THE DIARY GAME: 06/08/2020: Practice Time And Running Errands.


Dear Diary
Today it’s Thursday.
A very sunny and beautiful day. Waking up today was pretty easy and simple because I slept so well last night.
As usual in the morning, my routines are the same, say a little prayer, drink some water, use the toilet and workout or other times just have my bath and face the activities of the day squarely.

But today was time to workout alone, I really enjoy spending time alone. I just love the idea of stretching my body, listening to good music and my inner thoughts.
It’s really my kind of thing but, not to say I don’t enjoy other people’s company I do too.
Today workout was as the body leads, I was in tune with my body so I just flowed and worked out as easy as I could.

(Me practicing a simple forward fold)

I didn’t want to be too intense today because I had a lot of errands to run and I didn’t want to feel too tired.
Worked out for like 90minutes in total, took a shower and had breakfast before heading out to check on my grandpa.
I needed to run an errand for him and I needed his direction and instruction on how to go about it.

It was at about 11:21am when I finished with my grandpa and I went back home.
For the time being I went back to my crochet project to work on my blanket while I watched TV.

(Blanket is almost ready, needs 5 more squares to finish)

At 1:45pm I stepped out to go check on my boyfriend who has been sick since Monday.
Apparently, he ate something that messed up his stomach and now he’s having a fever.

(This is me about to step out of the house)

I didn’t get so much time to be with him but today was free for me so I spent most of my time taking care of him.
We watched some videos on his phone and I was able to show him how to save using an App called PiggyVest.
After Lunch he was able to sleep and I didn’t want to miss any opportunity to nap. I joined in and slept most of the evening till about 7:00pm.
Got home home around 8:06pm took a shower and had dinner.
Long but beautiful day...

Thanks for dropping by.
I was invited by @greatness96 to join #thediarygame and am super grateful.
I am a member of @team9-nigeria and this is a link to our post announcement.

Links To My My Previous Diarygame Posts

Day 1


Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

All images in this post are mine.


If I try that forward fold I think I would stay locked like that forever, so I just stick to some weight lifting (not too heavy) and a couple of planks. I am going on 59 any flexibility I once had is almost all gone. Great to see you as limber as that.

It’s always good to workout and find what works for you.

You call that forward fold simple, but trust me it's so hard for people like me. I have not tried it before, anyway.

Your blanket looks beautiful. Are you making it for a client or yourself?

Hope you prayed for your boyfriend.

Have a beautiful day and steem on.

I did pray for him
And Am making the blanket for myself.

I also used to work out normally during evenings. It gives energy to body with less diseases and feel more comfortable

Absolutely!... so good for our health

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