Healthy2018 Steem Contest - This Stewards Of Gondor STRIKES AGAIN!

in #healthy20187 years ago (edited)


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Healthy 2018 Challenge & Contest

When I turned on my laptop a while ago @karenfoster's post Healthy2018! Overnight Oatmeal Breakfast Jars popped up first in my feed. It's kind of ironic because I was getting ready to post my own healthy2018 update on my husband's health, a recipe he loves that I just started making and my personal weight loss update.

After I completed my post, I headed over to hers to read and comment. KUDOS and a GREAT job @karenfoster!

Others who have already participated in the healthy2018 tag are

Here was the post I made. But as I was commenting on Karen's post, my mind started whirling and we ALL know what that means... It means @goldendawne is stewing and brewing up a new contest!

Ever since I became a Stewards Of Gondor (thanks to the generosity and honor bestowed upon me by @fulltimegeek) I have been on a personal crusade to pay-it-forward and assist new steemians and assist my fellow homesteaders.

What Is A Healthy 2018?

It is whatever you want it to be.
See my original post here explaining it doesn't necessarily mean weight loss or dieting. It could be financial freedom, a new career, less stress, etc.

YES- It Can Be Mean So Many Different Topics For Different People

Weight & Healthier Lifestyle

Eat better
Read nutrition labels
Eat out less
Cut back on portions
Exercise more
Say no to sugar more often
Drink more water
Take care of your body more and better

Giving Up That Bad Habit

Stop smoking
Drink less alcohol
Stop spending money impulsively
Stop being pessimistic

Finding Your Place With God & Spiritually

Go to church more often
Pray more often
Ask for forgiveness
Forgive others
Be at peace
Mend that broken fence in a relationship

Financial Freedom

Start a budget
Stick to that budget
Save for the proverbial rainy day
Don't impulse buy
Give to others
Donate money or time

Healthy 2018 Contest

I am challenging you to make a post about what you honestly want, need or have t change in your life to be a healthier you in 2018.


  • Speak from the heart

  • YOU MUST USE tag healthy2018 (post here in the comment section also)

  • Please don't use memes. I want to see text. I want to read, hear and feel your words.

  • If you do post a meal, please share the recipe

  • Tell me your goal, how you plan to implement it and how you foresee the end result

  • One entry per person

  • PLEASE resteem to your following- not mandatory but let's make this steemit-wide opportunity

  • Winners will be announced Saturday January 13, 2018


Grand Prize winner receives 4 steem
First & Second Place Runners-UP each receive 2 steem

PLUS each winner will receive ONE -100% UPvote from me- currently at post publishing time, my UPvote at 100% is worth $2.61

Join Link:
Community Link:


As they say health is wealth and indeed its true. Your contest is indeed a good start for this year when resolutions is at its fresh.. surely many would love to participate and share their different way of health goals. Motivation and inspiration is in hand plus the articles and guidelines that will show up on every steemits entry is really a big help for health and mind set of everybody especially those who needed it the most. I wish to join the contest but I cant think of anything right now. My focus stays on exercising and being healthy for Im preparing myself to have a healthy and normal delivery for this month 'coz I'm about to give birth for my third child. Good luck for all entry's and God bless @goldendawne making this some kind of good cost and for aiming a better and healty community.

Wow I hadn't even realized this contest existed and I made a health post an hour after it. I call these happenstances collective consciousness moments. (they're way to interesting to be considered mere coincidence!) I didn't even learn til just now that I've been made a Steward of Gondor. I am so honoured & blessed to be a part of this fantastic community!!! <3

YES it is quite an honor to be included in the SOG group! I was speechless when it first happened and I sought advice from veteran/dolphin steemians.

If you want to include your post just put the link here and I'll add it to the list

also if you are ever looking for a group, actually a community, of homesteaders/gardeners/self-sufficient like-minded people, I am the moderator of a group here... also the "un"official ambassador to the group.
let me know and I can post an invite link here for you!

Here's my post ^_^

I'd love to joint that group, sounds right up my alley hehe thanks! <3

A sensational idea...

Stop being pessimistic

Dont worry, just read my posts about STEEM and we will clear all that up.

I have been following you extremely closely for the last month or two. Do you sometimes feel breath on your neck? Yeah, that's me...

Oh good....when I have the itch in the middle of my back, now I can message you to take care of it.....

Plus I am glad it is not some paranormal activity stalking me from another dimension.

That is a huge relief.

For me only one thing - DRINK MORE WATER.
I don't know how I don't feel the thirst, but I apparently don't, still it is a bit of a problem when it becomes too late.

I've always heard that if you feel thirsty or feel dehydrated (dry lips, etc) then you are already dehydrated. So by you NOT feeling thirst means you are hydrated.

If you are struggling with frequently being dehydrated you can try having a salty snack, like salted french fries or lemonade with a pinch of salt, which will give you sodium and potassium, important mineral electrolytes needed to keep fluid balance in the body. You will retain fluids this way. If you aren't getting enough electrolytes even drinking more might not help enough as the water could go right through you. That's why Gatorade helps people in the hotter months when they sweat a lot. It's also why they give saline ivs in the hospital. I am chronically dehydrated from a hormone problem which means I'm on a high salt diet. my body broken lol the salty snack with water is a good emergency dehydration measure especially if you're feeling light-headed and faint.

Definitely going to participate - I was planning on writing a personal development article this Saturday anyways so this is perfect!

PERFECT! We are so on the same wave-length!!

Can't wait to read it!

got it- thanks!

oh honey, i am all about this! i'll get something written up over the weekend.

GREAT!! Looking forward to your post!

i used the tag as requested, and here is the post

ooooh great idea! i'll definitely participate in this- i have a few ideas :) xox thanks goldendawne & resteemed!

AWESOME!!!! Looking forward to it- I can imagine some delicious creation from your lush garden!! Or perhaps a little bit of financial freedom! Off grid living positivity!

Yes! Thank you for the impetus to write this! It feels really powerful and vulnerable: here goes, :) <3

Got it!!! Dang Wren... (maybe? or not?) You're quick!!

Hahahha it is me! What can I say, I was at the library LOL! And I was inspired <3

What a great idea @goldendawne! I’ll participate for sure. I’m planning on food prep for the week, this way I’ll eat healthier and save money as well. Keep you posted😊

Perfect timing then! Glad you saw this now!

Awesome idea, I love it!! Such a huge variety of possible topics and so many amazing writers. Thank you @goldendawne <3 great challenge!

If you'd like you can use the post you made yesterday that helped influence this contest... or perhaps write another one.

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