Blockchain Wallet (Types, Uses, Installation), Steemit Crypto Academy Season 4, Homework Post for Task 9

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago

Steemit Crypto Academy Season 4 Blockchain Wallet (Types, Uses, Installation), Task 9.png

(1)How do you store / protect your keys? What are the different forms of private key (examples / screenshot)? Download and install TronLink Wallet (Android / iOS / Extension)? How is the key saved (Hint: write it down in a notepad, demonstrate with examples)? With what key shape are you comfortable handling your TronLink wallet? Include screenshots and hide / blur sensitive information.

How do you store / protect your keys?

After creating an account on a website, be it a social network, banking system or Blockchain Wallet or simply when making a password change either due to loss or security, when I obtain the password or key I can save it in A folder if there are several, or in a TX notepad, an Excel document and at other times I take a screenshot, it all depends on the level and use of the security key.

Send the document or screenshot where I save the password or key to my Gmail email and later forward it to another Gmail email of my property for exclusive use to save my security keys.

Use the Google password manager to save the keys and passwords which I consider to be very safe and very useful if we give it the correct use. It is important to emphasize that I use this manager for frequently used keys and passwords and that they do not imply such a high level of security, the most important keys are written in a journal that only my wife and I have access to.

What are the different forms of private key (examples / screenshot)?

Among the different forms of private keys we have: Private key, mnemonic key and key store file key.

  • Private key :

The private key or private key is of great importance, it is a main key and is represented with alphanumeric characters and is born from a cryptographic process, this secret key generates a public key forming a system with two keys (Private and Public), This asymmetry provides a high level of security due to its difficulty in calculating.

This key allows us to enter our Blockchain wallet and be able to carry out transactions or save our assets with permanent security.


  • Mnemonic key:

The mnemonic key or mnemonic phrase is based on a memorization technique by mental association of the information allowing more easily the retention of data, becoming part of our memory, this key has the same functions as the private key with the difference that its use is easier.

Today, a large number of digital currency wallets use the mnemonic phrase which is easy to use, easy to understand and easy for people to memorize. Mnemonic phrases are generated from 12, 15, 18, 21, 24 words.
It is important to emphasize that this form of key has the same number quantities as the hexadecimal private key in its codes, only that it is expressed with another writing (combination of words).

WhatsApp Image 2021-10-19 at 7.03.16 PM.jpeg

  • Keystore file (JSON file).

First of all, I must say that the keystore file is another form of private key, differentiating itself from the other forms by requiring that a private password configured by the user be generated, in this way an encrypted version of the JSON format of our key is obtained. gated with a higher level of security.

It is important when creating the password that it be unique and not repeated in your keys with a high level of difficulty so that you can have permanent security.


Download and install TronLink Wallet (Android / iOS / Extension)

I am going to download the TronLink Wallet as an extension of my Microsoft Edge browser as follows:

Go to Then click on Browser Extension



Click on Add to chrome.


Then set a password.


Then set a user name.


Then you will have the mnemonic phrase as in this image. write is somewhere and replace the words in order.


Then you will get the Tron link wallet.

With what key shape are you comfortable handling your TronLink wallet? Include screenshots and hide / blur sensitive information.)

The experience I have with the different Wallet Blockchain tells me that the mnemonic key gives me a lot of comfort and permanent security, it is very easy to turn on the words in the form of a sentence, this type of key for me to think is the best I have seen.

WhatsApp Image 2021-10-19 at 7.03.16 PM.jpeg

I finish this work with a great learning about this topic as important as the security of our keys, where every day I improve my techniques for safeguarding my secret keys. The Wallet Blockchain system is very interesting when you create them, they generate your private key and that is where your public key is born.


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