The Food Diary Game | Season 2 | 07-10-2021 | sfcharity50pc | Time to go vegan (for a little while)

in SteemFoods3 years ago

Hi, dear Steemians and SteemFoodies!

It's my DAY 7 in the Second Season of the Food Diary Game. It's Thursday, and I had enough time to make some hallacas. Only that these ones were vegan.

I share this post in English, from the #SteemFoods community, led by @steemitfoods and @alikoc07 on the occasion of the Second Season of the Food Diary Game.

50% of the rewards from this post will go to @sf-charity, in order for me to help more families benefit from medicine and food.



First morning coffee. Black and sugarless to start my busy day with energy.

I ground some coffee beans. I used Della Nonna. It was as good as always. Loved it. Woke me up.


An hour later or so, I made breakfast. I mixed cornmeal and oats to make the dough of my arepas. Also, I used yesterday's leftover salad.




We were not able to have lunch as we usually do because we were busy with our jobs.

I mixed fruit, yogurt and some honey. It was actually delicious and we were satisfied.

I used one green apple and one golden delicious, one tangerine, and two bananas. It was fine that we had only a little "lunch"; otherwise, I waS going to feel sick. Too many things to do. We'd be really hungry in the evening, though.


SteemitFoods released its Contest 34 this morning, and the theme was vegan food. I've been meaning to make some hallacas, so I thought, why not?! Vegan hallacas it is.


We ate them with so much pleasure. We didn't miss the meat. I'll publish my recipe soon, most likely on Saturday, for I have a lot of work tomorrow. Gotta travel .

However, I can tell you that I used chickpeas for the stew, among other ingredients I'll tell you soon. As for the rest, I kept to my original recipe for hallacas. It is customary that every family has its own traditional recipe for hallacas.


I took out my bottle of ponsigue rum and had some shots as I fixed the hallacas stew. It is delicious; tender, not too sweet, and with a moderate aroma of ponsigue. Really, really nice.


Finally, Strees Therapy for Night Owls


And this is what happens when you don't have lunch as you should. The cravings.

As always, I say goodbye wishing you all the best. See yoo in my next entry.


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Some of my most recent recipes on #SteemFoods

Algunas de mis recetas más recientes en #SteemFoods

Gofres de auyama



Tarta rústica con crema bávara



Penne con carne y vegetales salteados



Crepes con crema pastelera de chocolate oscuro Savoy de Nestlé



Postre cremoso de limón


Pimentones rojos con relleno clásico de arroz y carne molida, con una vuelta de sabor extra


SteemFoods Contest -23-| Homemade Delicious Ice Cream Recipe | Helado casero cremoso de piña con base de arroz



 3 years ago 

Amiga que rico debe de ser las hallacas asi , yo disfruto mucho de los vegetales voy los granos . Pienso que son exelente opción

 3 years ago 

Realmente habría que incorporar unos días veganos en la dieta, para limpiar las arterias y hasta el espíritu 😆 Saludos y gracias por la visita, @joanac 🥰

 3 years ago 

Increíble comer Hallacas en este estilo, cuando estamos acostumbrados al cochino 🐷🐷 y tienes razón hay cuidar nuestra salud y comer saludable.

 3 years ago 

Una vez comí yuca guisada con alcaparras en casa de unos amigos vegetarianos. Creo que la haré pronto. Es bueno consumir más verduras. Pero no creo que me vuelva vegetariana ni vegana. Tal vez a los 90, si llego 😆
Saludos y gracias por la visita, @alicargofer 🥰

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