THE DIARY GAME: 03/08/2020: Practicing yoga And staying Home All Day!steemCreated with Sketch.


Hello Diary
It’s a new week and I woke up this morning super excited because it’s Monday!
Monday’s are special to me, because I get to sleep extra,practice yoga alone at home and prepare for the week.
I didn’t wake up on time today, I just wanted to sleep more, but the brightness from the sun wouldn’t let me and so I finally got out of bed.
Did most of my morning routines and dressed to practice and workout at about 9:05am

(Side stretch targeting, waist, hands and legs)

I Interchangeably worked out and practiced yoga most of the morning till about 10:30am, I worked out intensely then slowly stretched into my yoga.
First of all m, I started with some cardio routines by doing jumping jacks, side kicks and standing ab crunches! It just helps to increase my heart rate and get my body warmed.

(Hip opening stretch in Firefly pose)

The yoga poses I practiced focused on gaining upper body strength, hip opening and back flexibility.
Because the sun was high today, I had to practice at the backyard and then took some pictures in the front of my house, because the sun gives better picture quality. But, I didn’t stay in it for so long. Didn’t want to roast my melanin popping skin.

(Upper body workout with forearm stand)

Later in the morning I had to arrange my wardrobe because it has been upside down all weekend.Honestly at this time I was completely exhausted and tired. I just decided to have some ginger tea while arranging, and it just helped me feel better and a little chilled.
After taking care of that, I had my bath, had breakfast and just relaxed.

At noon I continued with my crochet project because am trying to get it done by this weekend.
Later in the afternoon my Uncle came over to the house, it’s been awhile since we talked about stuffs.
We had some good and deep conversations about life, relationships and morals in general.
My uncle is a very cool person and I feel so comfortable around him that we can talk about anything.

(New Crochet patterns I made today for the blankets)

By evening I was tired from crocheting and being indoors all day ,so I took a walk to my backyard and came back to the room.
Had dinner and took my bath.
Funny how I feel so tired when I didn’t go to work today.

Thanks for dropping by.
I was invited by @greatness96 to join #thediarygame and am super grateful.
I am a member of @team9-nigeria and this is a link to our post announcement.

All images in this post are mine.


Those are some good yoga moves you got there, I which I could stretch like that. I am still struggling with keeping up with my exercise videos, I tell myself I have other times to exercise as the day goes by. I think its because am doing it alone that is why am not motivated👍

I understand, working out alone can be difficult but,I have learned to be my own motivation and I try to set alarm/reminder on the days of my personal practice it helps me plan and workout alone. You too can try it.

That's nice, I will work on it

What and amazing moves! those are very unique and I imagine how you do that. I believe you are really an expert in it.

keep it up and have a wonderful week ahead.

Thank you for kind words...
Have a great week too.

You are a very fit young lady. You are somehow building some interest in me about Yoga. I like the stretching up styles you just did. I don't I can manage to do any of them. Maybe I will give a try someday.

I like your crochet project. That will surely fetch you some income when they all get done and you make some deliveries to some clients.

Thanks so much for taking part in #thediarygame.
Special greetings from Uganda.
Wishing you all best.

Thanks @yohan2on I really enjoy practicing and teaching yoga, my advice to people finding interest in yoga will be to try it and see how it makes you feel.

You are fit dear ,I can't even left my legs , talkless of going this far you are going ,you are super good . Keep it up we will see your name one day internationally.
Stay blessed.

Thank You so much
Am grateful 🙏

My girl, you gonna stretch like that, i wanna be involved but my bones are urghh!

Trust me when I say yoga is for everyone. There’s one for beginner’s level and advanced classes. What your bones needs are the simple and basic ones.

My oh my! I can't believe you are as flexible as this. I struggle to do ordinary sit up and here you are twisting every part of your body like a rubber. I envy you big time. I guess you've been practicing this a long time. I hope I can at least do a little if not all.

I also have an uncle I confide in anytime I want to share confidential things or seek advise. I understand the closeness you have with your uncle. It's always like that especially when you have a nice and caring uncle.

You really had a nice day though you were indoor all through. Nice diary. stay kinki.

Awww 🥰
Thanks dear, I have been practicing yoga for close to 5years now and I always encourage people to learn and practice because of the amazing benefits of yoga.
There are poses for beginners and advanced levels that will be suitable for beginners.

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