, it is also necessary to find who produces it.

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

I said the same thing when I identified the pattern.

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

@saracampero, Thank you good your effort of investigation we will also look in this issue.

 2 years ago 

It is more than evident, there is nothing to check, I hope you have nothing to do with this, because I have a lot of admiration for you and I would be very sad.

You still haven't removed the upvote of sc05, why not?

 2 years ago 

My relationship to the subject is like that of earth and sky, it's just that I took time to contact her and make a final decision that I will not regret. It's already done.

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